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Releases: MaynardMiner/SWARM


17 Jan 06:03
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To remote update:

Note: Windows version had a bug in previous release in updates. The API server did not shutdown before restarting, causing the old folder to not be deleted (active process is running). You have to shutdown API server before updating (http://localhost:4099/end). I will fix next release.

Note: Windows users- -Port Argument was added. Make sure to rocket launch new flight sheet during first run, so that new default settings can be added to flight sheet. Or you will continue to get errors regarding api server starting. This will only be for this release, because it new.

Windows: See note above- then run get update in hive.
HiveOS: specify -Update Yes in arguments of flight sheet.


-Windows version will start connection to HiveOS as soon as first
agent window starts.

-Fixed commmand get benchmarks to show only benchmarks.

-Made it so that if a command fails- It will not display old commands (Windows).

-Agent message spacing is cleaner

-SWARM_MODE was causing an issue with "Becnhmark Miner" command- It was resolved.

-Agent will now build empty stats array if SWARM is not running (Windows).
This allows you not to have to wait for miners to download to connect flightsheet.

-Fixed API stats so it is all in KHS (include making decimal for Sol/s).

-Found Issue with multiple device groups not sending total hash to API- resolved.

-Noticed some incorrect hash units being sent to HiveOS (khs was mhs, etc)- resolved.

-SWARM will remotely notify you if there is no miners available (argument/pool/miners issues).

-Migrated More Output files to .\build\txt instead of bash folder. (Helps with debugging).

-SWARM will not remove its tar.gz download for HiveOS.

-SWARM will now copy over last known miner logs into crash-reports.

-SWARM will clean Trash folder for HiveOS (remove old miners/downloads).

-Much better organization of API/summary. Organized by type, then profits (or pool estimates if no benchmarks).

-Lite Mode disables timeout system (so you can run, and it won't block miner stats).

-Removed API-Sample.ps1, will add back when I am finished (Still changing it).

-Added -Remote parameter, for making API remote.

-Added -APIPassword parameter, to set a password endpoint on remote api.

-Upadated Help_File with new arguments.

-Increased miner ban to 12 count default (because of zergpool equihash).

-Zergpool Added. Equihash Algos fixed. (I was having trouble with some on zergpool).

-KW/h cost can now be set hourly by power.json, for variable rates. If use in conjucntion
with -Conserve Yes argument, you can effectively stop mining if values drop to negative.

-Moved Custom pools to custompools directory. Swarm will check that folder now.


14 Jan 18:08
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This fixes x16r : x16rt error in pool-algos.json, so you can update remotely.


14 Jan 01:50
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NOTE: Windows user can run get update to remote update. This will
be first working instance of it, and it deletes old version folder
in original directory. You may want to make a backup of it first.
SWARM must be named by original directory it was downloaded as-
SWARM.version, or it will fail.

NOTE: I am having a hard time with setting SWARM to startup in
windows. Windows blocks the .bat file if added to startup. You have
to add the new file path yourself. I am working on fix.

NOTE: Windows updated in order- 1.8.3 to 1.8.4, 1.8.4 to 1.8.5, etc.

NOTE: HiveOS Users should be able to update as they have in the past.

-WildRig Updated
-CryptoDredge Updated
Note- CryptoDredge algos were removed. A fair amount. I coded automatic removal on your old files.
-nicehash eq to eu
-small 'tweaks' to profit calc.
-cpu only stats table in agent.
-overdrive api (new version) was not working
the program was corrupted. I reverted back to original.
this means no fans/stats for Vega on windows. :(
-watt/day will only show if you have watt values.
-attempted fix for better XMR-STAK stats.
-Increased actual miner ban count to six- meaning 3 bad algo
runs, and it is banned.
-fixed AMD temps/fans for HiveOS.
-Small Gui fixes with commands.
-Fixed Sgminer stats for good (I think).
-Rolled back vega support for windows. Sorry. It still works, just
fans and temps won't stat.
-Small tweaks to XMR-STAK/XMRIG api.
-Added lolminer for zhash (AMD).
-Removed tpruvot- Depreciated.
-Added more GUI notations.


08 Jan 06:27
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This is a beta release! Updates disabled!

NOTE: There is a small typo in nicehash.ps1 file. I wrote "eq" instead of "eu" for european servers. I will fix in next release coming soon.


Major Changes:

the changes/additions.

-Statics have been compeletly rebuilt.
-Pool files were all modified,
-Most of every databasing function has been rewritten.
-Taking a new, completely my design approach to profit statistics.
-Taking workers, fees, and pool hashrates into accout- Beyond simple estimates.
-Entirely new profit equation.
-Returns seem to be more exact, especially when stat_algo day is used. (but live seems to be best).
-System is improved, but more changes to account for SWARM_Mode will be made.

-Custom Yiimp Miner Pools
-You can now create your own mining pool files
-Instructions on how to create them included in sample file:
-It's as easy as filling out a small 10 question form.
-Can be duplicated, but same pool duplication not advised.
-Rename custom.ps1 to bsod.ps1, and you should add a lyra2vc0ban coin
-Requires wallets for coins- No Auto-Exchange.
-Useful for testing profitibility of coins outside auto-exchange pools.

