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The Awesome Computer Graphics List (Update 2023)

Welcome to the awesome list of awe-inspiring resources for learning computer graphics! Here, we've assembled a collection of fantastic tools, books, courses, websites, and projects that will ignite your passion for this captivating field.

Whether you're a novice seeking a starting point or an experienced enthusiast eager to deepen your expertise, this compilation has something for everyone. Dive into the diverse world of computer graphics, exploring topics like rendering, shader programming, 3D modeling, and much more.

Discover illuminating books authored by experts, providing comprehensive insights into the theoretical foundations and practical applications of computer graphics. Engage with interactive courses and tutorials that will sharpen your skills and foster creativity.

To explore real-world implementations and gain hands-on experience, venture into open-source projects and repositories crafted by seasoned developers. These projects offer a rich source of inspiration and learning opportunities. This is an up to date collection for the year 2023.

Feel free to contribute!


What exactly is computer graphics?

Computer graphics encompasses a captivating and multifaceted domain that revolves around the generation, manipulation, and rendering of visual content through computational means. Its scope spans from rudimentary 2D images to intricate 3D models, finding wide-ranging applications across diverse industries and technologies.

At its core, computer graphics harnesses computational power to produce visual representations of data, comprising geometric attributes of objects, textures for surface details, lighting conditions to emulate real-world illumination, and other essential elements crucial for immersive visual experiences. Rendering, a fundamental facet of computer graphics, entails transforming raw data into images suitable for display on screens or reproduction on print media. This process entails simulating light interactions with objects, materials, and environments to engender realistic or stylized imagery.

The term "CG," often utilized as an abbreviation for "computer graphics," has become integral to modern life, permeating entertainment, education, and design domains. Notably, video games leverage computer graphics to create interactive virtual realms. In the realm of filmmaking, CG significantly contributes to visual effects, bringing fantastical beings, awe-inspiring landscapes, and captivating sequences to cinematic fruition. Beyond entertainment, computer graphics finds utility in architecture, engineering, medicine, and scientific visualization. Architects deploy CG to engender realistic 3D models of structures and environments, facilitating client visualization. Engineers employ CG for complex system simulations and product design. Medicine benefits from CG for anatomical visualizations and surgical simulations, bolstering healthcare comprehension.

The profound technological strides witnessed in computer graphics have been remarkable. From rudimentary wireframe models to contemporary photorealistic imagery, advancements have been astounding. Real-time rendering and virtual reality have extended the possibilities for creativity and innovation. Aspiring enthusiasts can access diverse resources, encompassing books, online courses, open-source software, and interactive platforms, to acquire proficiency in various aspects of CG, be it shader programming, rendering algorithms, or scene composition.

Dynamic and continually evolving, computer graphics remains at the vanguard of technological progress, reshaping our perception and interaction with the digital realm. Artists, programmers, and inquisitive learners alike can embark on a journey of creativity and exploration within the realm of computer graphics.

How to get started?

The deep dive:

To begin, grasp the fundamentals of programming, which are fundamental for manipulating and generating images. Delve into a programming language like Python or JavaScript to acquaint yourself with variables, loops, and functions – crucial building blocks for your journey.

As you dive deeper into computer graphics, recognize the significance of C/C++. Widely utilized in the field for its performance and compatibility with graphics APIs like OpenGL and DirectX, gaining proficiency in C/C++ will open numerous doors for graphics programming endeavors.

Moreover, embrace the role of mathematics in computer graphics, specifically linear algebra and geometry. Understanding linear algebra facilitates object transformations and vector operations, while geometry is instrumental in 3D object modeling and rendering. Focus on concepts like vectors, matrices, transformations, and coordinate systems to reinforce your mathematical prowess.

Complement your studies with a math-focused book from the available resources, such as "3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development" by Fletcher Dunn. Thoroughly working through this book will lay a solid groundwork for applying mathematical concepts to graphics programming.

Practical application is indispensable for cementing knowledge. As you progress through the math book, engage in hands-on experimentation. Utilize C/C++ and a graphics API like OpenGL to experiment with geometric transformations and rendering techniques. This practical experience bridges theory with real-world applications.

Venture beyond the basics by exploring advanced topics in computer graphics, including shading models, lighting techniques, and rendering algorithms. Immersing yourself in the insights provided by "Real-Time Rendering" by Tomas Akenine-Moller will sharpen your understanding of these intricate aspects.

