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xtc – frontend development server and framework

This project provides an awesome server and framework for almost any frontend project. It is all about building and running web frontends – and making it easy, efficient and fun.

Hey, how would you like to build websites from clean, encapsulated modules that contain their markup, scripts, styles and even tests?

xtc implements Terrific.js' clever, yet simple frontend modularization pattern in Node.js and Express. It lets you use simple Handlebars syntax to construct pages from re-usable modules that you call in your templates. The modules encapsulate different areas of code, preventing collisions and make hassle-free collaboration possible.

xtc sets up Express and uses Grunt and Yeoman to take as much work away from you as possible. It automatically builds your assets and generates new modules for you. xtc projects can be deployed in a snap. All you have to do is code.

Simple demo server on the demo branch.

Table of Contents


  • Light-weight, fast and hackable JavaScript backend
  • Frontend modularization, modules are included by the server.
  • Nice for single page apps.
  • Handlebars templates.
  • LessCSS 1.5.0
  • Flexible automatic asset building using Grunt.js, with file watcher
  • Automatic sprites generation
  • External, inline (todo: and dynamically loaded assets)
  • Automatic testing of the current page (todo: test automation in multiple browsers, simultaneously)
  • Project setup takes minutes.
  • Interactive generator for modules, skins (todo: and projects).
  • Ready for deploying to Heroku, Digital Ocean or Nodejitsu.

Want more features? There are more.

  • Easy to configure. (Almost) everything in one place.
  • The whole frontend is contained in one folder, called... frontend.
  • Less @import (reference): Only includes what is actually used in your project. Great for libraries with mixins, helpers.
  • Generated project overview lists all views, modules and layouts, with links to stand-alone, rendered source and repository.
  • Lazy routing: just create a new view and use its filename as the URI.
  • Helpful, friendly error messages if you do something wrong.
  • Basic styles for wireframing.
  • Filler text template helper Hipsum.js.
  • Super-easy HTTP basic auth protection and access for IP ranges.
  • Less @import (reference): Only includes what is actually used in your project. Great for libraries with mixins, helpers.

Installing Prerequisites

Like any framework xtc depends on some other software to run. Installing the dependencies is easy and quick however. And your next project will be able to use most functionality out of the box.


Install node using a node version manager. Or download the Node.js installer.

It is recommended that you use a Node version manager so you can switch between node versions effortlessly. Eventually you'll have multiple Node projects, possibly depending on different versions of Node.js. I recommend using n. Just clone/download it and make install. Oh, and before you do make sure /usr/local and its descendants are writable by you. If you're on a Mac, brew takes care of that. After that no more sudo.

Strictly speaking you don't NEED a node version manager. Downloading the installer from the Node.js website will work just fine. If you're on Windows it's what you do.

Windows users

I highly recommend you use [Git Bash]( as your command line. The Windows cmd.exe is just too limited to be useful. Among other things you'll experience problems installing git dependencies with npm and Nave does not work in the cmd.

Install xtc Dependencies

With the Node installation comes NPM the awesome node package manager. We'll use it to first install some command line tools that need to be installed globally:

npm install -g grunt-cli yo generator-xtc

Optional: Sprites

If you want to use the automatic sprites generation you need to also install Glue and OptiPNG.

First make sure you have an up to date Python installation. Refer to the section "Properly Install Python" for your platform, from the official guide. Mostly you need Homebrew and Pip. After that, install Glue.

It worked if you can glue -v to get the installed version.

After that, install OptiPNG. OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size. You may have to manually symlink optipng into /usr/local/bin (or another folder in your path).

Project Setup

Download the latest xtc version and copy the files into your project folder. The download already contains all the local node modules that xtc needs to function.


xtc uses CJSON for its config files, which allows JS-style comments. The files are merged into the app config in the order mentioned below. Any property you add is merged with the previous, overriding default properties as needed.

The configuration files are located the folder _config.

  • config-default.js defines a schema and defaults for all configurable properties. You should not normally have to edit it.
  • config-project.json is where you configure most of your app, by copying over and overriding the properties as needed.
  • config-secret.json is for basic auth credentials, db authentication info, SSL certs and so on. [deprecated: see Basic auth]
  • config-local.json serves to override configuration values only for development on your local machine.

Some properties namely the ones in config-secret.json can be set with environment variables, env vars have a higher priority than the config files. This is the preferred way of setting sensitive values.

config-secret.json and config-local.json are listed in .gitignore and won't be committed to your repository. config-local.json is also listed in .jitsuignore, so if you're using Nodejitsu for hosting this file will never be deployed. Make sure these two files are not tracked by git unless you know what you're doing.

