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Domain envs (service: nginx, server)

Property Values Description
DOMAIN_COMMON (string) Default: not set Site common domain. (e.g.
DOMAIN_ADMIN (string) Default: not set Site common domain. (e.g.
DOMAIN_API (string) Default: not set Site api domain. (e.g.
DOMAIN_COVERAGE (string) Default: not set Site coverage domain. (e.g.
DOMAIN_OPCACHE (string) Default: not set Site opcache domain. (e.g.
DOMAIN_CUSTOM_NAME (string) Custom domain name. Create nginx config with # <domains-include>DOMAIN_COMMON</domains-include> and server_name $COMMON_DOMAIN; or copy from vendor/matthew-p/docker-server/docker/nginx/templates/domain.conf to docker/nginx/conf-dynamic.d/custom.conf and change.
SSL_DOMAINS (array) Default: not set Config letsencrypt ssl domains. Example: SSL_DOMAINS[0]=""
DOMAIN_DEFAULT (string) Default: not set Set default server domain

Project env (service: all)

Property Values Description
PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT DEV/PROD Project environment: Include different nginx ssl certificates (letsencrypt), toggle php xdebug, nginx cache control, rewrite to https
PROJECT_NAME (string) Unique project name
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME (string) Default: $PROJECT_NAME Docker compose project name. Is is recommended to be equal PROJECT_NAME. see more
PROJECT_ROOT_CONTAINER (string) Default: /var/www/html Project root, inside server container. It is not recommended to change
PROJECT_ROOT (string) Default: ${VENDOR_PARENT_DIR} Project root in host machine. This can be changed for create task definition in aws and etc.
PACKAGE_DOCKER_FOLDER (string) Default: ${PROJECT_ROOT}${VENDOR_COMMON_DIR}/docker This is the path to the vendor package docker folder vendor/matthew-p/docker-server/docker
PACKAGE_DOCKER_FOLDER_CONTAINER string Default: /docker-server This is the path to the mounted docker folder on container
PROJECT_DOCKER_FOLDER (string) Default: ${PACKAGE_DOCKER_FOLDER} This is the path to the mounted project docker folder on container. Example: volumes: - ${PROJECT_DOCKER_FOLDER}/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx it will be save nginx logs to your project docker folder.
PROJECT_DOCKER_FOLDER_CONTAINER (string) Default: ${PROJECT_ROOT_CONTAINER}/docker project docker folder in docker container.
RUN_SERVER_COMPOSER 1/0 Default: 0 Require globaly composer asset plugin and run composer install in project root after server start (inside docker container)
GIT_AUTHTOKEN (string) Default: not set Github auth token (set if RUN_SERVER_COMPOSER=1). See Github token
DEFAULT_DETACHED_MODE (string) Default: -d Automatically added -d to docker-compose up (and composer server up)
PROJECT_ENV_PATH_FORCE (string) Default: not set Use only for generate .env without run server (e.g. create aws definition)
SERVICES (string) All path to docker compose files which need project

Images env (service: all)

Property Values Description
NGINX_REPOSITORY (string) Default: matthewpatell/universal-docker-nginx:3.7 Nginx docker image
SERVER_REPOSITORY (string) Default: matthewpatell/universal-docker-server:4.0-dev Either server (or server dev) image in non-scalable configuration, or matthewpatell/universal-docker-server-php-fpm for scaling nginx+php-fpm.
SERVER_NODE_REPOSITORY (string) Default: node:13.10-alpine Either server image for scaling nginx+node.
TERMINAL_REPOSITORY (string) Default: none Static non-scalable docker image for ssh connection, cron, queue listener and etc. Use image: matthewpatell/universal-docker-server.

