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.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: About Self-Supervised Learning

   Self-Supervised Learning <SelfSupervisedLearning>
   Contrastive Learning <Contrastive>

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   :caption: Tutorials


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: API reference


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: about

   FAQ <faq>
   GitHub Page <>
   Bug Tracker <>
   License <>
   MedMax Team <>


What is selfEEG?

selfEEG is a PyTorch-based library designed to support Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) on EEG data. In selfEEG, you can find different functions and classes which help you build an SSL pipeline, from the creation of the dataloaders, to the model's fine-tuning, passing through the design of custom data augmenters, models, and pretraining strategies. SelfEEG comprises the following modules:

  1. dataloading, where you can find a collection of functions and classes designed to support data splitting and the construction of efficient PyTorch dataloaders.
  2. augmentation, where you can find lots of already implemented datamaugmentations with full GPU support, as well asother classes designed to combine them in more complex patterns
  3. models, where you can find lots of already implemented models widely used in EEG analysis (DeepConvNet, EEGNet, ResNet, TinySleepNet, STNet, etc. )
  4. ssl, where you can find already implemented self-supervised learning algorhitms (e.g. SimCLR, SimSiam, MoCo, BYOL, etc) with a highly customizable fit method as well as a function for fine-tuning.
  5. losses, where you can find the implementation of the SSL losses.
  6. utils, where you can find a collection of utility functions and classes for various purposes, such as a PyTorch compatible EEG sampler and scaler.

What makes selfEEG good? We have designed some modules keeping in mind EEG applications, but lots of functionalities can be easily exported on other types of signal data often coupled with EEG data!

What you will not (currently) find in selfEEG? In selfEEG you will not find functions to effectively preprocess EEG data (although filtering and resampling can be performed with some of our functions). If you want to preprocess EEG data in a really good way, take a look at:

  • MNE (python based)
  • EEGLAB (matlab based)
  • BIDSAlign (an EEGLab extension provided by our team)

Getting Started

About Self-Supervised Learning

If you are new to the concept of self-supervised learning, we suggest taking a look at the following content, which provides a brief introduction to the self-supervised learning paradigm and the family of contrastive learning pretext tasks.




SelfEEG can be installed via pip:

pip install selfeeg

Additionally, optional but useful packages which we suggest to include in your environment, especially if you plan to work with jupyter, can be automatically installed with the following pip command:

pip install selfeeg[interactive]

SelfEEG can be also installed via conda by running the following command:

conda install -c Pup_Fede_Cnd -c pytorch selfeeg

Good practice

Although the dependency list is pretty short, it is strongly suggested to install selfEEG in a fresh environment. The following links provide a guide for creating a new Python virtual environment or a new conda environment:

  1. new virtual environment
  2. new conda environment

In addition, if PyTorch, Torchvision and Torchaudio are not present in your environment, the previous commands will install the CPU_only versions of such packages. If you have CUDA installed on your system, we strongly encourage you to first install PyTorch, Torchvision and Torchaudio by choosing the right configuration, which varies depending on your OS and CUDA versions; then install selfEEG. The official PyTorch documentation provides an installation command selector, which is available at the following link.


selfEEG requires the following packages to correctly work. If you want to use selfEEG by forking and cloning the project, be sure to install them:

  • pandas
  • scipy
  • torch >= 2.0.0
  • torchaudio >=2.0.2
  • torchvision >=0.15.2
  • tqdm

The following list was extracted via pipdeptree (github repo). Packages like numpy does not appear because they are dependencies of other listed packages.

Optional packages which we suggest to include in your environment are listed as follows:

  • jupyterlab
  • scikit-learn
  • seaborn (or simply matplotlib)
  • MNE

Tutorial Notebooks

The following notebook-style pages include a detailed guide on how to use some library functionalities that we believe require further explanation in addition to the examples provided in the documentation API.

learn how to use the dataloading module for creating PyTorch dataloaders
learn how to combine different data augmentations to construct custom augmenters
learn how to build a self-supervised learning pipeline.
learn how to use selfEEG on a real-world dataset.


Modules Functionalities
:doc:`dataloading <selfeeg.dataloading>`
  • Split data according to the experimental setting
  • Create custom Datasets and Samplers to give to the Dataloader
:doc:`augmentation <selfeeg.augmentation>`
  • Implementation of several data augmentations
  • Combine different data augmentations
:doc:`models <selfeeg.models>`
  • Implementation of several Deep Learning Models
:doc:`models <selfeeg.losses>`
  • Implementation of Contrastive Losses
:doc:`ssl <selfeeg.ssl>`
  • Implementation of SSL algorithms
  • already implemented fine-tuning function
:doc:`utils <selfeeg.utils>`
  • Implementations of various utility functions


Contribution Guidelines

If you'd like to contribute to selfEEG, please take a look at our contributing guidelines.


If you also have suggestions regarding novel features to add, or simply want some support on how to exploit this library in your SSL experiments, please consider writing to our research team.

MedMax Team

We are really open to new collaborations!

Requests and bug tracker

If you have some requests or you have noticed some bugs, use the Issue page to report them. We will try to solve reported bugs as fast as possible.

Authors and Citation

We have worked really hard to develop this library. If you use selfEEG during your research, please cite our work. It will help us to continue doing our research.


  • Eng. Federico Del Pup
  • M.Sc. Andrea Zanola
  • M.Sc. Louis Fabrice Tshimanga
  • Eng. Paolo Emilio Mazzon
  • Prof. Manfredo Atzori


see MIT License