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Mammad900 edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

addbutton(page, X, Y, Width, Height, text, textcolor, backcolor, bordercolor, enabled, visible, radius, XtextOffset, YtextOffset )


Adds a button to the application user interface.


  1. Page (int) : The number of the page which contains the new button
  2. X (unsigned int) : The X position of the new button in pixels. You can use CENTER or RIGHT too.
  3. Y (unsigned int) : The Y position of the new button in pixels
  4. Width (unsigned int) : The width of the new button in pixels
  5. Height (unsigned int) : The height of the new button in pixels
  6. text (String) : Text to show inside the button
  7. textcolor (unsigned int) optional: A 16-bit number representing the text (foreground) color of the button. Default: white (TFT_WHITE)
  8. backcolor (unsigned int) optional: A 16-bit number representing the background color of the button. Default: dark grey (TFT_DARKGREY)
  9. bordercolor (unsigned int) optional: A 16-bit number representing the border color of the button. Default: If neither text color nor background color were passed, it's light gray (TFT_LIGHTGREY). Else, it's the same as background color.
  10. enabled (bool) optional: If false, the button is darkened and cannot be clicked. Default: true
  11. visible (unsigned int) optional: If false, the button is hidden (not shown). Default: true
  12. radius (int) optional: The border radius of the button in pixels. You can use CIRCLE for maximum possible radius. Default: 0 pixels
  13. XtextOffset (int) optional advanced: Use this if some pixels of text appear outside the button. For example passing 1 means it is moved 1 pixel to right. Default: 0
  14. YtextOffset (int) optional advanced: Same as above but affects Y position. Default: 0


The index of the new button


addbutton(PAGE_MAIN,0,0,50,60,"Hello"); // Create a button with default colors (dark gray background, light gray border, white text) at top left with 50px width and 60px height, with 'Hello' shown inside it
addbutton(PAGE_MAIN,CENTER,0,100,60,"A",TFT_BLACK,TFT_CYAN,TFT_BLUE); // Create a button with cyan background, blue border and black text at top center with 100px width and 60px height, with 'A' shown inside it
addbutton(PAGE_MAIN,CENTER,0,100,60,"A",TFT_BLACK,TFT_CYAN,TFT_BLUE,false,true,CIRCLE); // Create a rounded *disabled* button with cyan background, blue border and black text at top center with 100px width and 60px height, with 'A' shown inside it
addbutton(PAGE_MAIN,CENTER,0,100,60,"A",TFT_BLACK,TFT_CYAN,TFT_BLUE,true,false); // Create a *hidden* button with cyan background, blue border and black text at top center with 100px width and 60px height, with 'A' shown inside it
addbutton(PAGE_MAIN,CENTER,0,100,60,"A",TFT_BLACK,TFT_CYAN,TFT_BLUE,true,true,0,0,-10); // Create a hidden button with cyan background, blue border and black text at top center with 100px width and 60px height, with 'A' shown inside it (but 10 pixels higher than usual)
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