Broaden your horizons by participating in computer graphics communities. Engaging with like-minded individuals in forums like Stack Overflow, Reddit's r/GraphicsProgramming, and graphics-oriented Discord servers offers invaluable support, advice, and inspiration.

Learning from open-source graphics projects and repositories, such as PBRT, Tinyrenderer, and ShaderToy, will deepen your comprehension of diverse rendering techniques and enhance your coding prowess.

Maintaining a curious mindset is key to embracing the dynamic nature of computer graphics. Keep abreast of the latest advancements through research papers, conference presentations, and personal experimentation. Embrace the endless possibilities and creative potential that computer graphics has to offer.

With perseverance and an insatiable appetite for discovery, you'll craft visually captivating experiences and embark on a gratifying career in the ever-evolving world of computer graphics. Continuously explore, experiment, and create to unlock your true potential in this mesmerizing realm.


Grab your favourite drink and watch some youtube tutorials or read a book and get an idea of the concepts. If you like what you see or read then continue with a deep dive. When you do not like coding: Blender and 3D modelling skills can give you an artistic deep dive into this world.

Exploring advanced topics

Once you've built a strong foundation in programming and mathematics for computer graphics, the exciting journey leads you to explore more practical and advanced aspects of this fascinating field. It's a hands-on experience that allows you to apply your theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

A great way to enhance your understanding is by taking on practical projects. You can implement rendering techniques like path tracers, photon mapping, and ray tracing. These challenges will put your skills to the test and give you valuable insights into realistic image rendering and optimization.

You can also dive into advanced rendering techniques used in film, visual effects, and video games. Learning about global illumination, subsurface scattering, and physically-based materials will help you create immersive and visually captivating graphics.

Mastering GPU programming and optimization is essential to make the most of modern graphics hardware. Understanding how to utilize GPUs effectively is crucial for achieving real-time rendering and interactive graphics.

Experimenting with shader programming is another vital aspect of computer graphics. By exploring different shader types, you'll gain practical experience in creating stunning visual effects.

Deepen your expertise by studying specialized books on ray tracing, like "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" and "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping." These books provide valuable insights into both the theory and practical applications of ray tracing.

Engaging with the computer graphics community through forums, social media, and conferences allows you to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and receive feedback. It's a supportive environment that fosters a deeper understanding and inspires creativity.

Stay informed about industry trends by reading research papers, attending conferences, and following graphics-focused blogs and websites. The field of computer graphics is always evolving, and staying updated will keep your knowledge fresh and relevant.

As you actively explore advanced topics, your skills will improve, and your creativity will flourish. Embrace this enriching journey into the captivating world of computer graphics, where endless possibilities await your exploration.

Youtube Tutorials

An introduction to Shader Art Coding: In this tutorial, kishimisu explore the fascinating realm of shader art coding and aim to offer helpful insights and guidance to assist you in beginning your own creative journey.

The Coding Train : The Coding Train is on its way with creative coding video tutorials on subjects ranging from the basics of programming languages like JavaScript to algorithmic art, machine learning, simulation, generative poetry, and more.

The Cherno: A YouTube channel run by Yan Chernikov, providing tutorials on game development, graphics programming, and various other programming topics.

ThinMatrix: A YouTube channel by Karl-Erik Tanner, offering tutorials on graphics programming, OpenGL, and game development.

TheBennyBox This youtube channel was my personal beginning of programming in OpenGL. Very informative and sympathic Youtube Channel.

The Art of Code Channel: Tutorials on shaders using ShaderToy, predominantly focused on procedural generation. Very deep knowledge about image processing!

GameEngineSeries: Arash Khatami is writing a game engine using C++ programming language. This channel is dedicated to his process of writing code for his engine.

BlenderGuru: Andrew Price mission is to help everyone learn 3D for free within Blender.

Coding Adventures

Coding Adventure: Ant and Slime Simulations: from Sebastian Lague. A small exploration of an algorithm inspired by ants, and some little experiments into simulating some of the behaviour of ants and slime moulds.

Coding Adventure: Ray Tracing: Sebastian Lague tried creating a custom ray/path tracing renderer. Featuring: maths, shaders, and cats! This project was written in C# and HLSL, and uses the Unity game engine.


"Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics" by Steven J. Gortler is Robert I. Goldman Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University: An introduction to the basic concepts of 3D computer graphics that offers a careful mathematical exposition within a modern computer graphics application programming interface.

"Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice" by James D. Foley, Andries van Dam, Steven K. Feiner, John F. Hughes: A classic and comprehensive book that covers all aspects of computer graphics, from fundamental principles to advanced techniques.

"OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL" by Dave Shreiner, Graham Sellers, John M. Kessenich, Bill M. Licea-Kane: An authoritative guide to learning OpenGL, one of the most widely used graphics APIs.

"WebGL Programming Guide: Interactive 3D Graphics Programming with WebGL" by Kouichi Matsuda and Rodger Lea: A practical guide to WebGL, a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics in web browsers.

"Computer Graphics Using OpenGL" by F.S. Hill Jr.: A comprehensive textbook that teaches computer graphics concepts using OpenGL as the primary rendering API.

"Digital Image Processing" by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods: Although not exclusively focused on computer graphics, this book provides a solid foundation in digital image processing, a critical aspect of computer graphics.

"Game Engine Architecture" by Jason Gregory: While centered around game engines, this book covers important graphics-related topics such as rendering, physics, and animation in the context of game development.

"Computer Graphics: A Programming Approach" by Steven Harrington: A hands-on approach to learning computer graphics through programming examples and exercises.

"GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips, and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics" edited by Randima Fernando: A collection of articles written by graphics professionals, exploring advanced GPU programming techniques and rendering algorithms.

"OpenGL SuperBible: Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference" by Graham Sellers, Richard S. Wright Jr., Nicholas Haemel: An extensive resource covering OpenGL and its application in modern graphics programming.

"Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach" by David S. Ebert, Kent G. Ganev, Xavier Ochoa, and F. Kenton Musgrave: Focusing on texturing and procedural modeling, this book provides insight into creating realistic textures and models.

"Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys: A comprehensive guide on physically based rendering, which emphasizes photorealism and accuracy in image synthesis.

Real-Time Rendering by Tomas Akenine-Moller: An excellent resource for high-performance graphical applications, offering detailed explanations and numerous illustrative examples.

"Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley: A concise and free book that guides you in implementing a basic ray tracer in C++, enabling you to generate stunning images quickly.

"Ray Tracing: The Next Week" by Peter Shirley: Builds upon the first book's project, introducing additional effects like textures and motion blur.

"Ray Tracing: The Rest of Your Life" by Peter Shirley: The final book in the series, exploring more advanced mathematical concepts necessary for building complex and complete renderers.

"Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation" by Matt Pharr: A comprehensive guide on creating a ray tracer for rendering realistic images, providing a solid theoretical understanding alongside practical code examples. It also offers a free online version!

"3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development" by Fletcher Dunn: This book focuses on the math necessary for game development.

"Fundamentals of Computer Graphics" by Steve Marschner: An introduction to essential graphics concepts.

"Ray Tracing from the Ground Up" by Kevin Suffern: This book takes you through the process of implementing a ray tracer, starting with a basic project and introducing new concepts with each chapter.

"Advanced Global Illumination" by Philip Dutre: Focused on the fundamentals of understanding realistic image synthesis, including light transport.

"Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping" by Henrik Jensen: Teaches the math and algorithms required to implement photon mapping rendering processes, and even includes a complete C++ implementation of the technique.

"GPU Zen": A book series edited by Wolfgang Engel that focuses on GPU programming techniques and optimization strategies for various graphics applications.

"The Book of Shaders" by Patricio Gonzalez and Jen Lowe: An online book that provides practical teachings on GLSL fragment shaders, replete with editable code examples showcasing how they function.



DirectX: A collection of APIs developed by Microsoft, commonly used for graphics and multimedia applications on Windows platforms. It includes Direct3D, which is similar to OpenGL in functionality.

OpenGL: One of the most popular graphics APIs, widely used for rendering graphics.

Vulkan: Created by the same team behind OpenGL, Vulkan is designed to provide better performance than its predecessor.


Unity: A widely-used game engine that provides powerful graphics rendering capabilities, making it a popular choice for game development and interactive 3D applications.

Unreal Engine: Another popular game engine known for its high-quality graphics rendering, real-time visualization, and extensive toolset.

RenderMan: A high-quality rendering software developed by Pixar, widely used in the film industry for generating photorealistic images.

Arnold: A ray tracing renderer developed by Solid Angle and used in various 3D applications, particularly in the film and animation industry.

Mantra: Mantra is the highly advanced renderer included with Houdini. It is a multi-paradigm renderer, implementing scanline, raytracing, and physically-based rendering.

Mental Ray: Another popular rendering engine used for generating high-quality images and widely integrated into various 3D software applications.

KeyShot: A real-time rendering software that provides quick and easy visualization of 3D models with stunning visual effects.

O3DE: The open source, real-time 3D engine. Replacement of Amazons Lumberyard Engine.

3D Modelling

Blender: An open-source 3D modeling and animation software that also includes rendering capabilities. It is widely used for creating 3D graphics, animations, and visual effects.

Maya: A 3D computer graphics software developed by Autodesk, commonly used in film and TV production for modeling, animation, and rendering.

3ds Max: Another software by Autodesk, focused on 3D modeling, rendering, and animation, commonly used in architecture, product design, and visual effects.

ZBrush: A digital sculpting software that enables artists to create detailed and intricate 3D models, commonly used in character and creature design.


ArmorTools: An open-source alternative to substance painter/designer

Substance Painter: A texture painting software that allows artists to create realistic textures and materials for 3D models, making it a popular tool for game development and CGI.

Substance Designer: A node-based texturing tool that allows artists to create procedural textures and materials for 3D assets.

Substance Sampler: Transform real-life pictures into photorealistic materials, 3D objects, and HDR environments.

Mari: A 3D painting tool used in film and game production for creating high-quality textures on complex 3D models.

Mixer: Mixer combined with all of Megascans is set to help artists achieve revolutionary results. Texture your custom assets with multi-channel 3D painting, real-time 3D curvature, displacement sculpting, ID masking, procedural noises, seamless texture projection, Smart Materials and much more.


Natron: An powerful open-source Digital Compositor

Nuke: Nuke is the powerful node-based compositing tool at the heart of the Nuke family. Whether your focus is on blockbusters, animation or binge-worthy episodic content, Nuke’s flexible and robust toolset empowers teams to create pixel-perfect content every time.

VFX Editor

Houdini: A powerful 3D animation and VFX software known for its procedural workflow and advanced simulation capabilities.

Bonzomatic: A live-coding editor for OpenGL pixel shaders, where you can see the results in the background as you edit the code.


FREE! Starts Jul 21 The University of California, San Diego: Computer Graphics by Ravi Ramamoorthi, Professor at UC San Diego. Students will learn to create computer-generated images of 3D scenes, including flybys of objects, make a real-time scene viewer, and create very realistic images with raytracing.
Duration: 6 weeks(6–12 hours per week)

FREE! Starts Jul 20 Hollywood: History, Industry, Art Instructed by Peter Decherney ,Professor of Cinema Studies and English at the University of Pennsylvania. In this course you will learn about Hollywood and how it came to be the global powerhouse of today.
Duration: 4 weeks (3–4 hours per week)

Design & implement interactive VR software apps held by instructors from The University of California, San Diego
Duration: 5 months(5 - 9 hours per week)

Explore the fundamentals of linear algebra hostet by Greg Mayer, Academic Professional in the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech.
Duration: 2 months(5 - 6 hours per week)

Explore game development and design held by instructors from Harvard University. These courses will lead you through the most popular undergraduate course at Harvard, CS50, an Introduction to Computer Science.
Duration: 6 months( 6 - 14 hours per week)

Columbia University: Animation and CGI Motion by Eitan Grinspun, Department of Computer Science at Columbia University. This course will show you how to create lifelike animations focusing on the technical aspects of CGI animation and also give you a glimpse into how studios approach the art of physically-based animation.
Duration: 12 weeks( 8–10 hours per week)

Essentials of USD in Omniverse. , by Nvidia Deep Learning Institute. You'll learn about data modeling using Prims, attributes, relationships, and custom schemas and composition for scene assembly and collaboration.

Develop, Customize, and Publish in Omniverse With Extensions , by Nvidia Deep Learning Institute. Upon completion, you will be able to create and share your own custom Extension with the Omniverse community.

"Computer Graphics" by Shrinath Pai. This course is designed to meet the requirement of a Diploma / UG / PG Computer Science / Application Students.

"Interactive Computer Graphics" by Takeo Igarashi. This course will introduce various interactive tools developed in computer graphics research field with their design rationales and algorithms.

"Computer Graphics - San Diego" by Ravi Ramamoorthi: This course focuses on teaching the necessary math to program an offline ray tracer.

"SIGGRAPH University": A playlist featuring popular courses from the annual SIGGRAPH Conference.

"Computer Graphics & Imaging - Berkeley" by Ren Ng (Spring 2018): A course at Berkeley covering computer graphics and imaging topics.


"Graphics Programming Weekly": A website that provides weekly updates on graphics programming, including tutorials, articles, and news about the latest advancements in the field.

"Khronos Group": The official website for the Khronos Group, an organization responsible for developing and maintaining various graphics and multimedia standards, including OpenGL, Vulkan, and WebGL.

"GPUOpen": An initiative by AMD that offers open-source graphics and compute libraries, tools, and resources for GPU programming and optimization.

"NVIDIA Developer": NVIDIA's official website for developers, offering resources, tools, and tutorials on GPU programming, graphics, and game development.

"Graphics Gems": A collection of code snippets and algorithms contributed by various graphics professionals, providing practical solutions to common graphics-related problems.

"Lighthouse3D": A website full of tutorials, articles and so on. mostly about graphics

"PBR Guide": A website that provides resources and examples related to Physically Based Rendering (PBR) techniques, helping artists and developers create realistic materials and lighting in 3D scenes.

"Learn OpenGL": A resource site with tutorials, code examples, and a downloadable PDF version.

"OpenGL Tutorial": A tutorial dedicated to learning OpenGL 3.3 or higher.

"Learn Vulkan": A platform for learning the modern API created by the same team behind OpenGL.

"Shader Toy": A site that allows you to create, visualize, and share GLSL shaders.

"Real-Time Rendering Recommended Books": A list of recommended books on the Real-Time Rendering website.

"Jendrik Illner's Blog": A 3D programmer at Ubisoft, Jendrik posts weekly summaries of articles about 3D graphics, including shader tutorials and real-time rendering papers.

"Ray Tracey's Blog": Sam Lapere's blog, the leader of the scientific team at EPFL Blue Brain Project, featuring many posts about real-time rendering.


Blender: An open-source 3D modeling and animation software that also includes rendering capabilities. Its repository provides access to the source code and development resources.

Godot Engine: An open-source game engine with a focus on 2D and 3D game development. The repository contains the engine's source code and development tools.

OpenCV: An open-source computer vision library that includes image processing and computer vision algorithms. The repository offers the source code and resources for contributing to the project.

Three.js: A JavaScript library for creating 3D graphics and interactive web applications. The repository contains the library's source code and examples.

Cycles Renderer: A ray-tracing rendering engine integrated into Blender. Its repository provides access to the source code and development resources.

OpenCL: An open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems, including GPUs and CPUs. The repository offers the specification and implementations of the OpenCL standard.

GLM: A C++ mathematics library for graphics programming, providing support for vectors, matrices, and other geometric operations. The repository contains the library's source code and documentation.

Magnum: An open-source C++11/C++14 graphics middleware for games and data visualization. The repository provides access to the source code and examples.

RenderDoc: An open-source graphics debugging tool that allows developers to capture and analyze frames of a 3D application. The repository contains the source code and development tools.

Gaffer: An open-source node-based application framework for building and executing computer graphics workflows. The repository provides access to the source code and examples.

Vulkan Tutorial: An in-depth tutorial on learning the Vulkan API for graphics and compute applications. The repository contains code examples and resources for learning Vulkan.

Marmoset Toolbag: A real-time rendering and material authoring tool used in game development and digital art. The repository provides access to the tool's source code and development resources.

PBRT: Source code for PBRT, the renderer described in the third edition of "Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation."

Tinyrenderer: A computer graphics course teaching how OpenGL and rendering work, guiding you in building a simplified version of OpenGL.

Ray Tracing in One Weekend Repository: Ray tracer code based on the book "Ray Tracing in One Weekend."

Fragmentarium: A program for editing and visualizing GLSL shaders, with a focus on fractals and generative systems.

Business Card Ray Tracer: A very small ray tracer, consisting of only 35 lines (minified) and a file size of 1377 bytes.

Small PT: A path tracer implemented in 99 lines of C++.

Marble Marcher: A game where you navigate a marble through fractal stages as quickly as possible to reach the goal, using ray marching for visually stunning effects.

3D Game Shaders for Beginners: A step-by-step guide on implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.


