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Linear Calibration Equations

This section applies GTC to a simple calibration problem [1].

A pressure sensor with an approximately linear response is to be calibrated.

Eleven reference pressures are accurately generated and the corresponding sensor indications are recorded. The standard pressure values are entered in the`y_data` sequence and sensor readings in x_data (data from Table 4 in [1]):

>>> y_data = (0.0,2.0,4.0,6.0,8.0,10.0,12.0,14.0,16.0,18.0,20.0)
>>> x_data = (0.0000,0.2039,0.4080,0.6120,0.8160,1.0201,1.2242,1.4283,1.6325,1.8367,2.0410)

The sensor indication does not change when observations are repeated at the same reference pressure values, which suggests that the digital resolution of the sensor is much less than any repeatability errors associated with calibration. So we ignore random noise as a source of error.

A linear model of the sensor's behaviour is

Y = \alpha + \beta\, X\;,

where Y represents the applied pressure and X the sensor response.

In operation, the sensor indication, x is taken as an estimate of X. The relationship between an applied pressure Y_i and the indication x_i may be expressed as

Y_i = \alpha + \beta\, (x_i - E_{\mathrm{res} \cdot i}) + E_{\mathrm{lin} \cdot i}

where E_{\mathrm{res} \cdot i} and E_{\mathrm{lin} \cdot i} are errors.

E_{\mathrm{res} \cdot i} is a round-off error due to the finite number of digits displayed (i.e., instead of X_i, the number displayed is x_i = X_i + E_{\mathrm{res} \cdot i}).

E_{\mathrm{lin} \cdot i} is the difference between an actual applied pressure Y_i and the pressure predicted by the linear model \alpha + \beta\, X_i.

During calibration, the applied reference pressure Y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} is not known exactly. The nominal reference pressure is

y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} = Y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} + E_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} \;,

where E_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} is a measurement error in the reference. The uncertainty of y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} as an estimate of Y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i} is given as a relative standard uncertainty

\frac{u(y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i})}{y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot i}} = 0.000115 \; .

A calibration procedure estimates \alpha and \beta. The actual slope, \beta, is

\beta = \frac{Y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 10} - Y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 0}}{X_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 10}-X_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 0}} \;.

Points near the ends of the range of data available are most influential when estimating the slope and intercept of a linear calibration function, So, an estimate of the slope is

b = \frac{y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 10} - y_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 0}}{x_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 10}-x_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 0}} \;.

Using uncertain numbers, this can be calculated

>>> u_ycal_rel = 0.000115
>>> u_res = type_b.uniform(0.00005)

>>> x_0 = x_data[0] - ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_0')
>>> x_10 = x_data[10] - ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_10')

>>> y_0 = ureal(y_data[0],y_data[0]*u_ycal_rel,label='y_0')
>>> y_10 = ureal(y_data[10],y_data[10]*u_ycal_rel,label='y_10')

>>> b = (y_10 - y_0)/(x_10 - x_0)
>>> a = y_10 - b * x_10

The results for a and b, as well as the correlation coefficient, are

>>> a
>>> b
>>> get_correlation(a,b)

Using the remainder of the calibration data, we can compare the calibration line with the calibration data points and thereby assess the importance of non-linear sensor response across the range. The following will display a table of differences between the data and the model

>>> for x_i,y_i in zip(x_data,y_data):
...     dif = y_i - (x_i * b + a)
...     print("x={:G}, dif={}".format(x_i,dif))
x=0, dif=...0.00000(28)
x=0.2039, dif=0.00196(34)
x=0.408, dif=0.00196(52)
x=0.612, dif=0.00294(72)
x=0.816, dif=0.00392(94)
x=1.0201, dif=0.0039(12)
x=1.2242, dif=0.0039(14)
x=1.4283, dif=0.0039(16)
x=1.6325, dif=0.0029(19)
x=1.8367, dif=0.0020(21)
x=2.041, dif=0.0000(23)

A maximum deviation (worst case error) is taken to be 0.005.[#Kessel]_ This amount of deviation is assumed to cover departures from linearity of the sensor [2].

We now have sufficient information to define a calibration function that takes a sensor indication and returns an uncertain number for applied pressure. For instance,

>>> u_lin = type_b.uniform(0.005)
>>> u_res = type_b.uniform(0.00005)

>>> a = ureal(0.0,0.00028,label='a',independent=False)
>>> b = ureal(9.79912, 0.00114,label='b',independent=False)
>>> set_correlation(-0.1212,a,b)

>>> def cal_fn(x):
...     """-> pressure estimate
...     :arg x: sensor reading (a number)
...     :returns: an uncertain number representing the applied pressure
...     """
...     e_res_i = ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_i')
...     e_lin_i = ureal(0,u_lin,label='e_lin_i')
...     return a + b * (x + e_res_i) + e_lin_i

With this function, we can calculate pressures and expanded uncertainties (k=2) for the calibration data, which can be compared with Table 7 in the reference [1]

