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Discord-Modals is a package that allows your discord.js v13 and v14 bot to create, and interact with Modals, a new Discord feature.

🔎 Installation

npm install discord-modals
yarn add discord-modals

🔮 General



Initialize the receivements of Modal Submit Interactions.

Parameter Type Description
Client Client The Client to receive the Modal Submit Interaction.

Returns: void

.showModal(modal, { client: Client, interaction: Interaction })

Shows the Modal to the Interaction User.

Parameter Type Description
Modal Modal or JSONModal The Modal to show.
Options#client Client The Client to manipulate the Interaction for show the Modal.
Options#interaction Interaction The Interaction to show the Modal.

Returns: void

🧩 Classes


Represents a Modal Form to be shown in response to an Interaction.

  • A modal can contain at most 5 Action Rows. Each of them can contain 1 Text Input/Select Menu Component.
new Modal(data);
Properties Methods
.title .setTitle()
.customId .setCustomId()
.components .addComponents()



The Title of the Modal.

Returns: String


The Custom Id of the Modal.

Returns: String


The Components of the Modal.

Returns: Array<TextInputComponent|SelectMenuComponent>



Sets the Title of the Modal. (Max. 45 characters)

Parameter Type Description
ModalTitle String The Title of the Modal.

Returns: Modal


Sets the Custom Id of the Modal. (Max. 100 characters)

Parameter Type Description
ModalCustomId String The Custom Id of the Modal.

Returns: Modal


Adds the Components of the Modal.

| Parameter | Type | Description | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | Components | TextInputComponent | SelectMenuComponent | The components to add in the Modal. |

Returns: Modal


Adds the Components of the Modal.

| Parameter | Type | Description | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | | Components | TextInputComponent | SelectMenuComponent | The components to set in the Modal. |

Returns: Modal


Removes, replaces, and inserts components in the Modal.

Returns: Modal


Transforms the Modal to a plain object.

Returns: APIModalInteractionResponseCallbackData


extends BaseMessageComponent

Represents a Text Input Component of a Modal.

new TextInputComponent(data);
Properties Methods
.customId .setCustomId()
.label .setLabel()
.minLength .setMinLength()
.maxLength .setMaxLength()
.placeholder .setPlaceholder()
.required .setRequired()
.style .setStyle()
.value .setDefaultValue()



The Custom Id of the Text Input Component.

Returns: String


The Label of the Text Input Component.

Returns: String


The Minimum Length of the Text Input Component.

Returns: Number


The Maximum Length of the Text Input Component.

Returns: Number


The Placeholder of the Text Input Component.

Returns: String


If the Text Input Component is required.

Returns: Boolean


The Style of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponentStyle


The Default/Pre-filled value of the Text Input Component.

Returns: String



Sets the Custom Id of the Text Input Component. (Max. 100 characters)

Parameter Type Description
TextInputCustomId String The Custom Id of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets the Label of the Text Input Component. (Max. 45 characters)

Parameter Type Description
TextInputLabel String The Label of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets the Minimum Length of the Text Input Component. (Between 1 - 4000)

Parameter Type Description
Number Number (Between 1 - 4000) The Number of the Minimum Length of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets the Maximum Length of the Text Input Component. (Between 1 - 4000)

Parameter Type Description
Number Number (Between 1 - 4000) The Number of the Maximum Length of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent

.setPlaceholder('Text Input Placeholder')

Sets the Placeholder of the Text Input Component. (Max. 100 characters)

Parameter Type Description
TextInputPlaceholder String The Placeholder of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets a Boolean if the Text Input Component is required. Default: false.

Parameter Type Description
Boolean Boolean The Boolean if the Text Input Component is required.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets the Style of the Text Input Component.

Parameter Type Description
TextInputStyle TextInputComponentStyle The Style of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Sets a Default/Pre-filled Value of the Text Input Component. (Max. 4000 characters)

Parameter Type Description
Value String The Default/Pre-filled value of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent


Transforms the TextInputComponent to a plain object.

Returns: APITextInputComponent


Text Value Description
SHORT 1 [Short] A single-line input
LONG 2 [Paragraph] A multi-line input


extends BaseMessageComponent

Represents a Select Menu Component of a Modal.

new SelectMenuComponent(data);
Properties Methods
.customId .setCustomId()
.placeholder .setPlaceholder()
.minValues .setMinValues()
.maxValues .setMaxValues()
.options .addOptions()
.disabled .setOptions()



The Custom Id of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: String


The Placeholder (text when nothing is selected) of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: String


Minimum number of selections allowed for the Select Menu Component.

Returns: Number


Maximum number of selections allowed for the Select Menu Component.

Returns: Number


The Options of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: Array<APISelectMenuOption>


If the Select Menu Component is disabled.

Returns: Boolean



Sets the Custom Id of the Select Menu Component. (Max. 100 characters)

Parameter Type Description
MenuCustomId String The Custom Id of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent

.setPlaceholder('Menu Placeholder')

Sets the Placeholder of the Select Menu Component. (Max. 150 characters)

Parameter Type Description
MenuPlaceholder String The placeholder of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Sets the minimum number of selections allowed for the Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
Number Number (Between 1 - 25) Number of selections to be required.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Sets the maximum number of selections allowed for the Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
Number Number (Between 1 - 25) Number of selections to be allowed.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Adds options to the Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
Options APISelectMenuOption The options to add.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Sets the options of the Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
Options APISelectMenuOption The options to set.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Removes, replaces, and inserts options in the Select Menu Component.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Sets a Boolean if a Select Menu Component will be disabled.

