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Segfault with two heatmaps and colorbar #711

dingraha opened this issue Sep 30, 2020 · 2 comments

Segfault with two heatmaps and colorbar #711

dingraha opened this issue Sep 30, 2020 · 2 comments


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I'm getting a segfault when trying to plot two heatmaps with a shared colorbar. Here's the script that segfaults:

module StreamwisePlots

using Makie
using AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout
using AbstractPlotting
import DelimitedFiles
import CairoMakie

function write_data(fname1, fname2)
    nx, ny = 600, 125
    x1 = range(0.0, 20.0, length=nx)
    x1 = reshape(x1, nx, 1)
    x1 = repeat(x1, 1, ny)
    y1 = range(-1.0, 1.0, length=ny)
    y1 = reshape(y1, 1, ny)
    y1 = repeat(y1, nx, 1)
    z_shjar = zeros(eltype(x1), (nx, ny))
    u1 = (sin.(0.5*pi.*x1).*cos.(2.0*pi.*y1)).^2
    v1 = 0.1.*sin.(0.5*pi.*x1).*cos.(2.0*pi.*y1)

    data = [x1[:] y1[:] z_shjar[:] u1[:] v1[:]]
    open(fname1, "w") do io
        DelimitedFiles.writedlm(io, data, ',')

    nx, ny = 240, 140
    x = range(1.0, 25.0, length=nx)
    x = reshape(x, nx, 1)
    x = repeat(x, 1, ny)
    y = range(-1.0, 1.0, length=ny)
    y = reshape(y, 1, ny)
    y = repeat(y, nx, 1)
    z = zeros(eltype(x), (nx, ny))
    u_mean = (sin.(0.5*pi.*x).*cos.(2.0*pi.*y)).^2
    u_rms = 0.2.*sin.(0.5*pi.*x).*cos.(2.0*pi.*y)

    data = [x[:] y[:] z[:] u_mean[:] u_rms[:]]
    open(fname2, "w") do io
        DelimitedFiles.writedlm(io, data, ',')

function read_data1(fname)
    # Get the experimental data.
    data = DelimitedFiles.readdlm(fname, ',', comments=true)
    jmax, imax = 600, 125
    data = reshape(data, jmax, imax, :)
    x1 = data[:, :, 1]
    y1 = data[:, :, 2]
    z1 = data[:, :, 3]
    u1 = data[:, :, 4]
    v1 = data[:, :, 5]

    # Make sure all the z coordinates are zero.
    if maximum(abs.(z1)) > 1e-10
        @warn "warning: data1 z coordinate does not appear to be zero"

    # Check that the x coordinates repeat.
    diff = abs.(x1 .- x1[:, 1:1])
    if maximum(diff) > 1e-10
        @warn "warning: data1 x coordinate does not repeat as expected"
        x1 = x1[:, 1]

    # Check that the y coordinates repeat.
    diff = y1 .- y1[1:1, :]
    if maximum(diff) > 1e-10
        @warn "warning: data1 y coordinate does not repeat as expected"
        y1 = y1[1, :]

    return x1, y1, u1

function read_data2(fname)
    # Read in the data.
    data = DelimitedFiles.readdlm(fname, ',', comments=true)

    # Reshape the data into a friendly form.
    jmax, imax = 240, 140
    data = reshape(data, jmax, imax, :)
    x2 = data[:, :, 1]
    y2 = data[:, :, 2]
    z2 = data[:, :, 3]
    u2 = data[:, :, 4]
    v2 = data[:, :, 5]

    # Check that the x coordinates repeat as we expect.
    diff = maximum(abs.(x2 .- x2[:, 1:1]))
    if diff > 1e-8
        @warn "data2 x coordinate from $(fname) does not repeat as expected. diff = $(diff)"
        x2 = x2[:, 1]

    # Check that the y coordinates repeat as we expect.
    diff = maximum(abs.(y2 .- y2[1:1, :]))
    if diff > 1e-8
        @warn "data2 y coordinate from $(fname) does not repeat as expected. diff = $(diff)"
        y2 = y2[1, :]

    if maximum(abs.(z2)) > 1e-7
        @warn "data2 z coordinate from $(fname) does not appear to be zero"

    return x2, y2, u2

function doit(x1, y1, u1, x2, y2, u2)
    mean_clims = (0.0, 1.0)

    outer_padding = 30
    scene, layout = layoutscene(outer_padding)

    # Plot the data.
    # @show typeof(x1), typeof(y1), typeof(u1)
    # @show size(x1), size(y1), size(u1)
    ax1 = layout[1, 1] = LAxis(scene)
    c1 = heatmap!(ax1, x1, y1, u1, colorrange=mean_clims, colormap=cgrad(:viridis, 10, categorical=true))

    # Plot the data.
    # @show typeof(x2), typeof(y2), typeof(u2)
    # @show size(x2), size(y2), size(u2)
    ax2 = layout[2, 1] = LAxis(scene)
    c2 = heatmap!(ax2, x2, y2, u2, colorrange=mean_clims, colormap=cgrad(:viridis, 10, categorical=true))

    linkaxes!(ax1, ax2)

    ax1.autolimitaspect = 1.0
    ax2.autolimitaspect = 1.0

    cbar = LColorbar(scene, c1)
    cbar.width = 30
    layout[1:2, 2] = cbar

    return scene

if ! isinteractive()
    write_data("foo.csv", "bar.csv")
    x1, y1, u1 = read_data1("foo.csv")
    x2, y2, u2 = read_data2("bar.csv")
    s = doit(x1, y1, u1, x2, y2, u2)
    save("foo_bar.pdf", s)
    save("foo_bar.png", s)

end  # module

This is with Julia 1.5.2 on RHEL:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.5.2                                
Commit 539f3ce943* (2020-09-23 23:17 UTC)                                                 
Platform Info:                                                            
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)                
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7820HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz                                          
  WORD_SIZE: 64                               
  LIBM: libopenlibm                  
  LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
  JULIA_PROJECT = /home/dingraha/projects/julia_issues_and_tips/Makie_shared_colorbar_stackoverflow

The error is just

dingraha@GRSLR18080228 Makie_shared_colorbar_stackoverflow % julia plot_with_segfault.jl
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  julia plot_with_segfault.jl                                                                     
dingraha@GRSLR18080228 Makie_shared_colorbar_stackoverflow % 

Any ideas on how to debug this? Also, if I remove the three lines related to the colorbar,

    cbar = LColorbar(scene, c1)
    cbar.width = 30
    layout[1:2, 2] = cbar

there's no segfault (but I don't get a colorbar in the plot).

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Tried using the official build of 1.5.2, and I got a better error message. See attached.

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dingraha commented Oct 1, 2020

Aha, OK: this issue gave me the idea to add


just before setting the axes autolimitaspect. That fixed the problem. Yay!

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