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94 lines (62 loc) · 3.19 KB

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.4.4

Adding standard plots used in the USFS Montoring site.

  • added dailyBarplot() and dailyBarplotBase()
  • added timeseriesPlot() and timeseriesPlotBase()
  • improvements to clockPlot() and clockPlotBase()
  • now importing gridExtra

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.4.3

Moving all base plot related code from PWFSLSmokePlot to PWFSLSmoke so that all functionality in the former is purely ggplot2 based.

  • removed addPolygon(), addWindBarb() and addWindBarbs()
  • removed aqiPalette()
  • removed monitor_getDailyMean()

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.4.2

  • updated for latest devtools package

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.4.1

  • added monitor_getDailyMean() function
  • added clockPlot() function
  • added clockPlotBase() function
  • added aqiPalette() function and unit test

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.4.0

  • added unit test for dailyHourlyBarplot()
  • deprecated createTarnayPlot() in favor of dailyHourlyBarplot()
  • removed ~Tidy() functions in favor of those in PWFSLSmoke
  • exporting "%>%" as part of the package
  • updated DESCRIPTION file
  • wind barbs grow in length between zero and 5 knots

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.3.4

  • added windBarbs function

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.3.3 -- daily-hourly barplot refinements

This release tweaks the calculation of NowCast in the daily-hourly-barplot:

  • add the option to subset data with tlim argument (allows for proper NowCast calculation)

This release also reverses the legend scale ordering for better visual consistency

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.3.2 -- daily-hourly barplot refinements

This release focuses on refining the visual aesthetics of the daily-hourly-barplot:

  • Refactored the plot theme into its own function
  • tweaked the theme style
  • made the x-axis labeling reactive to the date range of the data
  • introduced the option to include a third column in the legend (Currently contains only dummy text and off by default.)

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.3.1 -- daily-hourly barplot refinements

Addresses the following issues regarding the daily-hourly-barplot:

  • Add control over hourly data calculation
  • Fix bug where daily and hourly data were misaligned
  • Make legend more verbose
  • Make plot title reactive to the data being plotted
  • Add an option to include a footnote caption linking to an AQI explainer

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.3.0 -- daily-hourly barplot

  • Added daily-hourly barplot(). This is a timeseries barplot showing PM2.5 data for the given monitors. The overall plot is faceted by monitor, and each facet has two sets of columns: one for daily levels, and one for hourly levels.

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.2.1

  • Removed isWSMon(), This functionality is now in PWFSLSmoke::monitor_isMonitor()
  • Renamed isTidy() -> monitor_isTidy()
  • Renamed wsMonToTidy() -> monitor_toTidy()

PWFSLSmokePlots 0.2.0

  • Added isWSMon() function to test an object for the ws_monitor class.
  • Added isTidy() function to test if an object is in tidy format.
  • Added wsMonToTidy() function to convert ws_monitor objects to a tidy format.

Version 0.1.0

  • added addPolygon() function