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File metadata and controls

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Misc's manual

Misc contains elements not being a part of main program, but helping with using/debuging it.

Exampliary launch4j installation

Placed at Misc/Launch4j.

Your can create package independent from local Java by using launch4j to create Client.exe and Installer.exe files.

Later on You can add your own initial configuration to installer/settings.xml. Keep in mind that it should point to Installer.exe as installer executable.

Finally add portable JRE installation e.g. created by jPortable, to jre directory. Prepared installation can be packed with some installer or just installed with install.bat script.

If You want to debug You can use loggers *.properties files (see below.)

Loggers' properties

Placed at Misc/LoggerProperties.

Logger properties defines behaviour of loggers of both client and installer. It contains information about output, logging levels and formetters. The logger is actually java.util.loggging.Logger instance wrapped to better suit the way logger is used, e.g. renaming logging levels and adding better output formatting.

To use it simply copy *.properties into AutoUpdater's directory.

Repository's uploader

Placed at Misc/PythonUploadScript.

Simple Python script that can upload update into server with given data and credencials.

The scipt was written and tested with Python 2.7.3. Since most Linux distros contains Python interpreter, it can be used there out of the box. On Windows it can be used after Python installation or via py2exe: after installing interpreter and py2exe libraries, run python py2exe. Directory dist with file uploader.exe and dependancies can be then used as standalone application. Folder build can be simply removed.

Application usage can be found out by running python --help (or uploader.exe --help).

Eclipse settings

Contains reccomended Eclipse settings. Configuration provides warnings, editor save actions and MoreUnit settings as used during development.