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88 lines (62 loc) · 2.17 KB

File metadata and controls

88 lines (62 loc) · 2.17 KB


See a typo, content you would like changed, or wish to generate content that is missing?

The following path is the general GitHub Flow.

  1. Make a fork of this repository.
  2. Create a topic branch
  3. Edit content saving to the branch
  4. Make a Pull Request (PR)


We use jekyll to generate and GitHub pages to maintain the instance in the cloud.

Jekyll documentation

Jekyll documentation will provide the basics of how the site functions.


Front matter is required and this is a basic template

layout: base_post
title: short page title
date: 2015-12-01
author: Your Name


Front matter is in the following format

layout: profile
  firstname: Name
  lastname: Name
  affiliations: ['list of', 'affiliations']
    username: username

Automated testing

We use travis-ci to automatically build and check pull requests. A green tick will appear for successfully tested changes, while a red cross shows when tests have not passed.


A pull request will generate an email for the maintainers, who will merge or help merge the content as soon as possible.

Local installation

After forking and cloning, setting up the environment requires.

## install bundler to make dependency installation trivial
gem install bundle

## bundler will install all dependencies into vendor/bundle
bundle install

Once the environment is configured, jekyll building and html-proofer testing can be achieved thus:

## the generate target builds the site
bundle exec rake generate

## the travis target uses html-proofer to check for errors
bundle exec rake travis

Visual checking of the site can be done using:

bundle exec jekyll serve -w -P 9090
## on OS X this will open web browser to the site
open http://localhost:9090

Alternatively, manually point your web browser at the local instance