Server env (service: server)

-f !!docker-compose.nginx.yml add to SERVICES (default: added)

Property Values Description
SERVER_HTTP_PORT (int) Default: 80 Server http port. Used when PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=DEV
SERVER_SSL_PORT (int) Default: 443 Server https port. Used when PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=PROD
NGINX_LIMIT_KEY (string) Default: autogenerated Key for disable nginx limits (limit_req_zone)

Mysql env (service: mysql)

-f !!docker-compose.mysql.yml add to SERVICES (default: added)

Property Values Description
MYSQL_HOST (string) Default: mysql Mysql host (internal)
MYSQL_PORT (int) Default: 3306 Mysql port (external)
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD (string) Mysql root password
MYSQL_DATABASE (string) Mysql database (automatically created at first run)
MYSQL_USER (string) Mysql user
MYSQL_PASSWORD (string) Mysql password

Redis env (service: redis)

-f !!docker-compose.redis.yml add to SERVICES (default: added)

Property Values Description
REDIS_HOST (string) Default: redis Redis host (internal)
REDIS_PORT (int) Default: 6379 Redis port (external)
REDIS_PASSWORD (string) Redis password
REDIS_DATABASE (string) Redis database

FTP env (service: ftp)

-f !!docker-compose.ftp.yml add to SERVICES (default: not added)

Property Values Description
FTP_DB_TABLE_NAME (string) Default: ftp_users Mysql table name where stored ftp users
FTP_PORT_BIND (int) Default: 21 FTP primary port
FTP_PASSIVE_PORT_1-10 (int) Default: 30000-30009 FTP passive ports
FTP_SUBJECT_COUNTRY (string) Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). For SSL
FTP_SUBJECT_CITY (string) City name. For SSL
FTP_SUBJECT_ORGANIZATION (string) Organization name. For SSL
FTP_SUBJECT_DOMAIN (string) Organization name. For SSL

SSH env (service: server)

-f !!docker-compose.ssh.yml add to SERVICES

Property Values Description
SSH_PORT (int) Default: 22 SSH port (external)
SSH_PASSWORD (string) SSH password

PHP-FPM env (service: server)

-f !!docker-compose.php-fpm.yml add to SERVICES (default: added)

Property Values Description
DEBUG_PORT (int) Default: 9000 PHP debug port
PHP_IDE_CONFIG (string) Default: "serverName=${PROJECT_NAME}" IDE Config
XDEBUG_CONFIG (string) Xdebug config

Testing env (service: server)

-f !!docker-compose.tests.yml add to SERVICES See example CI config

Property Values Description
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN (string) Default: not set Telegram bot token for send crash tests (CI)
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID (string) Default: not set Telegram chat ID for send crash tests (CI)

Auto create nginx proxy env (host machine)

Property Values Description
HOST_NGINX_PROXIES yes/no Default: no Create nginx proxy config file automatically (proxy to docker container nginx)
HOST_NGINX_KEEP_CONF yes/no Default: no Set yes for keep created nginx proxy conf file after server down
HOST_NGINX_TEMPLATE_PATH (string) Default: ${VENDOR_DIR}/conf/nginx-proxy.conf Template nginx proxy conf
HOST_NGINX_CONF_DIR (string) Default: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled Nginx configs dir on host machine
HOST_NGINX_RESTART_COMMAND (string) Default: "service nginx restart" Restart nginx command on host machine
NGINX_DEFAULT_HOST yes/no Default: no Enable/disable default nginx host

Auto update hosts env (host machine)

Property Values Description
HOST_ETC_HOSTS_UPDATE yes/no Default: no Update /etc/hosts automatically
HOST_ETC_KEEP_CONF yes/no Default: no Set yes for keep generated hosts after server down
HOST_ETC_HOST_PATH (string) Default: /etc/hosts Path to hosts file
HOST_ETC_HOST_IP (string) Default: Not set IP for hosts file. Get automatically for nginx container. Set to for Mac OS

AWS Commands env (service: all)

AWS COMMANDS (-SERVICES- will be replaced)
- will be replaced to _ (in composer command)
YOU NEED SET PROJECT_ENV_PATH_FORCE Example: /aws-drive/site-root

See example values

Property Values Description
AWS_UPDATE_TASK (string) Create/update task definition on aws. Console command: composer server-prod update-task
AWS_UPDATE_ENV (string) Create/update .env file on remote host. Console command: composer server-prod update-env


Property Values Description
DEPLOY_SERVER_NAME string SSH server name.
DEPLOY_CONTAINER_NAME string Docker container name for deploy.
PROJECT_PATH (string) Path to project folder in remote server.
DEPLOY_STRATEGY (string) 1-4 See for more info