Which config files are loaded and their order can be configured in configs.json. The location of the config files can be configured in package.json by changing the configPath property.

Start the Server!

In a terminal change to the project folder and start the server with node app.js. xtc will build its configuration and start listening on the configured port. Now you can visit localhost:3000 (if you haven't changed the default port) in browser. That's it. You can start building websites now!

WebStorm / PHPStorm Users

There are some things you can do that will make development so much more easy:

  • You can run Node directly in your IDE. Make sure the Node.js plugin is installed and then create a 'Run' configuration (or multiple) pointing to app.js. Set your environment variables as needed.
  • In WS 7 use the new terminal window to run Grunt (and npm) directly in the IDE. Any errors during asset parsing will be immediately be visible to you. If you Just make sure you have installed Grunt CLI globally with npm install -g grunt-cli. In PHPSTorm you'll also need to install the terminal window plugin.
  • Use the Handlebars/Mustache plugin (included in WS 7). It will give you code insight and syntax highlighting for .hbs files. I also recommend setting the commenting style to Handlebars comments once you have the plugin.


Naming Convention

  • use - (hyphen) for pretty much everything: module names, skins, template files
  • 'lib' folders are for any third-party code that we don't touch: libraries, jquery plugins. Use unminified files.
  • Files that start with an underscore are resources required for xtc's functionality.

Routing and Rendering

Express is the server application used in xtc. It is very powerful and I recommend reading through its guide and API.

Below some are very basic examples. For more advanced stuff check out the files in the controllers folder and make sure you look at Express' documentation linked above.

In xtc the server routes are defined in controller/routes.js. Editing routes is very straightforward.

Basically every route has at least one assigned callback.

app.get('/', index.home);

The callback gets three arguments: req (request object), res (response object), next (the next 'middleware'). Pretty much everything you need is contained in the first two. Route callbacks or controllers are defined in controllers/index.js. The most basic callback looks like this:

index.home: function(req, res, next) {

This will render the 'home' view (home.hbs) in the default base document. In Express a base document is called a layou. Here's a slightly more advanced example of a render call:

res.render('subpage', {
	 layout: 'alternate'
	,title: 'Subpage'

This will render the view called 'subpage' inside the layout defined in the file alternate.hbs. The second argument to res.render contains instructions (like layout) and data for the rendering engine. The title property is an example of such data. It is available in the view and layout templates as the {{title}} variable.

Layouts and Views

In xtc the distinction between views and layouts is as follows:

  • View (frontend/views): A view typically corresponds to an individual page with an URL. This is where you include any modules specific to the page.
  • Layouts (frontend/views/layouts): Your basic document(s), typically a HTML document that contains all the things that are always needed: HEAD, scripts, tracking and so on. The desired layout can be defined in each route controller using the layout property or disabled altogether with layout: false. The view is added to a layout template with the {{{body}}} variable.

Handlebars Helpers

You can add your own Handlebars helper functions in addition to some existing helpers. Check out lib/handlebars-helpers-custom.js for examples and to add your own. And take a look at for more info about Handlebars helpers.

xtc includes Hipsum.js so you can quickly generate filler text in your templates. Check out the documentation there if needed.

Frontend Folder: Order matters

A simple but important concept is to understand how the default folders in /frontend are included. Any files you throw in there are included and executed like so:

  • _inline folder: Any style or JS sources in here are available in the files inline.js and inline.css. This is a good place for basic bootstrapping code and dependencies like an asset loader or possibly some initial data for use in a model. Use wisely and sparingly.
  • _base folder: Anything that needs to be defined before including any modules: LessCSS variables, mixins, grids, some global JS code like Modernizr or other utilities and libraries and plugins. You can use Less' @import (reference)
  • modules/moduleName folders: All your module code and styles, basically everything visible that's not pure layout.
  • _application folder: The code that actually starts your app: Terrific bootstrap and any other global logic that depends on modules being available. If you need to build themeing into your app, this is the place too.
  • public folder: Static resources that need to be available to the world go here, including the generated assets.

All these resources are available to your templates will be concatenated and minified (except the static stuff of course).

Terrific Modules

Terrific modules can consist of Handlebars templates, LessCSS styles and a Terrific JS module. Additionally you may use 'skins' to 'decorate' the main definitions of the module. Skins consist of LessCSS and JS files inside a skins folder.