-API server now established:
-http://localhost:4099/summary will get you swarm pricing data
-http://localhost:4099/getstats will get you mining data
-Much more is coming soon- Full API method to modify SWARM will exist
-Sample API for demonstration is included: Sample-API.ps1
note: As I update API, I will add how to use via Sample-API.ps1
-Currently this is local, until I finish. I plan to make remote.

-New Arguments:
-AMDPlatform was removed. Use CLPlatform instead, only if needed.
Swarm should detect.
-API: Default is yes, if you have issues, you can remove it its
by specifying -API No
-Nicehash_Wallet(1,2,3) no longer needed, however, you can still specify.
-NiceHash_Fee set to default of 2% if using Nicehash_Wallet, 5% if not (per site).

-Time Syncronization:
For better SWARM_Mode optimization, all swarm apps will Sycronize
their time with NIST servers at start.

SWARM now runs in administrator mode. This allows the following:
-more GUI manipulation.
-Modify time settings.
-Launch miners with admin privelages (it helps amd side).
-modify registry entries for Vega Soft Powerplay Tables.
-in future: modify registry for gpu optimizations users may
not be aware of.
-in future: remotely update NVIDIA/AMD drivers with single command.
-ps can not run applications as admin
-ensure security settings are good on your windows computer/network.

-Agent rebuild
-Rebuilt agent to better gather api stats from miners.
-Rebuilt C++ software to better gather api stats from GPU drivers.
-Removed as much error generation as I could possibly find (when API fails).
-background no longer closes, but still octunes when switch occurs. (within a few seconds).
-GPU stats are gathered from hive stats file, no gpu api is used.
-Rebuilt linux api gpu stat generation.
-Rebuilt windows api gpu stats generation.
-Rebuilt most of the api's for each miner.
-Focused on lowered mem use, and resource uses...However more things
are happening in background, so there should be no change.
-There is a table corruption in .\odvii.exe. This is an AMD driver bug.
I cannot fix, but it doesn't seem to cause issues. It just creates error logs
in windows event veiwer.

-New miners
-bminer added
-zhash & Phoenix Miner API are fixed (I believe).
-warning: Miniz was giving me issues.
-warning: ccmineryescrypt, cryptodredge, fancyIX,
wildrig on certain algos may cause issues.
-warning: Some AMD gpu's may not run all AMD miners.

-Bus statistics fixed.
-Better GPU detection.
-Windows now automatically detects OpenCL Platform
note: This was working for me. Please let me know
if you have issues.
-Does not count GPU's that SWARM isn't using
note: This was working for me. Please let me know
if you have issues.
-Removed NVIDIA integrated motherboard cards from count.

-All windows are either ran hidden/minimized except main
-Windows will now set their own colors for visualization

-Crash reporting
-If miner is restarted- SWARM detects this, and will
perform an crash report.
-Crash reports takes a "flashed image" of all debugging
data located txt folder, which accounts for 75% of SWARMs
internal statistics.
-This data is unchanged, which means you can review incidents,
what miners were running, etc., to determine failures. Or send
me the crash report, and let me figure it out.

-Miners Updated

-Gui fixes everywhere. Attempted to remove as many erroneous powershell
errors/warnings as possible.

-Lots, and lots, and LOTS of small fixes. Too many to detail.


19 Dec 01:43
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1.8.3 (1.8.2 Patch)

There was an unknown bug in Windows update. The get update command will fail. This version should fix it going forward.

-This fixes -SWARM_Mode parameter and
millisecond bug.
-SWARM_Mode should work as intented.

New Command (Windows)!

-ps allows you to run powershell/cmd based commands remotely.
-can only run commands that will eventually end! Running processes
will put your rig offline, just like HiveOS version. You can start
processes, but use powershell's Start-Process cmdlet.
-example: ps Get-Process will get you a list of running
processes on pc.

-Updated trex
-Fixed background miner versions.
-RTX series USB-controller fix. (Stats correct number of GPU's)

This release is mainly a patch for users interested in SWARM_Mode.


17 Dec 03:34
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SWARM.1.8.2 Pre-release


Warning: Larger changes in codebase was made
prepare to rollback in case you have issues.

Remote Updates are safe.
Windows Users will be able to update after this
version with a command.

All Versions:

New Arguments!

-SWARM_Mode Yes No
-Default is No
-Synchronized switching across all users!
-Synchronize with your friends/other users
to switch at the same time on the same
-Increases hedged shares for all SWARM
-Research shows most cards of the same
platform will often mine the same algo.

-Default is 1 (for testing)
-This allows a threshold requirement
in order to initiate a switch.
-Figure is percent based.
-Will increase incoming quotes by
defined percentage, to prevent too
much switching, if user's strategy
prefers such method.
-Figures are displayed on screen.

