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GOSE_VMK (GOSE Video Maker)

  • GOES_VMK allows you to download GOES-16 and GOES-18 satellite images from NOAA's dedicated repositories, specifically from URLs like
  • This tool enables you to filter images by channel, date, and resolution, and then compile them into high-resolution videos.

Key Features

  • High-Resolution Outputs: Achieves higher resolution than NOAA's default video creator, supporting up to 21696x21696 and 10848x10848 resolutions for videos.
  • Flexible Date and Channel Selection: Offers more flexibility in selecting time ranges and channels compared to the standard NOAA video options available at
  • Support for Multiple Satellites: Compatible with both GOES-16 and GOES-18 satellites, featuring 24 different channels for tailored image retrieval and video creation. GOES_VMK is designed to provide advanced users with the tools necessary to create detailed and specific visualizations of satellite data, offering enhanced control over the output video's content and quality.

Result Video

GOSE 16 East GeoColor True Color Full Disk Video of Solar Eclipse in 2023 (14 Oct 2023 1000 UTC - 14 Oct 2023 2250 UTC)


GOSE 18 Wast GeoColor True Color Full Disk Video of Solar Eclipse in 2023 (14 Oct 2023 1000 UTC - 14 Oct 2023 2250 UTC)


  • Satellite and channel selection
  • Date and resolution filtering for images
  • Option to create videos from downloaded images using FFmpeg

How It Works

The script executes the following steps:

  1. Satellite and Channel Selection: Users select the desired satellite and channel from provided options.
  2. Resolution Selection: After fetching available images, users choose the image resolution for download.
  3. Date Range Input: Users input a date range to filter the images, with an option to use previously used ranges.
  4. Download Images: Images within the selected date and resolution are downloaded to the local system.
  5. Video Creation (Optional): Users can choose to compile the downloaded images into a video, specifying frame rate and other parameters.


  • This script is compatible with Python 3.10
  • The result will be the downloaded images and video in avi format.


  • Python 3.10
  • ffmpeg


1a. Install Python 3.10 for your specific operating system.

1b. Install Miniconda if you haven't already.

2. Create a new Conda environment:

In Anaconda Prompt (miniconda3)

conda create --name GOSE_VMK python=3.10

conda activate GOSE_VMK

3. Install the required libraries:

pip install requests

pip install beautifulsoup4

pip install wget

4. To ensure combind image into video, you also need to have ffmpeg installed on your system. Below are instructions for installing ffmpeg on different platforms.

Installing ffmpeg

# Ubuntu or Debian

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

# Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S ffmpeg

# MacOS (using Homebrew) If you don't have Homebrew installed, you can install it from

brew install ffmpeg

# Windows (using Chocolatey) If you don't have Chocolatey installed, you can install it from
# To install chocolatey run Anaconda Powershell Prompt (miniconda3) in Admin and run
# Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

choco install ffmpeg

# Windows (using Scoop) If you don't have Scoop installed, you can install it from

scoop install ffmpeg

4. Clone the repository:

git clone

5. Change to the project directory:


6. Run the script to start:


Follow the on-screen instructions to select a satellite, Channel and time.

After the finish downloading all image you can choose to create a video from images and enter the time for frame interval.

Flow Chart to illustrate how the code works:

1. Start
2. Prompt user to select a satellite
3. Prompt user to select a channel
4. Fetch available images and display resolutions
5. User selects desired resolution
6. Input date range (use last or specify new)
7. Display selected image range and confirm download
8. Download selected images
   8.1. Save images to specified directory
   8.2. Option to create video from downloaded images
       8.2.1. User inputs frame interval
       8.2.2. Calculate frame rate and generate video
9. Option to restart or exit
10. End

Code explan


Converts a Julian date format to a standard date format, adding time and UTC notation.

suggest_closest_date(image_list, start_date_part, end_date_part)

Finds the closest available images if the specified date range does not match exactly, helping to ensure users still get relevant data.

save_last_date_range(start_date_part, end_date_part) and load_last_date_range()

These functions save and retrieve the last used date range, providing a convenient option for frequent users to repeat similar queries without re-entering dates.

create_video_from_images(image_directory, output_video_path, frame_rate=30)

Compiles downloaded images into a video. It uses FFmpeg to stitch images together based on a specified frame rate, which is dynamically calculated from the user-provided frame interval.

Satellite and Channel Configuration

Maintains a structured dictionary of satellites and channels, allowing the script to be easily updated or extended with new satellite data or imaging techniques.