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ClrRuntime, the core of ClrMD


In the last tutorial we covered how to load a crash dump. In this tutorial we will look at the ClrRuntime class, the entrypoint and core of this API.

The ClrRuntime object itself represents the data for a single version of CLR loaded into the process. In the SxS scenario (when both v2 and v4 are loaded into the same process), you can have up to two of these at any given time.

In this tutorial we will cover how to get data about the targeted runtime such as enumerating AppDomains, Threads, and the Memory Regions CLR has allocated, as well as the GC Handle table and finalizer queue.

Very Basic Operations

ClrRuntime implements a handful of grab-bag operations which you can use to get some bits of information about the runtime. The first (and simplest) is that ClrRuntime.PointerSize returns to you the size of a pointer in the target process. All functions in ClrMD use a ulong (64bit int) every time a pointer would be required, but this field tells you what bitness the target process is.

There are two GC related properties on ClrRuntime:

ClrRuntime.ServerGC should be clear from the name: It returns true if the target process was running the Server GC. Otherwise it returns false if the process was running a Workstation GC.

ClrRuntime.HeapCount returns the number of logical GC heaps in the process. For a workstation GC, there is only ever one logical GC heap. For a server GC, there may be any number of logical GC heaps in the process (though in reality, we generally keep the number of heaps at the number of cores on the box... with a few exceptions). This is important because if your logical GC heaps become imbalanced (meaning one heap has MUCH more data than another heap) then this will quickly become a perf problem in your server application. We will cover more about GC heap imbalance in the tutorial section covering heap walking.

ClrRuntime also gives you some very simple functions to read data out of the target process. Currently it exposes two functions. ReadVirtual allows you to read a raw buffer out of the target process. ReadPtr is special in that it will only read a single pointer out of the target process (either 4 or 8 bytes depending on the architecture).

Lastly, ClrRuntime has three static functions for telling whether a ClrElementType (an enum we'll cover in a later tutorial about types and fields) is a primitive, object reference, or value class (struct).

That's it for the most basic functions in ClrRuntime. Now off to the more structured data...


Enumerating AppDomains

To walk AppDomains in the process, simply use the ClrRuntime.AppDomains property:

ClrRuntime runtime = ...;
foreach (ClrAppDomain domain in runtime.AppDomains)
    Console.WriteLine("ID:      {0}", domain.Id);
    Console.WriteLine("Name:    {0}", domain.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", domain.Address);

You can see the modules loaded for each ClrAppDomain instance via the Modules property:

foreach (ClrModule module in domain.Modules)
    Console.WriteLine("Module: {0}", module.Name);


Similar to ClrRuntime.AppDomains, there is a ClrRuntime.Threads property, which holds the current list of all managed threads in the process.

The CLRThread class contains data such as: The address of the thread object, the AppDomain which the topmost frame is running in, the last thrown exception on that thread, a managed stack trace of the thread, the stack base and limit of the thread, and so on.

The most interesting of which is stack walking, so we'll start there.

Walking the stack

You can walk the managed stack of any thread in the process by simply enumerating the ClrThread.StackTrace property. Here's an example of printing out the call stack for each thread in the process:

foreach (ClrThread thread in runtime.Threads)
    if (!thread.IsAlive)

    Console.WriteLine("Thread {0:X}:", thread.OSThreadId);

    foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in thread.StackTrace)
        Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2}", frame.StackPointer, frame.InstructionPointer, frame);


Note that to get the class/function name of a given stack frame, calling ClrStackFrame.ToString will give you output roughly equivalent to SOS's !ClrStack.


There are a few caveats to ClrThread objects which you should be aware of:

First, we only create ClrThread objects (internally this is the clr!Thread object in clr.dll) for threads which have run managed code, or might soon run managed code. This means that there is NOT a 1-1 mapping of all threads in the process to a ClrThread object. If a thread has never run managed code before, chances are there's not a ClrThread for it.

Second, we keep these clr!Thread objects around for a short while after the actual underlying OS thread has died. Since ClrThread is basically a wrapper around clr!Thread, we expose that out here. The ClrThread.IsAlive property tells you whether a thread is alive (meaning the thread is still active and running in the process) or dead (the underlying OS thread has been terminated and thus this thread is no longer running anymore).

Third, there are many cases where we cannot get a complete managed stack trace. Without getting into too much detail here, the process could have been stopped in a state where our stackwalker gets confused and cannot properly walk the managed stack. However, you are gauaranteed the same results that SOS gets in this case, so it should not be too bad.