-Profit Database will now correctly factor
negative figures, for -Conserve users.
-Database Sorting was recoded and streamlined:
Beta in design. Future implementation.


-Removed annoying update HiveOS on site.
-Hive Mirror is no longer required.
-Woker password can now be set successfully.
-HiveOS mirror can now be set sucessfully.
-Remote "run" commands have been completely
rewritten, and are more efficient.
-Created HiveReset.bat
This is will remove all saved HiveOS
This is ran to re-sync worker to HiveOS.
After running, you can now attempt to
recconnect worker as if it was the first time.
-OC can now be adjust on HiveOS website.
-nvidia only
-Nvidia driver version correct on Hive Site.
-Added timestamps on main screen.
-Added added bans on main screen.
-Removed some of the debug errors in agent.
-Some are still present.
-Small bug fixes in commands.
-After this version: Windows Users can now
run get update to update their SWARM
-Code staging for autofan.
-fixes in agent screen.
-Default Argument .json added.
-Default Arguments will allow Windows users
to add/change/remove arguments from flight sheet.
Any argument not specified: Default .json will be
-Better NVML monitoring.

-Changed some color outputs on screen for ease of reading.
-Internal SWARM version now linked to h-manifest.conf.
-Small bug fixes.
-Miner changes in get wallet command.
-Code Staging for optional xterm windows
rather than screen for miners.
-Attempted fix of Phoenix Miner api failure.
-Code Staging for get power command.
-Minor fix of get miners command.

To use new features included in this release:

-Add -SWARM_Mode Yes to your flight sheet.
-Add Switch_Threshold [number] to your flight sheet.

All miners should be up to date. If I missed one, or you
have a request for a new miner to be added- Contact me via


11 Dec 04:00
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-new command: get miners
use get help for instructions
-new command: get wallets
use get help for instructions
first run- may be bugs
did not do nicehash yet
plan to integrate into SWARM core
-new command: get stats lite
lighter version of stats screen for phones
-new feature: Download bans
miner will stop attempting to download on failure
miner will notify on stats and screen
first run- may be bugs
-fixed all get commands
-fixed all benchmark commands
benchmark command displays more input
-improved wattometer
-using new c++ program using cuda api
-increased timeout so it has better change of not failing
-fixed issues with adding new algorithms
-new arguments
-conserve Yes/No
default is no
conserve will stop all miners if profit is negative
-cleared out some useless algorithms from miners
-fixed HiveOS boot time for windows version
-code staging for HiveOS OC setting integration for windows version
-Ban messages on windows screen.
-Actual load averages in windows on HiveOS.
-CryptoDredge 0.14.0
-Z-Enemy 1.27
-Xmr-Stak 2.7.1
-MiniZ miner added.


05 Dec 14:34
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AMD windows users need to still specify -AMDPlatform [OpenCL #]. I am looking/working on fix.

-SWARM will automatically add algorithm to power.json list, if user adds to rotation.
-Zhash added.
-EWBF added back to rotation.
-Gminer added. (Does not work with NiceHash- Contact Dev).
added to "project" folder
-CryptoDredge Cuda 10 link fixed.
-New zpool URL schema added (It's working in SWARM- seems like pool has issues).
-trex updated

Note: I am looking for a 144_5 --pers auto miner for AMD


04 Dec 17:47
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This fixes internal GPUPlatform argument for AMD.

If you have issue with miners not starting- Use this release.


04 Dec 10:10
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This is a HUGE update. Please note any issues,
so they can be patched asap.

-AMDPlatform is no longer needed: it was removed (not for windows)
-OnboardCard is no longer needed: it was removed

Bleeding Edge is now supported and working.

Because of Bleeding Edge- SWARM cannot restart
agent. You may have to manually restart agent
yourself to update h-stats version.

Type ASIC now in initial test stages. Currently
only have Linux version (not HiveOS). I will
create a write-up on how it works. I was side-lined
with ASIC due to the crazy amount of miner updates/new algos.
I will create a write-up on how it works, as it works dramatically
differenly than other platforms.

-phiphipool is fixed and working again. Pool file updated.
-icserver.ps1 added
-ccmineryescrypt.ps1's added
-All miner files updated for Bleeding Edge Support
-created C++ script to get opencl platform
-Parse GPU's differently- Report if issues with hiveOS stats
-AMDPlatform is no longer needed: it was removed
-OnboardCard is no longer needed: it was removed
-yescryptR32 added
-dedal added
-x18 added
-lyra2vc0banhash added
-x21s added (UNSTABLE AS HELL)
-phoenix miner updated and added back into rotation
-klausT cuda 10 (compiled by myself)
-tpruvot cuda 10 (fixed and compiled by myself)
-ccmineryescrypt (fixed and compiled by myself) Cuda 10 only
-cpuminer-opt pre-compiled
-cpuminer-opt-yespower pre-compiled
-trex updated
-cryptodredge updated
-enemy updated
-wildrig updated
-SWARM_help.txt accurate now.
-Wiki heavily updated on github.