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Sandbox for getting to know and learn Symfony Messenger component, based on, but run on Docker, utilizing docker compose, with PHP 8.2 + Symfony 7.1 + nginx 1.19 + PostgreSQL 15 + Vue 3. Sandboxes in previous Symfony versions are available at legacy/symfony<VERSION> branches - check them out if you need.

Status: WIP

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
  • Chapter 17
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19
  • Chapter 20
  • Chapter 21
  • Chapter 22
  • Chapter 23
  • Chapter 24
  • Chapter 25
  • Chapter 26
  • Chapter 27
  • Chapter 28
  • Chapter 29
  • Chapter 30
  • Chapter 31
  • Chapter 32
  • Chapter 33
  • Chapter 34
  • Chapter 35
  • Chapter 36
  • Chapter 37
  • Chapter 38
  • Chapter 39
  • Chapter 40
  • Chapter 41
  • Chapter 42
  • Chapter 43
  • Chapter 44
  • Chapter 45
  • Chapter 46
  • Chapter 47
  • Chapter 48

By default, includes xdebug extension and PHP_CodeSniffer for easy development and basic configuration for opcache for production. Includes instruction for setting it in PhpStorm.

Clone and tweak it to your needs. Tested on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04):

  1. Docker version 24.0.7
  2. docker compose version 2.21.0

set up in WSL2, on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy).


  1. Clone repository, cd inside.
  2. Create .env file in docker/php directory according to your environment, one of - dev, test, prod - just copy correct template .env.dist, but remember to define your own APP_SECRET!
  3. Review compose.yaml and change it according to the comments inside.
  4. You can change PHP memory limit in docker/php/config/docker-php-memlimit.init file if you want.

Afterwards run:

docker compose build
docker compose up

After that log into container with docker exec -it messenger.php bash, where messenger.php is the default container name from compose.yaml. Then run:

composer install
npm install
npm run dev
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

From this point forward, application should be available under http://localhost:8050/, where port 8050 is default defined in compose.yaml.

A note concerning Supervisor and Chapter 24

To mimic production environment and to follow Chapter 24 repository contains Supervisor - tool to control processes on your system. It is used to run - constantly - Symfony's Messenger's consumer. Configuration is stored in docker/php/supervisor/messenger-worker.conf.

But since we are using dockerized environment there are a few issues with that:

  • we can have (and probably should) have separate container for Supervisor - but since Messenger's messenger:consume command is integral part of Symfony we would need to include another copy of whole application in that container
  • we can have Supervisor installed in the same container as PHP but, because of the way it starts (CMD command) it blocks PHP-FPM process from starting (only one CMD may be used in Dockerfile) (and this way you are treating Docker more like virtual machine for everything - and you should not)

For sandbox-learning purposes I have decided to go with the second approach and resolve the issue of not-starting PHP-FPM by starting it automatically on docker compose up by using... Supervisor ;) - check docker/php/supervisor/php-fpm.conf file.

And, since it's a sandbox and I don't want to mess with application flow, it's disabled by default - but you can always uncomment following two lines in docker/php/Dockerfile:

  • COPY supervisor/* /etc/supervisor/conf.d/
  • CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"] if you want to try it out.

Running tests

Environment variable APP_ENV must be set to test to be able to run Kernel-/Web-TestCases based tests because Real environment variables win over .env files and this is the case in docker-based environments.


All PHP extensions can be installed via docker-php-ext-install command in docker/php/Dockerfile. Examples and usage:

PhpStorm configurations

Based on PhpStorm version: 2024.1.3

Open directory including cloned repository as directory in PhpStorm.


  1. Settings -> PHP -> Servers: create server with name docker (the same as in ENV variable PHP_IDE_CONFIG), host localhost, port 8050 (default from compose.yaml).
  2. Tick Use path mappings -> set File/Directory <-> Absolute path on the server as: </absolute/path>/app <-> /var/www/app (default from compose.yaml).
  3. Settings -> PHP: three dots next to the field CLI interpreter -> + button -> From Docker, Vagrant(...) -> tick Docker compose, choose server Docker, set Configuration files to ./compose.yaml. After that Service list should be reloaded - pick php from there. In Lifecycle section ensure to pick Always start a new container (...), in General refresh interpreter data.


  1. Settings -> PHP -> Debug -> Xdebug -> Debug port: 9003 (set by default) and check Can accept external connections.
  2. Click Start Listening for PHP Debug connections -> + button, set breakpoints and refresh website.


  1. Copy app/phpcs.xml.dist and name it phpcs.xml. Tweak it to your needs.
  2. Settings -> PHP -> Quality Tools -> PHP_CodeSniffer -> Configuration: three dots, add interpreter with + and validate paths. By default, there should be correct path mappings and paths already set to /var/www/app/vendor/bin/phpcs and /var/www/app/vendor/bin/phpcbf.
  3. Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> PHP -> Quality tools -> tick PHP_CodeSniffer validation -> tick Show sniff name -> set coding standard to Custom -> three dots and type /var/www/app/phpcs.xml (path in container).


Open Database section on the right bar of IDE -> Data Source -> PostgreSQL -> set host to localhost, set user to app_user, pass app_pass, database to messenger_app (defaults from compose.yaml) Set url to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/app.


  1. Copy phpunit.xml.dist into phpunit.xml.
  2. Login into messenger.php container where messenger.php is the default container name from compose.yaml, and run ./bin/phpunit.
  3. Settings -> PHP -> Test frameworks. Click + and PHPUnit by Remote Intepreter -> pick interpreter. In PHPUnit library tick Path to phpunit.phar and type bin/phpunit. Click refresh icon. In Test runner section set Default configuration file to phpunit.xml and Default bootstrap file to tests/bootstrap.php.


Although there are present different files for prod and dev environments these are only stubs - the idea was to create as much integral, self-contained and flexible environment for development as possible and these files are here merely to easily mimic prod env and point out differences in configuration.