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Designing Models

Collections/Entity Model

In general, any object that is represented in the MiQ Appliance is going to be only relevant along with the context of a particular appliance. The objects in the codebase are designed to function similarly to REST API based objects where you have a Collection object that handles the creation/searching/non-instance functions, and then an Entity object that handles the particular instance usage.


The Collections/Entity model is now at version 3 and is constructed differently to the previous iteration. Please read this carefully.

Changes to previous model versions

Previously, in versions 1 and 2 of the Collection/Entity model we required people to design accomodate certain arguments as the first arguments to the collection and entity objects. In version 1 there was no checking against the order of these arguments. Version 2 became a little more strict. In version 3, the model designer has all of this taken out of their hands as we use the attrs library and subclassing to design a better Collections/Entity model.

Take the example below

class Repository(BaseEntity, Fillable):
    """A class representing one Embedded Ansible repository in the UI."""

    name = attr.ib()
    url = attr.ib()
    description = attr.ib(default="")
    scm_credentials = attr.ib(default=None)
    scm_branc = attr.ib(default=False)
    clean = attr.ib(default=False)
    delete_on_update = attr.ib(default=False)

    _collections = {'playbooks': PlaybooksCollection}

    def exists(self):

class RepositoryCollection(BaseCollection):
    """Collection object for the :py:class:`cfme.ansible.repositories.Repository`."""

    ENTITY = Repository

    def create(self, name, url, description=None, scm_credentials=None, scm_branch=None,
               clean=None, delete_on_update=None, update_on_launch=None):

Instantiating objects

Collection objects should be obtained via an IPAppliance object. All base/root level objects, that is objects which have an appliance as their parent, will be accessible via the IPAppliance objects collections manager.


Not all collections objects are yet available via the IPAppliance object.

See the example below which demonstrates how to obtain a Datastore collection, and then instantiate a Datastore object.

provider = get_crud('vsphere55')  # An example provider

dc = appliance.collections.datastore
dc.instantiate('name', provider)

Filtering collections

Some collections support filtering. This means that the base/root collection can be asked to supply a subset of the information if would normally return using the all() or indeed other methods. To filter a collection object, use the following pattern

dc = appliance.collection.datastore
dc_filtered = dc.filter({'provider': provider})

Automatically generated filtered collections

BaseEntity objects have the special ability to create filtered collections. These appear, much like the collections attribute on the IPAppliance instances. Consider the example above where the Repository object is given the _collections attribute. This contains a dictionary of collection names, along with the collection class that should be instantiated. The collection is then instantiated with the following filter, like so:

repo = appliance.collections.repositories.all()[0]
playbook_collection = repo.collections.playbooks
playbook_collection.all()  # returns ONLY playbooks from that repo

# equivalent code
playbook_collection = PlaybookCollection(self.appliance, filters={'parent': self})

In the example above, the BaseEntity automatically instantiates the playbook collection object with a parent filter. The playbook collection object would then need to honour that filter when returning the playbooks. A collection isn't under any obligation to support a certain filter.


In the future filter names which are supported may need to be defined somewhere to allow unsupported filters to be reported as warnings.

Collection Methods

  • __init__() - This method is hidden inside the BaseCollection object and shouldn't be overidden without good reason. There are exceptional circumstances and these should be discussed with a core developer. done at init time, using __attrs_post_init__ method is used instead.
  • instantiate() - This method is provided by the BaseCollection and uses the ENTITY attribute of the collection class to determine which class to use in creating the entity.
  • create() - The collection object should provider a create() method where appropriate. This method will attempt to create the object on the appliance must call self.instantiate to obtain the object to return.

Entity Methods

  • __init__() - This method is hidden inside the BaseEntity object and shouldn't be overidden without good reason. There are exceptional circumstances and these should be discussed with a core developer.


Below is an example of the usage of a collection object described above

repo = appliance.collections.ansible_repositories.all()[0]

playbook = repo.collections.playbooks.all()[0]

playbook.update({'name': 'updated_name'})