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Examples using UncertainArray

Example 1. Creating an UncertainArray

The following example illustrates how to create an :class:`.UncertainArray` and how to use GTC functions for calculation.

Import the necessary GTC functions and modules

>>> from GTC import ureal, cos, type_a

Next, define the uncertain arrays

>>> voltages = la.uarray([ureal(4.937, 0.012), ureal(5.013, 0.008), ureal(4.986, 0.014)])
>>> currents = la.uarray([ureal(0.023, 0.003), ureal(0.019, 0.006), ureal(0.020, 0.004)])
>>> phases = la.uarray([ureal(1.0442, 2e-4), ureal(1.0438, 5e-4), ureal(1.0441, 3e-4)])

We can use the :func:`~.core.cos` function to calculate the AC resistances

>>> resistances = (voltages / currents) * cos(phases)
>>> resistances

Now, to calculate the average AC resistance we could use :func:`.type_a.mean`, which evaluates the mean of the uncertain number values

>>> type_a.mean(resistances)

However, that is a real number, not an uncertain number. We have discarded all information about the uncertainty of each resistance!

A better calculation in this case uses :func:`.function.mean`, which will propagate uncertainties

>>> fn.mean(resistances)

This obtains an uncertain number with a standard uncertainty of 16.939155846751817 that is the combined uncertainty of the mean of AC resistance values. We could also calculate this as

>>> math.sqrt(resistances[0].u**2 + resistances[1].u**2 + resistances[2].u**2)/3.0


A Type-A evaluation of the standard uncertainty of the mean of the three resistance values is a different calculation

>>> type_a.standard_uncertainty(resistances)

The standard uncertainty evaluated here by :func:`.type_a.standard_uncertainty` is a sample statistic calculated from the values alone. On the other hand, the standard uncertainty obtained by :func:`.function.mean` is evaluated by propagating the input uncertainties through the calculation of the mean value. There is no reason to expect these two different calculations to yield the same result.

Example 2. Creating a Structured UncertainArray

One can also make use of the :ref:`structured arrays<structured_arrays>` feature of numpy to access columns in the array by name instead of by index.


numpy arrays use a zero-based indexing scheme, so the first column corresponds to index 0

Suppose that we have the following :class:`list` of data

>>> data = [[ureal(1, 1), ureal(2, 2), ureal(3, 3)],
...         [ureal(4, 4), ureal(5, 5), ureal(6, 6)],
...         [ureal(7, 7), ureal(8, 8), ureal(9, 9)]]

We can create an :class:`.UncertainArray` from this :class:`list`

>>> ua = la.uarray(data)

When ua is created it is a view into data (i.e., no elements in data are copied)

>>> ua[0,0] is data[0][0]

However, if an element in ua is redefined to point to a new object then the corresponding element is data does not change

>>> ua[0,0] = ureal(99, 99)
>>> ua[0,0]
>>> data[0][0]
>>> ua[1,1] is data[1][1]

If we wanted to access the data in column 1 we would use the following

>>> ua[:,1]
uarray([ureal(2.0,2.0,inf), ureal(5.0,5.0,inf),

Alternatively, we can assign a name to each column so that we can access columns by name rather than by an index number (note that we must cast each row in data to be a :class:`tuple` data type)

>>> ua = la.uarray([tuple(row) for row in data], names=['a', 'b', 'c'])

Since we chose column 1 to have the name 'b' we can now access column 1 by its name

>>> ua['b']
uarray([ureal(2.0,2.0,inf), ureal(5.0,5.0,inf),

and then perform a calculation by using the names that were chosen

>>> ua['a'] * ua['b'] + ua['c']

Example 3. Calibrating a Photodiode

Suppose that we have the task of calibrating the spectral response of a photodiode. We perform the following steps to acquire the data and then perform the calculation to determine the spectral response of the photodiode (PD) relative to a calibrated reference detector (REF). The experimental procedure is as follows:

  1. Select a wavelength from the light source.
  2. Move REF to be in the beam path of the light source.
  3. Block the light and measure the background signal of REF.
  4. Unblock the light and measure the signal of REF.
  5. Move PD to be in the beam path of the light source.
  6. Block the light and measure the background signal of PD.
  7. Unblock the light and measure the signal of PD.
  8. Repeat step (1).

10 readings were acquired in steps 3, 4, 6 and 7 and they were used determine the average and standard deviation for each measurement. The standard deviation is shown in brackets in the table below. The uncertainty of the wavelength is negligible.

