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Releases: Manuito83/torn-pda

YATA targets import/export and other enhancements

27 Sep 09:44
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  • Chaining: you can now export and import all your targets to/from YATA, including personal notes
  • Chaining: there is a new option to wipe all your targets (use carefully)
  • Profile: you can now schedule travel notifications directly from the profile section
  • Browser: swipe left/right in the top bar to browse forward/back. Also fixed an error that prevented some links (forum/profiles) to work properly.
  • Travel: while checking foreign stock, press any flag to access the travel agency directly
  • Visual enhancements to travel bar and chaining target's cards
  • Corrected several other issues

Chain watcher and Nuclear Revive

14 Sep 15:45
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  • Chaining: added a chain watcher feature that can be activated both in the targets screen and while chaining
  • Profile: when you are in hospital, you can now send Nuclear Central Hospital a revive request by clicking a button. This is an optional feature and a contract/payment will be required by them; Torn PDA does not get anything in return
  • Profile: added travel arrival time information in the status card

Target skipping, hospital countdown and other requests

06 Sep 20:16
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  • Chaining: targets that can't be attacked (red status or in a different country) will be skipped automatically. Maximum of 3 targets. This feature can be deactivated.
  • Targets: added a hospital countdown and a clickable travel icon that shows your target's whereabouts
  • Recent attacks: a new clickable faction icon will show you if the target you are adding to your chaining list is a member of a faction
  • Profile: added a 'home' button and displaced the 'events' button to the events card
  • You can now copy to the clipboard the full URL you are visiting in Torn's website by pressing the page title for a few seconds
  • Bug fixes: travel percentage indicators and travel notification times were not working properly

Fixes for loot and profile sections

20 Aug 16:36
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  • Loot: increased trigger options for loot notifications
  • Profile: corrected an issue causing delays when updating miscellaneous information

City finder, notification timing and other requests

16 Aug 18:08
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  • Added a city item finder when you visit the city in Torn, with a list of items found and highlights on the map
  • Loot & Travel: you can now choose how long in advance will the notifications or other alerting methods be triggered
  • Browser: added a page refresh button at the top
  • Targets & Friends: you can now copy the ID to the clipboard
  • Profile: added a MISC section with bank and education expiries
  • Chaining: the bandage icon now gives access to your personal items but also to your faction's armory
  • Fixed issue with alerts not working. If you are affected, please reload your API Key (just tap on 'reload')

Hospital alerts and a few requests

09 Aug 16:46
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  • Alerts section: added automatic alerts for hospital admission, revives and hospital release
  • Profile section: added TCT clock at the top
  • Chaining: added option to monitor your faction's chain while attacking several targets in a row
  • Targets section: replaced target's ID string with an extended information page for targets; also made the faction icon clickable for more details
  • Targets section: search form moved to the top, similar to the current layout in the Friends section
  • Travel section: added current item capacity value in the travel capacity dialog, so there is no need to move the slider to check it
  • Travel section: corrected an issue that prevented travel notifications from being manually activated in some cases

Trade Calculator

04 Aug 18:47
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  • Added Trade Calculator, with total price calculation for cash, items and shares, plus the ability to copy total figures for a quick trading. Also added trades as a quick link in the Profile section
  • Decluttered the Travel section, with the foreign stocks page and notifications accessible through the floating button
  • Changed cooldown countdown to show total hours and minutes

Bug fixed when loading API Key

30 Jul 09:32
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  • This is a minor update, looking at fixing an error reported by several players when loading the API key in Android and iOS. The error happened to players that have no past events registered.

Crashlytics implementation

27 Jul 13:02
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Minor version, with no changelog associated

  • Added Crashlytics to get more information on issues reported by some users when loading the API key

Loot, Quick Crimes, Travel enhancements, Energy alerts

23 Jul 14:13
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  • New NPC Loot section
  • Added a quick crimes bar (internal app browser)
  • Added option to fill max travel items taking into account current money and capacity, as well as a quick return button in the app bar
  • Added energy in the automatic alerts section (beta)
  • Fixed issue with travel bar and timer not updating correctly after the flight has departed