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File metadata and controls

127 lines (91 loc) · 4.65 KB

Access to data

Once application successfully parses input JSON string, LwJSON creates set of tokens in hierarchical order with tree for children tokens.

To simplify data extraction and to quickly find/access-to given object and token, LwJSON implements simple find algorithm based on path formatting.

Traverse object

Valid JSON input starts with object ({) or array ([). Anything else is invalid JSON object. When :cpplwjson_parse successfully processes input data, application may access JSON tokens with simple loop. Every token is part of linked list and has tree organization for children objects.

To traverse through all elements, application must first get top object. It can then loop through all in linked list until it reaches zero.

If the token type is object or array, application must check children nodes for more token data.


Find token in JSON tree

Instead of manually traversing through all tokens, LwJSON implements simple search algorithm to quickly get token from application standpoint.

Let's consider following JSON as input:

    "born": {
        "city": "Munich",
        "year": 1993

There is one John, born in Munich in 1993 and has 2 cars, Porsche and Range.

  • name is string with value John
  • born is object with 2 fields
  • cars is array of 2 objects
    • object 1
      • brand is set to Porsche
      • year is set to 2018
    • object 2
      • brand is set to Range
      • year is set to 2020
      • repainted is set to true as this car was recently repainted

To find the person's name, application must first name key and print its value. This can be done by scanning entire object and check which token matches name keyword.

LwJSON implements find functionality to find the token in simple way. This is done by providing full path to token in JSON tree, separated by dot . character.

To find person name, application would then simply call :cpplwjson_find and pass name as path parameter. If token exists, function will return handle of the token where application can print its value.

If application is interested in city of birth, it will set path as and search algorithm will:

  • First search for born token and check if it is object
  • It will enter the object and search for city token and return it on match
  • It will return NULL of object is not found


Application shall use :cpplwjson_find to get the token based on input path.

When JSON contains arrays (these do not have keys), special character # may be used, indicating any element in array to be checked until first match is found.

  • cars.#.brand will return first token matching path, the one with string value Porsche in first object
  • cars.#.repainted will return first token matching path, the one with boolean value true in second object

In first case, brand keyword exists already in first object, so find function will get the match immediately. Because in second case, repainted only exists in second object, function will return value from second object.

Access array index

It is possible to access specific array index by adding decimal number after hash character, in format #[0-9]+

  • cars.#0.brand will return brand token from first object in array (index = 0) with value set to Porsche
  • cars.#1.brand will return brand token from second object in array (index = 1) with value set to Range

To retrieve full object of the array, application may only apply #[0.9]+ in search pattern.

  • cars.#0 will return first object token in array
  • cars.#1 will return second object token in array
  • cars.# will return error as there is no valid index. Use cars to retrieve full array


Passing path in format (hashtag as last element without index number) will always return NULL as this is considered invalid path. To retrieve full array, pass path to array only, without trailling #.