To include a module in a view or other module template use this syntax:

{{mod "example"}}

A module's markup by default is wrapped in a generated SECTION tag, that at the minimum looks like this:

<section class="mod mod-modulename"></section>

The HTML classes on the wrapper serve as 'binding sites' for the module's logic and styling.

A module include with all known options configured looks like this:

{{mod "example" template="alternate" skins="alternate, baz" tag="article" id="foo" htmlClasses="test-class" data-connectors="stats, filter" data="{var1: 'foo'}"}}

This will generate the following wrapper:

<article class="mod mod-example test-class skin-example-alternate skin-example-baz" id="foo" connectors="stats, filter"></article>

Please refer to the official docs at to learn more about the Terrific pattern. Just may safely ignore the part about "Composer".

You can use the data attribute on a module include to inject data (as a JS object or object literal) into the context of the module template.

You can set any attribute on the module wrapper you want. Attributes not mentioned so far in this section will simply be added to the markup. This includes HTML5 data- attributes.

You can enable annotations in the HTML output around modules in the config. The annotation displays the module name, the template file name, the filesystem path and repository URL to the module.

the indentation of included modules can be controlled with the indent attribute using integer values. Nested child modules are indented automatically.

Using the noWrapper=true attribute on a module include will prevent creation of the wrapper element and module annotation. This is useful when creating markup-only modules in base layouts, e.g a HTML HEAD module including the doctype. You can think of it like using a partial but using modules instead of yet another mechanism.

Module Creation

To create new Terrific modules there's a convenient Yeoman generator called generator-xtc. Install it with

npm install -g yo generator-xtc

To create a new module simply type

yo xtc:module [name]

in the project root folder. The module name can be added as the first argument.

Skin Creation

Terrific modules can be extended or 'decorated' with JS or CSS skins. To create a new module skin type

yo xtc:skin [name]

in the project root folder. The skin name can be added as the first argument. You'll be asked to choose a module to create the skin for.

Module Testing

You can write client-side tests with QUnit for your Terrific modules. When your working on a page on each refresh every module contained in the page has its tests run and the results printed to the console. This is very useful to immediately see if something breaks during development.

To disable module testing set enableModuleTesting to false in the config.
To use the classic QUnit display in the page set QUnitFE.showUi to true.
QUnit adds a symbol to the HTML title indicating the test status. To disable set QUnitFE.alterTitle to false.

Asset Building: Grunt

After editing your frontend styles and scripts you need to re-generate the assets for the frontend. You have already installed grunt-cli globally. Now in your project enter grunt. That's it. Grunt will build your assets and also watch all your JS and Less/CSS source files as configured in Gruntfile.js. When you edit them it re-generates the assets automatically. You will have to restart Grunt for it to register any files in new folders though! (This will be fixed eventually.)

Note: The generated assets are written to frontend/public/build which is ignored by git. Every developer on a development team must be able to create the assets on the fly. Committing the files would produce tedious merge conflicts after every pull.

Start grunt with --dist option to create minified production assets in frontend/public/dist and then commit them. After that you're go for deployment.

Static Assets

If you look at config.js you will find that you can define the file system locations of your assets very flexibly. This allows you to model file structures to your liking or to the requirements of a particular backend where your code might need to be integrated.

The URIs to your static assets are all available under the static variable in your templates:

// prefixes
static.prefix // The base URI to the static assets
static.img // The base URI to your images
// full URIs // The URI to the generated main JS file // The URI to the generated main CSS file

The static prefix URI is available in your LessCSS files as the variable


You should always use a slash after a prefix variable.

<script src="{{static.prefix}}/lib/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
background-image: url("@{static-prefix}/img/bg.png");

Inline assets are available through a template helper, like so

{{inline "js"}}
{{inline "css" indent=2}}

Note that you can control the indentation with the indent attribute. The chars used for indenting can be changed with the config property indentString.

If you run the server in production mode the minified versions of these assets will be used.

LessCSS 1.5.0

Less files in reference folders (in inline and base) are included with Less 1.5.0's @import (reference): Only mixins and variables that are actually used are imported. This is great for libraries of helper and mixins or UI frameworks like Bootstrap.

Development and Production Mode

Express determines which mode to use through an system environment variable NODE_ENV which either has the value development or production. Generally speaking in dev mode resources aren't cached so that any changes that are made in the frontend can be picked up. Also, in dev mode non-minified asset versions are used for easier debugging.

You can conditionally render markup using the environment block helper...

