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A collection from all of my scripts

Guess the Number (CPU)

A small game which let you guess which number the program generated. If you're wrong the program says higher/lower.

How to use

  1. Start (or for CPU guessing)
  2. Follow the instructions


A little script like my other sendmail script. One difference: You can go step-by-step through each point.

How to use

  1. Edit in the Default settings area (optional)
  2. Start
  3. Follow the instructions


A script which uses open source data by DWD - Deutscher Wetterdienst. It's logging the data for each region.

How to use

  1. Select your region in line 56 in if needed (see table below)
  2. Start every day after 11am (MESZ)
  3. See your data in data/ and the backups after each month in backup/
Region ID Region Name
11 Insel und Marschen
12 Geest, Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg
-1 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern + Brandenburg und Berlin (will be fixed)
31 Westl. Niedersachsen/Bremen
32 Östl. Niedersachsen
41 Rhein.-Westfäl. Tiefland
42 Ostwestfalen
43 Mittelgebirge NRW
-1 Brandenburg und Berlin + Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (will be fixed)
61 Tiefland Sachsen-Anhalt
62 Harz
71 Tiefland Thüringen
72 Mittelgebirge Thüringen
81 Tiefland Sachsen
82 Mittelgebirge Sachsen
91 Nordhessen und hess. Mittelgebirge
92 Rhein-Main
101 Rhein, Pfalz, Nahe und Mosel
102 Mittelgebirgsbereich Rheinland-Pfalz
103 Saarland
111 Oberrhein und unteres Neckartal
112 Hohenlohe/mittlerer Neckar/Oberschwaben
113 Mittelgebirge Baden-Württemberg
121 Allgäu/Oberbayern/Bay. Wald
122 Donauniederungen
123 Bayern nördl. der Donau, o. Bayr. Wald, o. Mainfranken
124 Mainfranken

To find your region please follow this link to the DWD: