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File metadata and controls

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ControlTower Sample Files

The samples in this directory should help you explore ControlTower’s features. To use these samples, first build and install the Control Tower gem. Then, start the Rack-up config for each example like so:

> control_tower -R <>

and test it with a curl or wget like so:

> curl

To try a POST request, use curl (or similar tool) to send a post with some file content like so:

> curl -F “file=@README.rdoc”

Each of the samples demonstrates a different feature of ControlTower.

This is just a basic ‘hello, world’ style app. It demonstrates the basic concept of Rack. Specifically, the object that you pass as an argument to ‘run’ in the Rack-up config must have a #call method. That call method takes one argument, the environment (which is returned with the request in this sample), and it must return an array of 3 items: the response code, a hash of response headers, and the response body.

This sample demonstrates how you can use a Rack-based web app framework with ControlTower. In this case, the “MyApp” class inherits from Sinatra::Base, and is compliant with the Rack app contract. Don’t forget to install Sinatra before you give this one a try!

POST bodies are delivered as either StringIO or Tempfiles, and if the Post is a multipart-form MIME type, the Rack utilities will parse the various parts. This sample demonstrates these features by returning the parts of a multipart-form POST body, including reading the contents of any file uploaded.

MacRuby includes the ability to use the sendfile(2) API with IO objects. Since ControlTower directly handles interaction with the system-level sockets for incoming connections, we can utilize this to send files to a client very efficiently (sendfile avoids excess kernel-userland context switches). This sample demonstrates how to use the X-Sendfile header in your response to take advantage of this feature.

This is a slightly more complicated example. This sample takes the first letter from the query string (the bit that comes after a “?” in the URL) and searches Picasa for photos with that first letter as the first letter of their descriptions using the Picasa API. Try benchmarking this sample when running with the “-c” switch, and you’ll see why being GCD based is an advantage when working with apps that call out to APIs which might have non-trivial latency.