{{#env "production"}}<script src=""></script>{{/env}}
{{#env "development"}}<script src="{{static.prefix}}/lib/jquery-1.10.1.js"></script>{{/env}}

Building Sprites with Glue

xtc allows you to automate the generation of sprite sheets and their associated styles. This functionality depends on the powerful Glue command line tool written in Python. Because of that sprites building is not enabled by default. To enable it you need to install Glue on your system first and set the pref like this: enableSpritesBuilding: true

The standard location for your sprites is in frontend/base/css/sprites. If you have sprites that are unique to a module you can put them in a sprites folder inside the module.

xtc uses grunt-glue-nu to execute and enhance Glue. If you edit the Gruntfile.js you have almost total freedom to build your sprite bundles exactly as you want them.

Build Customization

If you need more flexibility or a different feature, you can edit the Gruntfile.js where the build tasks are defined. With Grunt there's almost no limit to what you can do.


TODO documentation

Template Development and Integration Into Other Backends

Node-terrific implements some features to help with template integration into different backend systems.

Project overview

/_home displays an overview of all user-defined views, modules and layouts, i.e. ones whose names don't start with an underscore. The page contains links to the views and modules at /[view name], /_module/[module name] and /_layout/[layout name] respectively. If you add the parameter raw to the URI, you get the pure HTML of that resource without any surrounding markup, e.g:


Adding the parameter solo to a view request, will skip any modules that have the attribute isLayout="true" on their include tag. E.g.


Views can be pinned to the top of the list by adding their name to an array in the file _config/pinned-views.json. The pinned views will be presented in the order they appear in the file.

Basic Authentication and Bypass for IP Ranges

Password protecting content couldn't be easier. To restrict access you add BasicAuth to the route that accesses the sensitive resource.

app.get('/data/:someParam', app.authBasic('user'),;

Just insert the authentication middleware as shown in the snippet above. The argument to app.authBasic is the required username. The username/password combination(s) should be set using the environment variable AUTH_BASIC. For instructions see config/config-secret.js.

You can open the restricted routes to certain IP ranges if you so desire. For security reasons you need to enable this feature by adding the property allowAuthBypassForIpRanges: true in _config/config-project.js.

Set the environment variable AUTH_IP to specify the IP ranges that have unrestricted access to your routes. For instructions see config/config-secret.js.

Note that intermediate proxies change the source IP of a request. Therefore enabling allowAuthBypassForIpRanges also does instructs Express to trust the X-FORWARDED-FOR HTTP header typically added by proxies. This header can easily be forged however.

Framework Testing

To run tests for xtc enter npm test. This will start the mocha test runner.

Differences to Terrific Composer

  • The default tag of a generated wrapper for a markup module is SECTION instead of DIV.
  • Directories containing module skins are called 'skins' instead of 'skin'. This default can be changed however.
  • The overall file structure is flatter.
  • The term layout refers to base documents. For global frontend logic you can use the pre-defined module page-controller.
  • Terrific modules have some additional methods: $$, bindAll, getName. Defined in frontend/application/js/00-terrific-extensions.js.

What xtc does not do (yet)

  • Shared logic (client, server) to create correct state.
  • Dependency management
  • Code and template re-use between browser and server.
  • No client-side rendering is built in (yet), so info below is out of context:
    • Initial rendering is done at the server, subsequent changes are rendered directly in the browser.
    • 'Ajax crawling' support: non-JS clients can get a semantically sensible representation of any page URI.
    • Handlebars templates precompilation
  • Easy appcache manifest generation with Grunt (Coming...)
  • Database access from server and browser (Not that it's difficult)


If you want to contribute and make xtc better, your help is very welcome. Contributing is also a great way to learn more about social coding on Github, Node.js and its awesome ecosystem and how to make constructive, helpful bug reports, feature requests and the noblest of all contributions: a good, clean pull request.

How to make a clean pull request

  • Create a your personal fork of xtc on Github.
  • Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on Github is called origin.
  • Add the original xtc repository as a remote called upstream.
  • If you created your fork a while ago be sure to pull upstream changes into your local repository.
  • Create a new branch to work on! Branch develop if it exists, else from master.
  • Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.
  • Follow the code style of the framework. And use tabs.
  • Run the xtc's tests with npm test.
  • Write or adapt the tests inside the test dir as needed.
  • Add or change the documentation as needed.
  • Squash your commits into a single commit with git's interactive rebase. Create a new branch if necessary.
  • If you have problems doing any of this, ask (e.g. in the original issue on Github)
  • Push your branch to your fork on Github, the remote origin.
  • From your fork open a pull request in the correct branch. Target xtc's develop branch!
  • ...
  • Once the pull request is approved and merged you can pull the changes from upstream to your local repo and delete your extra branch(es).