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executable file
217 lines (184 loc) · 4.57 KB

ABL OrderForm submit system

It can add update and detele Orderform

-1 send a mail to recipients /sendemail { "recipients":["" ], "subject":"报单提醒系统提醒", "content":"消息内容" }

0,GET /checkhealth check if server is running.

1,POST /login {"username": "abc1","password": "1234"}

2.1,POST /user/addagent add A new agent to DB.

{"username": "test1", "password": "123", "stationname": "S11", "receiverate":0.6, "publishrate":0.7 }

2.2,POST /user/addsuperadmin add A new superadmin to DB.

{"username": "test3", "password": "123", "stationname": "管理3站" }

2.3,POST /user/addadmin add A new addadmin to DB.

{"username": "test3", "password": "123", "stationname": "管理3站" } 3, POST /user/update { "newpassword": "1234", "change_for_username": "abc", "receiverate" :"0.3", "publishrate" : "0.1" } update user info

4,GET /user/mystations get the register stations by me. do not work for agent privilege.

5,GET /user/:country get the register country by me. do not work for agent and admin privilege.

6,POST add a new orderform /orderform/addorderform { "adName":"Hello", "adType":"AD", "adStatus":"Pending", "adBeginDate":"2017-10-19", "adEndDate":"2017-10-29", "publishType":"Monthy", "orderTotalAmont":3000, "customerName":"王致和", "paymentMethod":"Alipay", "receivePosition":{ "stationname":"S1", "currency":"Dol" }, "publishPositions":[ { "stationname":"S1", "amount":300, "currency":"Dol" }, { "stationname":"S2", "amount":200, "currency":"Dol" } ], "customerWechat":"ADC", "customerPhone":"415-478-1234", "remark":null, "adContinue":false }

7,GET /orderform/getorderform/:option There are 3 options for parameter: ex: /orderform/getorderform/search?receiveSationName=S1&publishStationName=S2&sortBy=orderTotalAmont&order=1

search: it has queries, all of those can be use combined. ex: getorderform/search?receiveSationName=S1&adStatus=Ongoing _id: search by ObjectId ex:'5a3088f79a456321b0355808' do not work for agent privilege receiveSationName: ex 'S1' for agent privilege fixxed in its stationname adStatus: search by status. ex: 'Pending' publishStationName: ex: 'S1' for agent privilege fixxed in its stationname beginBeforeDate&beginAfterDate&endAfterDate&endBeforeDate: '2017-08-09'


'all': return all the orderform do not work for agent privilege.

'': you will get error

sortBy sort result by query order -1 means descending 1 means normal

8,POST /orderform/updateorderform

update orderform information if rebuilt is true: checkorder will be overriten, the payment history will be earased. According to the rules, if publishPositions, receivePosition and totalAmount has changes , rebuilt need to be true. If the changes doesn't include these fields, rebuilt should be false.

{"_orderformid":"5a1c934cb769882638bc0d4b", "rebuilt":true, "adName":"Hello", "adType":"AD", "adStatus":"Pending", "adBeginDate":"2017-10-19", "adEndDate":"2017-10-29", "publishType":"Monthy", "orderTotalAmont":3000, "customerName":"王致和", "paymentMethod":"Alipay", "receivePosition":{ "stationname":"S1", "currency":"Dol" }, "publishPositions":[ { "stationname":"S1", "amount":300, "currency":"Dol" }, { "stationname":"S2", "amount":200, "currency":"Dol" } ], "customerWechat":"ADC", "customerPhone":"415-478-1234", "remark":null, "adContinue":false }

9,DELETE /orderform/deleteorderform /orderform/deleteorderform?_id=5a35843e1902021a047cef55

10,POST /orderform/checkOrder/paycheckOrder

add a payment history to checkorderId { "checkOrderId":"5a20e169ee21392b8ca9b1ae", "payDay":"2017-12-01T04:58:17.456Z", "paymentAmount":80 }

11,POST /orderform/checkOrder/updatecheckorder paymentId must exist { "checkOrderId":"5a35854a1902021a047cef6b", "paymentId":"5a35856d1902021a047cef6e", "payDay":"2017-12-01T04:58:17.456Z", "paymentAmount":800 } 12,DELETE delete a payment record /orderform/checkOrder/deletecheckorder /orderform/checkOrder/deletecheckorder?paymentId=5a35856d1902021a047cef6e&checkOrderId=5a35854a1902021a047cef6b

13,develop.js this is where we specify environment variable.

14, db.js where specify database connection config

15, third party tools

  1. install mongdb latest
  2. install nodejs latest
  3. npm install

16, router.js boostrap application

17,modules register data structure