Fourth, you will notice that there is an AppDomain property on ClrThread. This is the AppDomain in which the topmost frame of the stack is running in, not what every stack frame is running in. The Dac private API is limited in that it cannot give us per-frame AppDomain information, so ClrMD cannot give you that information.

Enumerating CLR Memory Regions

CLR can allocate a lot of memory over the lifetime of a process. When debugging memory issues, a common question is "where did all of my memory go?" To help answer that question, ClrMD provides the ClrRuntime.EnumerateMemoryRegions function. (This data is similar to SOS's !EEHeap command, but contains more data.)

This function enumerates CLRMemoryRegion objects which describe a region of memory that CLR knows about. For each memory region enumerated you can get the starting address of the region, the length of the region, and what type of memory resides there (for example, GC Heap segment, JIT code segment, etc). Additionally, ClrMD also provides some extra information depending on the type of memory region. For example, some memory regions have an AppDomain associated with it, some memory regions have a module (dll/exe) associated with it, and GC segments have a heap number as well as a flag indicating whether the segment is Ephemeral, Regular, or a LargeObject segment.

Not all memory regions have all pieces of data. For example, GC Segments do not have an AppDomain associated with them (as GC Segments are not per-AppDomain, memory in the GC is mixed together, not segregated by AppDomain).

The intent of providing this data is to allow you to do a few things:

  1. If you are displaying a list of all memory in the process, this allows you to annotate certain ones as CLR owned (and what exactly they are).

  2. If you are attempting to find out what is eating all the memory in your process, you can use aggregate statistics of this data to see what types of CLR heaps are the largest in the process.

  3. In general, only the GC Segments (and Reserve GC Segments) should really be eating much memory in your process. The total memory for each other type of heap in your process should be less than 50 megs (slightly more for very large dumps). If something is eating more than 100 megs of memory (and it's not a GC Segment) then that's a red flag for investigation.

Here is an example of using linq to build a useful table of what is eating the most memory in the process:

foreach (var region in (from r in runtime.EnumerateMemoryRegions()
                        where r.Type != ClrMemoryRegionType.ReservedGCSegment
                        group r by r.Type into g
                        let total = g.Sum(p => (uint)p.Size)
                        orderby total descending
                        select new
                            TotalSize = total,
                            Count = g.Count(),
                            Type = g.Key
    Console.WriteLine("{0,6:n0} {1,12:n0} {2}", region.Count, region.TotalSize, region.Type);

Note that ReservedGCSegments are excluded from this table. That's because ReserveGCSegments are just that... reserved memory which isn't counting toward your workingset.

A quick word about Enumerators vs. Properties in ClrMD

As you have probably noticed, ClrRuntime.Threads and ClrRuntime.AppDomains are properties, yet ClrRuntime.EnumerateMemoryRegions is a method (which returns an enumerator instead of a collection/list/set). Why is that?

ClrMD follows the convention that anything it can quickly calculate (and then likely cache), it exposes through properties. Anything which is expected to take a long time to calculate or enumerate is exposed through a method, like EnumerateMemoryRegions. For example, on significantly large dumps, EnumerateMemoryRegions can take up to a few seconds to complete (compared to only a few hundred milliseconds for getting the threads/AppDomains in a process).

The long story short is, if you are getting data out of a property, it's safe to continually refer back to that property. ClrMD will do the right thing here and cache the data so your perf stays good. However, anytime you are calling into a function which gives you a list/enumeration back to you, you should be careful to only enumerate that data once and cache what you need out of it or you may pay a hefty perf penalty.

Enumerating the FinalizerQueue

The finalizer queue in CLR is a list of objects which have been collected and will soon have their finalizer run. Enumerating all objects on the finalizer queue is as simple as calling

foreach (ulong obj in runtime.EnumerateFinalizerQueueObjectAddresses())

Of course, at this point I have not shown you what you can do with object addresses in ClrMD. That will come in the next tutorial Enumerating the Heap.

Enumerating GC Handles in the Process

The last thing we will cover in this tutorial is how to walk the GC Handle table. A GC Handle consists of three basic building blocks: An object, a handle which can be used to refer to this object (without knowing its exact address), and a handle type which specifies how the runtime treats the handle.

