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Getting Started

@Marwood_Wolf edited this page May 28, 2018 · 6 revisions

Instructions for getting started:

1.) Download the Java JDK installer for your operating system:

Click the "Download" button that is located right above where it reads "NetBeans with JDK 8"

2.) Click the circle beside "Accept License Agreement"

3.) Click the download link beside the correct operating system that you are running.

4.) When finished downloading, run the installer.

5.) Next, download the latest version of Noobscape from here:

6.) Once finished, extract on to your desktop or downloads folder.

7.) Click File > Open Project

8.) Navigate to the folder where you extracted as "Noobscape-master" and double click on it.

9.) Select both "Client" and "Server" and then click "Open Project"

10.) Select "Noobscape Server" and then click the play button. It will take a moment to compile and then run.

11.) Click "Start Server"

12.) Return to NetBeans and click "Noobscape Client", then click the play button.

13.) Login with any credentials you want, it will create a new account for you at login.

14.) Inside of your "Noobscape-master" folder, there is another folder named "Server". The "players" folder inside there contains all accounts.

15.) Once you log out, you can edit your newly created player's file to change yourself into an admin.

16.) Find where it reads "rank=0" and change it to "rank=4"

17.) Login again and enjoy! You can spawn things in game as an admin.

Item ID list:

In-game commands:

Admin commands:

::item 10 9999999 = spawns 9999999 gp (item ID is 10 for gp)

::item 81 = spawns a rune 2h sword

::setstat attack 99 = sets attack to level 99

::shutdown = shutsdown the game server until you press "Start Server" again

::teleport varrock = teleports you to varrock

::teleport 100 100 = teleports you to coordinates 100,100

::kick (username) = logs out the player

::ban (username) = bans an account

::mute (username) = prevents an account from chat

Regular player commands:

::stuck = teleports you to edgeville

::online = lists number of players online

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