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The Algorithm

Implementation of the IPDR algorithm in C++. IPDR is incremental extension of the original PDR (or IC3) algorithm by Aaron R. Bradley.

Each iteration of IPDR, PDR is run on an instance of a given problem and information from the previous iteration is reused to reduce runtime of the current.


  • CMake v3.8 or higher
  • C++17
  • Vcpkg
    • Installed as per the GitHub page in some folder [VCPKGROOT] = ~/.../vcpkg
    • Inside [VCPKGROOT], run ./vcpkg install cxxopts fmt spdlog z3
  • Graphviz
    • Can be installed via sudo apt install graphviz-dev


After cloning this repository, initialize its submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Create a build directory and enter it:

mkdir build
cd build

Vcpkg integrates with CMake via its toolchain file. To compile, run the following in the build directory:

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[VCPKGROOT]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake [OPTIONS] ..

OPTIONS consist of the following, which are turned off by default:

  • -DDO_LOG=on enables logging. A .log file in the output's analysis folder.
  • -DDO_STATS=on turns on the collection of statistics gathered during a run. A .stats file in the output's analysis folder.
  • -DDEBUG=on turns off -O3 optimization and and enables debug assertions.

After these steps you will find the ipdr-engine executable in the project root.


Use a command of the following form from the root of the program:



  • PROBLEM = pebbling | peterson Select which example problem to run ipdr for. Finding a strategy for the Reversible Pebbling Game or the correctness of Peterson's Algorithm.

  • ALGORITHM = pdr | ipdr Select whether to perform our implementation of PDR on one instance of the problem or IPDR to evaluate multiple instances.

  • MODE = run | experiment Select whether to perform a single run ,or perform multiple and aggregate the results. In an experiment a control run is also performed (which simply executes PDR multiple times) to compare against.

  • Use the OPTIONS to further configure the input transition system and algorithm. See ./ipdr-engine -h.

Implemented Sample Problems

IPDR has been implemented to solve two different problems.

An optimization problem which takes as input a quantum circuit and outputs a memory management strategy using a minimal amount of auxiliary wires (analogous to completing the Reversible Pebbling Game with a minimal number of "pebbles").

Graphs are accepted in .tfc files. Sample files are listed in ./benchmark/rls-benchmarks.txt.

Peterson's Algorithm

An instance of Peterson's Algorithm is verified while allowing only a limited number of context switches (interleavings).

The input instance is defined by the --procs and --max_switches parameters, giving upon execution.


Result files are written into the output folder. Runs are sorted into folders and subfolders based on first the selected mode, then algorithm, then problem and then input.



Using Constraining IPDR to find a pebbling strategy for the input 4b15g_1.tfc listed in the benchmark/rls-benchmarks.txt :

./ipdr-engine pebbling ipdr run --inc=constrain --dir=./benchmark/rls/tfc --tfc=4b15g_1

The results are written to ./output/runs/ipdr/pebbling/4b15g_1/4b15g_1-pebbling-ipdr_constrain.

Using Relaxing IPDR to verify Peterson's Algorithm for 2 processes, bounded to 2 context switches (interleavings):

./ipdr-engine peterson ipdr run --inc=relax --procs=2 --max_switches=2

The results are written to ./output/runs/ipdr/peter/2procs/2procs-peter_2switches-ipdr_relax.