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115 lines (69 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

115 lines (69 loc) · 3.51 KB


Technologies Used in This Project:

  • Python
  • Pytest
  • PyMySQL
  • Requests
  • Docker
  • WooCommerce

For security reasons, personal configurations are not shared on this public repository. To set up and run the project, please follow the instructions below.

How to Launch This Project

1. Get your own WordPress site

You'll need a WordPress site where you have all permissions and can change/get everything. If you don't have one, you can create a local WordPress site by following the instructions in this documentation.

2. Change your WordPress and Site Address URLs

Change your WordPress address and site address URLs to your local IP address on yoursite/wp-admin/options-general.php You can find your local IP address here. I recommend using the following format for your site URL: http://yourInternaliIp:port/site, for example: This setup will help you with API authorization and docker connection.

3. Verify Everything Works as Expected

Make sure everything works as it should. For example, test your setup by sending requests in Postman:

Postman Configuration:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{yourwebsiteInTheFormat}}/wp-json/wc/v3/customers

Example of Postman

Also, check the database config by login into the db and by executing a simple query:

Database Query:

SELECT * FROM testsite.wp_posts;

Example of db query

4. Fill the configuration files with your site/db info and install packages:

env.bat or depends on your system/terminal. You only need to fill the WC_KEY,WC_SECRET, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD in this file.

If you don't know how to find WC_KEY and WC_SECRET follow the instruction on this documentation.

export Machine=machine1
export WP_host=mamp

export WC_KEY=ck_yourKEY
export WC_SECRET=cs_yourKEY

export DB_USER=yourUser
export DB_PASSWORD=yourPassword

Then you need to also fill the configuration on this file:


After that, you need to install packages through the command. I recommend using this:

pip install -e .

This will install the package in "editable" mode, allowing you to make changes to the code, if necessary.

5. Launch tests

Last step before launch you need to set your env variables by command:

source or .\env.bat depends on your system/terminal.

Then launch test through the command, for example:


pytest -m smoke

pytest -m orders

5.1 Launch tests in docker container

You can also launch these tests in docker container:

Follow all the previous steps but in point 4 instead of:

env.bat or depends on your system/terminal

use/fill env_docker.bat or

make sure the mbtest\src\configs\ contains 'docker': { "test": { "host": "host.docker.internal", it is required to connect into docker container.


  1. Build the Docker image using the command: docker build -t mbtest_api_python ..

  2. Run the startup script with all variables by executing either bash or .\run_in_docker.bat, depends on your system/terminal.

  3. You can find the report in mbtest/reports folder.

  4. Enjoy if you've made it this far :) Any feedback is welcome :)