Parameter Type Description
Boolean Boolean If the Select Menu Component will be disabled.

Returns: SelectMenuComponent


Transforms the Select Menu Component to a plain object.

Returns: APISelectMenuComponent


Represents an Action Row in a Modal.

Properties Methods
.type .addComponent()
.components .componentToJSON()



The type of the Modal Action Row (1).

Returns: Number


The Text Input/Select Menu Component of this Action Row.

Returns: Array<APITextInputComponent|APISelectMenuComponent>



Adds a Text Input/Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
Component TextInputComponent / SelectMenuComponent The component to add in the Action Row.

Returns: ModalActionRow


Transforms a Text Input/Select Menu Component to a plain object.

Parameter Type Description
Component TextInputComponent / SelectMenuComponent The component to add in the Action Row.

Returns: APITextInputComponent | APISelectMenuComponent


Transforms the Modal Action Row to a plain object.

Returns: APIModalActionRowComponent<APITextInputComponent|APISelectMenuComponent>


Represents a Field of a Modal Submit Interaction.

Properties Methods



The type of the Modal Submit Field (TEXT_INPUT).

Returns: String


The Custom Id of the Modal Submit Field.

Returns: String


The Value of the Modal Submit Field.

Returns: String


Represents a Select Menu Component of a Modal Submit Interaction.

Properties Methods



The type of the Select Menu Component (SELECT_MENU).

Returns: String


The Custom Id of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: String


The Values of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: Array


extends Interaction

Represents a Modal Submit Interaction.

Properties Methods
.customId .getTextInputValue()
.components .getField()
.fields .getSelectMenuValues()
.selectMenus .getSelectMenu()
.id .deferReply()
.applicationId .reply()
.channelId .fetchReply()
.guildId .editReply()
.user .deleteReply()
.member .followUp()
.memberPermissions .update()
.locale .isFromMessage()
.guildLocale .isRepliable()



The Custom Id of the Modal.

Returns: String


The Action Rows of the modal.

Returns: Map


The (Fields) Text Input Components of the Modal.

Returns: Map


The Select Menu Components of the Modal.

Returns: Map


The Id of the Modal Submit Interaction.

Returns: Snowflake


The application's id.

Returns: Snowflake


The Id of the Channel this Modal Submit Interaction was sent in.

Returns: Snowflake


The Id of the Guild this Modal Submit Interaction was sent in.

Returns: Snowflake


The User which sent this Modal Submit Interaction.

Returns: User


If this Modal Submit Interaction was sent in a Guild, the Member which sent it.

Returns: GuildMember


If this Modal Submit Interaction was sent in a Guild, the Member which sent it.

Returns: ?Readonly<Permissions>


The Locale of the User who invoked this Modal Submit Interaction.

Returns: String (Locale)


The preferred Locale from the Guild this Modal Submit Interaction was sent in.

Returns: String (Locale)


The Message where the Modal Submit Interaction was invoked, if the Modal was invoked on a Message Component.

Returns: Message


The Version.

Returns: Number


An associated Interaction Webhook, can be used to further interact with this Interaction.

Returns: InteractionWebhook



Gets a Text Input Component value.

Parameter Type Description
TextInputCustomId String The Custom Id of the Text Input Component.

Returns: TextInputComponent#value


Gets a Modal Submit Field.

Parameter Type Description
TextInputCustomId String The Custom Id of the Text Input Component.

Returns: ModalSubmitField


Gets the values of a Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
MenuCustomId String The Custom Id of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: ModalSubmitSelectMenu#values


Gets a Select Menu Component.

Parameter Type Description
MenuCustomId String The Custom Id of the Select Menu Component.

Returns: ModalSubmitSelectMenu


If the Modal Submit Interaction is from a message.

Returns: Boolean


If the Modal Submit Interaction is repliable.

Returns: Boolean

❌ Errors

Discord-Modals integrates some errors to avoid issues and respect the structures.

Code Message
INVALID_VERSION This package is only compatible with discord.js v13 and v14.
NO_CLIENT_PROVIDED No Client was provided to interact with modals.
INVALID_CLIENT The provided Client is invalid in this context.
MODAL_REQUIRED No Modal was provided to show.
OPTIONS_REQUIRED No Options were provided.
CLIENT_REQUIRED No Client was provided on the showModal method options.
INTERACTION_REQUIRED No Interaction was provided on the showModal method options.
INVALID_MODAL The provided Modal is invalid in this context.
INVALID_INTERACTION The provided Interaction is invalid in this context.
TEXT_INPUT_CUSTOM_ID TextInputComponent customId must be a string.
TEXT_INPUT_LABEL TextInputComponent label must be a string.
TEXT_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER TextInputComponent placeholder must be a string.
TEXT_INPUT_VALUE TextInputComponent value must be a string.
MODAL_CUSTOM_ID Modal customId must be a string.
MODAL_TITLE Modal title must be a string.
MODAL_INTERACTION_MESSAGE This Modal Submit Interaction does not have a message to update.

🔨 Do you want to contribute to Discord-Modals?

  • Check our GitHub Repository and Report Issues or make a Pull Request to contribute to this awesome project. We are waiting for you!

Powered by Discord-Modals