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Test-Driven Developed ESP8266 Driver

In this project, I implemented a demo driver to communicate between ESP-01 and STM32G474(NUCLEO) following the principles of Test-Driven Development. I have used CppUTest that is an unit testing framework to test the codes.

How to Use

First of all, you have to implement your own UART receive, UART transmit and getTick functions because this driver needs these functions to communicate with ESP-01.

void UART_SendMessage(uint8_t* messageArray)

		USART1->TDR = *messageArray++;
		while(!(USART1->ISR & (1<<6)));		// wait for transmit register(TC) to set.
/* with HAL drivers-----------------------*/
//	HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart1, messageArray, strlen((char*)messageArray), HAL_MAX_DELAY);
uint8_t UART_ReceiveByte(void)

	return USART1->RDR;
/* with HAL drivers-----------------------*/
//	uint8_t buffer[10];
//	HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, &buffer, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
//	return buffer[0];

Pass the functions to the ESP_Init() function as a function pointer. I have used HAL_GetTick() instead of implementing my own getTick function.

  ESP_Init(UART_SendMessage,	// UART transmit function
		  UART_ReceiveByte,		// UART receive function
		  HAL_GetTick,			// get tick function
		  255					// UART ring buffer size

Add ESP_UART_ReceiveHandler() function to ISR.

void USART1_IRQHandler(void)
	  if(!(USART2->ISR & (1<<5)))			// rx interrupt
		 ESP_UART_ReceiveHandler(); 		// ESP receive handler function.

It is ready to use. You can use this driver to connect TCP/IP server and send/read messages for now. I will continue to improve the driver as soon as possible. Here is an example how to connect TCP/IP server.

  while(!HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(B1_GPIO_Port, B1_Pin));		// Start button

  USART1->CR1 |= (1<<5); // rx interrupt enable

  ESP_Init(UART_SendMessage,	// UART transmit function
		  UART_ReceiveByte,		// UART receive function
		  HAL_GetTick,			// get tick function
		  255					// UART ring buffer size

	  Status connectionStatus = Connect_Wifi("SSID", "Password");

	  if(connectionStatus == STATUS_OK)
	  else if(connectionStatus == STATUS_ERROR || connectionStatus == TIMEOUT_ERROR)

  while(Connect_TCP_Server("", "255") == IDLE);

  while(Send_TCP_Message("Test message") == IDLE);

  char receivedCommand[50];
  while (1)
	  if(Read_TCP_Message(receivedCommand) == STATUS_OK)

		  if(strcmp(receivedCommand,"MOTOR_ON") == 0)
			  while(Send_TCP_Message("MOTOR_ON command has been detected.\n") == IDLE);

			  	  	  	  	  	  // do something else
		  else if(strcmp(receivedCommand,"MOTOR_OFF") == 0)
			  while(Send_TCP_Message("MOTOR_OFF command has been detected.\n") == IDLE);
			  	  	  	  	  	  	  	  // do something else
		  else if(strcmp(receivedCommand,"LED_ON") == 0)
			  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin, 1);
		  else if(strcmp(receivedCommand,"LED_OFF") == 0)
			  HAL_GPIO_WritePin(LD2_GPIO_Port, LD2_Pin, 0);
			  while(Send_TCP_Message("Invalid command!\n") == IDLE);
		  memset(receivedCommand,0,50);		// clear the received command buffer



    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
  /* USER CODE END 3 */