PD Signal
PD Background
REF Signal
REF Background
400 1.273(4) 0.0004(3) 3.721(2) 0.00002(2)
500 2.741(7) 0.0006(2) 5.825(4) 0.00004(3)
600 2.916(3) 0.0002(1) 6.015(3) 0.00003(1)
700 1.741(5) 0.0003(4) 4.813(4) 0.00005(4)
800 0.442(9) 0.0004(3) 1.421(2) 0.00003(1)

We can create a :class:`list` from the information in the table. It is okay to mix built-in data types (e.g., :class:`int`, :class:`float` or :class:`complex`) with uncertain numbers. The degrees of freedom = 10 - 1 = 9.

>>> data = [
...  (400., ureal(1.273, 4e-3, 9), ureal(4e-4, 3e-4, 9), ureal(3.721, 2e-3, 9), ureal(2e-5, 2e-5, 9)),
...  (500., ureal(2.741, 7e-3, 9), ureal(6e-4, 2e-4, 9), ureal(5.825, 4e-3, 9), ureal(4e-5, 3e-5, 9)),
...  (600., ureal(2.916, 3e-3, 9), ureal(2e-4, 1e-4, 9), ureal(6.015, 3e-3, 9), ureal(3e-5, 1e-5, 9)),
...  (700., ureal(1.741, 5e-3, 9), ureal(3e-4, 4e-4, 9), ureal(4.813, 4e-3, 9), ureal(5e-5, 4e-5, 9)),
...  (800., ureal(0.442, 9e-3, 9), ureal(4e-4, 3e-4, 9), ureal(1.421, 2e-3, 9), ureal(3e-5, 1e-5, 9))
... ]

Next, we create a named :class:`.UncertainArray` from data and calculate the relative spectral response by using the names that were specified

>>> ua = la.uarray(data, names=['nm', 'pd-sig', 'pd-bg', 'ref-sig', 'ref-bg'])
>>> res = (ua['pd-sig'] - ua['pd-bg']) / (ua['ref-sig'] - ua['ref-bg'])
>>> res

Since ua and res are numpy arrays we can use numpy syntax to filter information. To select the data where the PD signal is > 2 volts, we can use

>>> gt2 = ua[ ua['pd-sig'] > 2 ]
>>> gt2
uarray([(500., ureal(2.741,0.007,9.0), ureal(0.0006,0.0002,9.0), ureal(5.825,0.004,9.0), ureal(4e-05,3e-05,9.0)),
        (600., ureal(2.916,0.003,9.0), ureal(0.0002,0.0001,9.0), ureal(6.015,0.003,9.0), ureal(3e-05,1e-05,9.0))],
        dtype=[('nm', '<f8'), ('pd-sig', 'O'), ('pd-bg', 'O'), ('ref-sig', 'O'), ('ref-bg', 'O')])

We can also use the name feature on gt2 to then get the REF signal for the filtered data

>>> gt2['ref-sig']
uarray([ureal(5.825,0.004,9.0), ureal(6.015,0.003,9.0)])

To select the relative spectral response where the wavelengths are < 700 nm

>>> res[ ua['nm'] < 700 ]

This is a very simplified analysis. In practise one should use a :ref:`Measurement Model <measurement_models>`.

Example 4. N-Dimensional UncertainArrays

The multi-dimensional aspect of numpy arrays is also supported.

Suppose that we want to multiply two matrices that are composed of uncertain numbers


The A and B matrices are defined as

>>> A = la.uarray([[ureal(3.6, 0.1), ureal(1.3, 0.2), ureal(-2.5, 0.4)],
...             [ureal(-0.2, 0.5), ureal(3.1, 0.05), ureal(4.4, 0.1)],
...             [ureal(8.3, 1.5), ureal(4.2, 0.6), ureal(3.3, 0.9)]])
>>> B = la.uarray([ureal(1.8, 0.3), ureal(-3.5, 0.9), ureal(0.8, 0.03)])

Using the @ operator for matrix multiplication, which was introduced in Python 3.5 (PEP 465), we can determine C

>>> C = A @ B  # doctest: +SKIP
>>> C  # doctest: +SKIP

Alternatively, we can use :func:`~linear_algebra.matmul` from the :mod:`linear_algebra` module

>>> C = la.matmul(A, B)
>>> C