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Advanced Utilisation of Dolphin

Dolphin is based on CUDA and therefore it has some limitations that you should be aware of. For instance, memory allocation, memory copy, kernel launch, etc. are all consuming time that is perhaps shorter than the time needed by CPU only operations depending on the complexicity of computation required and the amount of data you want to process.

There is a general rule that you should always keep in mind when using Dolphin: The more data, the more complex the computation, the more Dolphin is efficient. There are still ways to speed up the execution of Dolphin functions. We will go through a few of them in this section.

Memory Management

You will have noticed that some Dolphin functions have a parameter usually called dst which is optionnal. This parameter is used to specify the destination of the result of the function. As mentionned in the introduction of this section, memory allocation and memory copy are consuming time, if you already have allocated a memory space to store a result, you can use it as a destination and save more time. Memory allocation can represent up to 95% of the total execution time of a function, it is not negligible.

Let's take an example, we want to perform a addition between two matrices A and B. In this first code snippet, we run a naive addition, in the second one we use the dst parameter.

Naive approach:

import dolphin as dp
import time

N_ITER = int(1e3)

a = dp.zeros((100, 100))
b = dp.ones((100, 100))

t1 = time.time()
for i in range(N_ITER)
    c = a + b
print(f"Naive approach: {1000*(time.time() - t1)/N_ITER}ms/iter")

Optimized approach:

import dolphin as dp
import time

N_ITER = int(1e3)

a = dp.zeros((100, 100))
b = dp.ones((100, 100))
c = dp.zeros((100, 100))

t1 = time.time()
for i in range(N_ITER)
    dp.add(src=a, other=b, dst=c)
print(f"Optimized approach: {1000*(time.time() - t1)/N_ITER}ms/iter")

When your application is based on a loop or the consecutive execution of several functions, you should always try to use the dst parameter to save time. It can really be a game changer in some cases.

Usage of allocations

Dolphin by default allocates CUDA memory and operates on it. Also, any modification made on a view of this array will imact the array itself. For instance, :pydolphin.darray.__getitem__ returns a view of the current array, any in-place modification of the values on it will modify the array, exactly like Numpy does:

import dolphin as dp

a = dp.zeros(shape=(2, 2), dtype=dp.float32)

# array([[1., 0.],
#        [1., 0.]], dtype=float32)

Usage of Cuda Stream

Dolphin is based on CUDA and therefore it is possible to use CUDA streams. To create a cuda stream, you can use the :pydolphin.Stream function. I recommend to read this pdf about CUDA streams and concurrency.

To use CUDA streams with Dolphin, you can use the stream parameter of functions and constructors.

import dolphin as dp

stream = dp.Stream()

a = dp.zeros((100, 100), stream=stream)
b = dp.ones((100, 100), stream=stream)

c = dp.add(src=a, other=b)

# Wait for the stream to finish

# Do something with c

With :pydolphin.Engine.infer you can provide a stream as an argument.

import dolphin as dp

stream = dp.Stream()

a = dp.zeros((100, 100), stream=stream)
b = dp.ones((100, 100), stream=stream)

c = dp.add(src=a, other=b)

# Wait for the stream to finish

# Do something with c

# Run the inference on the stream
output = engine.infer(inputs={"input":c}, stream=stream)

# Wait for the stream to finish

# Do something with the output