>>> for i,x_i in enumerate(x_data):
...    y_i = cal_fn(x_i)
...    print("{}: p={:G},  U(p)={:G}".format(i,y_i.x,2*y_i.u))
0: p=0,  U(p)=0.00582812
1: p=1.99804,  U(p)=0.00584124
2: p=3.99804,  U(p)=0.00589119
3: p=5.99706,  U(p)=0.00597701
4: p=7.99608,  U(p)=0.0060972
5: p=9.99608,  U(p)=0.00624986
6: p=11.9961,  U(p)=0.00643263
7: p=13.9961,  U(p)=0.00664303
8: p=15.9971,  U(p)=0.00687865
9: p=17.998,  U(p)=0.00713689
10: p=20,  U(p)=0.00741554

With additional information about the typical behaviour of this type of sensor, we can pre-process readings and improve the linearity of the response. The following equation takes a raw indication x and returns a value that will vary more linearly with applied pressure than x. The effect of f_\mathrm{lin} is to reduce the difference between the pressure estimates and actual pressures.

f_\mathrm{lin}(x) = c_0 + c_1x + c_2x^2 + c_3x^3

The coefficients c_i apply to the type of sensor; they are not determined as part of the calibration procedure. No uncertainty need be associated with these numbers.

The pre-processing function can be implemented as

>>> def f_lin(x):
...    """improve sensor linearity"""
...    c0 = 0.0
...    c1 = 9.806
...    c2 = -2.251E-3
...    c3 = -5.753E-4
...    return c0 + (c1 + (c2 + c3*x)*x)*x

Our model of the measurement is now

Y_i = \alpha + \beta\, f_\mathrm{lin}(x_i - E_{\mathrm{res} \cdot i}) + E_{\mathrm{lin} \cdot i} \;

To calibrate this 'linearised' sensor, the original indications x_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 10} and x_{\mathrm{cal} \cdot 0} are transformed by f_\mathrm{lin}(X) before calculating the slope and intercept (this transformation also takes account of the reading error).

>>> u_ycal_rel = 0.000115
>>> u_res = type_b.uniform(0.00005)

>>> x_0 = f_lin( x_data[0] - ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_0') )
>>> x_10 = f_lin( x_data[10] - ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_10') )

>>> y_0 = ureal(y_data[0],y_data[0]*u_ycal_rel,label='y_0')
>>> y_10 = ureal(y_data[10],y_data[10]*u_ycal_rel,label='y_10')

>>> b = (y_10 - y_0)/(x_10 - x_0)
>>> a = y_10 - b * x_10

The results are

>>> a
>>> b
>>> get_correlation(a,b)

The differences between nominal standard values and the sensor estimates can be displayed by

>>> for x_i,y_i in zip(x_data,y_data):
...    dif = y_i - (f_lin(x_i) * b + a)
...    print("x={:G}, dif={}".format(x_i,dif))
x=0, dif=...0.00000(28)
x=0.2039, dif=0.00063(34)
x=0.408, dif=-0.00048(52)
x=0.612, dif=-0.00036(72)
x=0.816, dif=0.00003(94)
x=1.0201, dif=-0.0003(12)
x=1.2242, dif=-0.0002(14)
x=1.4283, dif=0.0002(16)
x=1.6325, dif=0.0000(19)
x=1.8367, dif=0.0003(21)
x=2.041, dif=0.0000(23)

Which shows that the differences are much smaller than before.

The worst-case error is now about \pm 0.0007.

A new calibration function that takes a sensor indication and returns the applied pressure can be defined

>>> u_lin = type_b.uniform(0.0007)
>>> u_res = type_b.uniform(0.00005)

>>> a = ureal(0.0,0.00028,label='a',independent=False)
>>> b = ureal(1.000011, 0.000117,label='b',independent=False)
>>> set_correlation(-0.1215,a,b)

>>> def lin_cal_fn(x):
...     """-> linearised pressure estimate
...     :arg x: sensor reading (a number)
...     :returns: an uncertain number representing the applied pressure
...     """
...     e_res_i = ureal(0,u_res,label='e_res_i')
...     e_lin_i = ureal(0,u_lin,label='e_lin_i')
...     return a + b * f_lin(x + e_res_i) + e_lin_i

The improvement to accuracy can be seen by applying this function to the calibration data

>>> for i,x_i in enumerate(x_data):
...     y_i = lin_cal_fn(x_i)
...     print("{}: p={:0.5G},  U(p)={:.2G}".format(i,y_i.x,2*y_i.u))
0: p=0,  U(p)=0.0011
1: p=1.9994,  U(p)=0.0012
2: p=4.0005,  U(p)=0.0014
3: p=6.0004,  U(p)=0.0018
4: p=8,  U(p)=0.0021
5: p=10,  U(p)=0.0025
6: p=12,  U(p)=0.003
7: p=14,  U(p)=0.0034
8: p=16,  U(p)=0.0038
9: p=18,  U(p)=0.0043
10: p=20,  U(p)=0.0047


[1](1, 2, 3) R Kessel, R N Kacker and K-D Sommer, Uncertainty budget for range calibration, Measurement 45 (2012) 1661 -- 1669.
[2]The uncertainty due to linearity errors can be estimated later by comparing the calibration data with the pressure predicted by the linear calibration curve.
[3]A linear model is chosen for simplicity of use by the client. There is an obvious bias in the residuals that is ignored at this stage.