Here is an example of walking the GC Handle table and printing out a table of handles and their types:

foreach (GCHeapHandle handle in runtime.EnumerateHandles())
    string objectType = heap.GetObjectType(handle.Object).Name;
    Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2,12} {3}", handle.Address, handle.Object, handle.Type, objectType);

Note this example doesn't do anything with types of objects on the heap. Please see the GCHandles code snippet for a different way of breaking down handles.

Types of GC Handles

Each handle type is either weak (meaning it does not keep the object alive from the GC's perspective) or strong (meaning as long as the handle exists we will not collect the object). RefCount handles are the exception: They are conditionally strong or weak depending on whether the RefCount is 0, or greater than 0. You can tell if a particular handle is strong with the GCHeapHandle.Strong property.

There are nine handle types, each with a special meaning:

  1. WeakShort - A weak handle which is meant to be short lived in the process.
  2. WeakLong - A weak handle which is meant to be long lived in the process.
  3. Strong - A strong handle.
  4. Pinned - A strong handle which prevents the GC from relocating the object.
  5. AsyncPinned - A strong handle used by async operations. This is also a pinning handle, meaning the GC is not allowed to relocate the object this points to.
  6. Variable - An usused handle type. You should never see one of these.
  7. RefCount - A reference counted strong handle (used for COM interop). When the RefCount hits 0 the handle becomes a weak handle.
  8. Dependent - A weak handle. Please see below.
  9. SizedRef - A strong handle used by ASP.NET.

The last three, RefCount handles, Dependent handles, and SizedRef handles each have caveats that you should be aware of.

RefCount Handles

RefCount handles are used for COM interop, and obviously one of the most important things to know about a RefCount handle is the actual refcount itself. For v4 and v4.5 CLR, we have that data. However, in v2 CLR we did not expose the reference count out through the Dac. This means that if you are debugging a v2 process we do not have a reference count we can give you. The GCHeapHandle.RefCount property will always return 1. This means ClrMD always treats RefCount handles as Strong handles in CLR v2. This is mostly true, RefCount handles get cleaned up when their count hits 0. So the only time you would get a false-positive in v2 is if the crash dump was taken after the real ref count hit 0 and before the next GC cleaned it up.

SizedRef Handles

SizedRef handles are used exclusively by ASP.NET to hold onto caches of objects. As the GC marks objects it keeps track of what objects the handle keeps alive. When the GC is complete it updates a field on the SizedRef handle which is an estimate of how much memory that object holds onto. This is similar to a inaccurate !objsize.

Unfortunately the Dac does not expose any way to get the size which the SizedRef handle holds onto, so neither does ClrMD.

Dependent Handles

Dependent handles are a very complicated topic. They were added in v4 as a way to add an edge to the GC graph. A dependent handle consists of the handle address, the object that the handle refers to (I'll call this the "source" object), and a "target" object. A dependent handle keeps the "target" object alive if the "source" object is alive. However, the handle itself is a weak handle, meaning it does not root the "source" object.

Users can create dependent handles through the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable class.

The major caveat here is that dependent handle support was not added to the dac until CLR v4.5. This means that on CLR v4 runtimes, you will know if there are dependent handles in the process, and what the "source" object is, but you cannot get the "target" object unless you are running on CLR v4.5.

All of this is important because if you are attempting to write the equivalent code to !objsize or !gcroot, you must take dependent handles into account. A dependent handle adds real edges to the graph and needs to be treated as any other object reference to get accurate results.

A word about v2 and v4 CLR handle walking

One last note about the Handles you get in ClrMD: The GC handle table data you get will be incomplete on v2 and v4. In v2 there was a very nasty bug in the Dac which causes us to miss a lot of handles on the handle table. We fixed this bug before v4 CLR shipped, but found another (much less severe) bug which affects handle table walking causing us to miss some handles in a corner case. In v4.5 we finally cleaned up walking the HandleTable once and for all, replacing the old algorithm with the correct way of enumerating handles: Asking CLR to do it for us instead of mimicing what CLR does.

The long story short is, if you are on v2, you are very likely not getting all handles. On v4, it's possible that you are getting most (but not all) handles. On v4.5, you get 100% of the handles in the handle table. Note that this is a fundamental bug in the dac which we cannot work around (SOS and PSSCOR are also affected by this issue).


In this tutorial we covered the ClrRuntime object and the data it provides. Please keep in mind the difference between properties in ClrMD (fast, you can keep referring back to the property) and methods which produce a list or enumeration (slow, you should cache the result and not call again).

Next tutorial: Walking the Heap