"Ke-Sen Huang's Papers": A curated collection of papers in computer graphics and related fields, conveniently organized and accessible for research and study.

"The SIGGRAPH Papers": The official repository of papers presented at the annual SIGGRAPH conference, covering the latest research and advancements in computer graphics and interactive techniques.


GDC Vault: The Game Developers Conference (GDC) Vault provides access to a vast collection of video presentations, lectures, and talks on various topics related to game development, including computer graphics.

Graphics Programming Black Book: A series of books by Michael Abrash that delves into graphics programming and optimization techniques for PC and console platforms.

Graphics Gems Series: A collection of books edited by Andrew S. Glassner, containing practical tips, tricks, and algorithms contributed by graphics professionals.

Ray Tracing Gems: A book edited by Eric Haines and Tomas Akenine-Möller, featuring tips, tricks, and techniques for real-time ray tracing.

Keijiro Takahashi's GitHub: A repository by Keijiro Takahashi, containing various Unity projects and assets, including graphics-related experiments and visual effects.

Shadertoy Gallery: A collection of shaders created by the community on ShaderToy, showcasing impressive and artistic visual effects achieved with GLSL shaders.

Interactive Shader Format (ISF): An open standard for sharing, exchanging, and using interactive shaders across different platforms and applications.

Computer Graphics Stack Exchange: A Q&A community for computer graphics enthusiasts, developers, and researchers to ask and answer questions related to the field.

The Graphics Codex: A website that provides explanations, algorithms, and code snippets for various graphics-related topics.

OpenGameArt: A resource website for free and open-source game art assets, including textures, 3D models, and sprites, which can be used in graphics projects.

Hacker News Thread on Learning Computer Graphics: A discussion thread on how to learn computer graphics, with a summarized comment for those short on time.

Computer Color is Broken: A video about how color representation and compression in computers can distort the blur effect.

Fun Facts

  • The First CGI in a Movie: The first use of CGI in a movie was in the 1973 film "Westworld," where a computer-generated hand was used for a brief scene.

  • The First Full-Length CGI Movie: "Toy Story" (1995) was the first full-length feature film entirely created using CGI. It was a groundbreaking achievement in animation and a huge success.

  • Realistic Hair and Fur: Creating realistic hair and fur in CGI is a complex task. Pixar's "Monsters, Inc." (2001) was a milestone in CGI hair animation, showcasing incredibly detailed and lifelike fur.

  • Water Simulation Challenges: Simulating realistic water in CGI is notoriously difficult and computationally intensive. The ocean scenes in movies like "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Perfect Storm" pushed the boundaries of water simulation technology.

  • CGI in Food Commercials: Many food commercials use CGI to create mouth-watering images of food. The ice-cold condensation on a soda bottle or the sizzling cheese on a pizza is often computer-generated.

  • Facial Motion Capture: CGI often uses facial motion capture to realistically animate characters' expressions and emotions. Actors wear markers on their faces that are tracked by cameras to capture their facial movements.

  • Virtual Production: Advancements in CGI technology have led to virtual production techniques, where filmmakers can shoot scenes in a virtual environment, allowing for real-time visualization and interaction with CGI elements.

  • Virtual Actors: CGI has made it possible to create virtual actors that closely resemble real humans. The character Gollum in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy was a groundbreaking example of a CGI character interacting with live-action actors.

  • Real-Time CGI in Video Games: Video game graphics have evolved tremendously, with modern games using real-time CGI to create stunning and immersive virtual worlds.

  • Architectural Visualization: CGI is extensively used in architectural visualization, allowing architects and designers to create photorealistic renderings of buildings and spaces before construction begins.

  • CGI in Medicine: Medical professionals use CGI for visualizations in areas like surgery simulation, anatomical education, and medical research.

  • CGI Animals: CGI has become increasingly prevalent in bringing animals to life on screen. Movies like "The Jungle Book" and "The Lion King" used CGI to create realistic animal characters.

  • The Uncanny Valley: The "uncanny valley" is a term used in CGI to describe the discomfort people feel when a computer-generated character looks almost human but falls slightly short, creating a sense of unease.

  • Pre-Visualization: CGI is used in pre-visualization to plan and visualize complex scenes before filming. This helps filmmakers plan camera angles, action sequences, and special effects in advance.

  • CGI in Advertising: CGI is widely used in advertising to create visually striking and attention-grabbing commercials for products and brands.