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Melissa - MatchUp Object Global Linux Dotnet


This code showcases the Melissa MatchUp Object Global using C#.

Please feel free to copy or embed this code to your own project. Happy coding!

For the latest Melissa MatchUp Object Global release notes, please visit:

For further details, please visit:

The console will ask the user for:

  • A txt file that contains global data you would like to matchup
  • A txt file that contains US data you would like to matchup

And return

  • A txt file of global duplicate groups
  • A txt file of US duplicate groups

Tested Environments

  • Linux 64-bit .NET 7.0, Ubuntu 20.04.05 LTS
  • Melissa data files for 2024-Q2

Required File(s) and Programs


This is the c++ code of the Melissa Object.


Data File(s)

  • icudt52l.dat
  • mdMatchup.dat
  • mdMatchup.sac
  • mdMatchup.cfg

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

Install the Dotnet Core SDK

Before starting, check to see if you already have the .NET 7.0 SDK already installed by entering this command:

dotnet --list-sdks

If the .NET 7.0 SDK is already installed, you should see it in the following list:

alt text

As long as the above list contains version (underlined in red), then you can skip to the next step. If your list does not contain version 7.0, or you get any kind of error message, then you will need to download and install the .NET 7.0 SDK.

To download, run the following commands to add the Microsoft package signing key to your list of trusted keys and add the package repository.

wget -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb
sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Next, you can now run this command to install the .NET 7.0 SDK:

sudo apt-get update && \
  sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-7.0

Once all of this is done, you should be able to verify that the SDK is installed with the dotnet --list-sdks command.

Download this project

$ git clone
$ cd MatchUpObjectGlobal-Dotnet-Linux

Set up Melissa Updater

Melissa Updater is a CLI application allowing the user to update their Melissa applications/data.

  • In the root directory of the project, create a folder called MelissaUpdater by using the command:

    mkdir MelissaUpdater

  • Enter the newly created folder using the command:

    cd MelissaUpdater

  • Proceed to install the Melissa Updater using the curl command:

    curl -L -O

  • After the Melissa Updater is installed, you will need to change the Melissa Updater to an executable using the command:

    chmod +x MelissaUpdater

  • Now that the Melissa Updater is set up, you can now proceed to move back into the project folder by using the command:

    cd ..

Different ways to get data file(s)

  1. Using Melissa Updater
    • It will handle all of the data download/path and .so file(s) for you.
  2. If you already have the latest release zip, you can find the data file(s) in there
    • To pass in your own data file path directory, you may either use the '--dataPath' parameter or enter the data file path directly in interactive mode.
    • Comment out this line "DownloadDataFiles $license" in the bash script.
    • This will prevent you from having to redownload all the files.

Change Bash Script Permissions

To be able to run the bash script, you must first make it an executable using the command:

chmod +x

As an indicator, the filename will change colors once it becomes an executable.

Run Bash Script


  • --global: a test global txt file

  • --us: a test US txt file

    These are convenient when you want to get results for specific txt files in one run instead of testing multiple txt files in interactive mode.

  • --dataPath (optional): a data file path directory to test the MatchUp Object Global

  • --license (optional): a license string to test the MatchUp Object Global

  • --quiet (optional): add to the command if you do not want to get any console output from the Melissa Updater

    When you have modified the script to match your data location, let's run the script. There are two modes:

  • Interactive

    The script will prompt the user for a global txt file and a US txt file, then use the provided txt files to test MatchUp Object Global. For example:

    $ ./

    For quiet mode:

    $ ./ --quiet
  • Command Line

    You can pass a global txt file, US txt file, and a license string into the --global, --us, and --license parameters respectively to test MatchUp Object Global. For example:

    $ ./ --global "MelissaMatchupGlobalSampleInput.txt" --us "MelissaMatchupUSSampleInput.txt"
    $ ./ --global "MelissaMatchupGlobalSampleInput.txt" --us "MelissaMatchupUSSampleInput.txt" --license "<your_license_string>"

    For quiet mode:

    $ ./ --global "MelissaMatchupGlobalSampleInput.txt" --us "MelissaMatchupUSSampleInput.txt" --quiet
    $ ./ --global "MelissaMatchupGlobalSampleInput.txt" --us "MelissaMatchupUSSampleInput.txt" --license "<your_license_string>" --quiet

This is the expected output from a successful setup for interactive mode:

alt text


Troubleshooting for errors found while running your program.

C# Errors:

Error Description
ErrorRequiredFileNotFound Program is missing a required file. Please check your Data folder and refer to the list of required files above. If you are unable to obtain all required files through the Melissa Updater, please contact technical support below.
ErrorLicenseExpired Expired license string. Please contact technical support below.

Contact Us

For free technical support, please call us at 800-MELISSA ext. 4 (800-635-4772 ext. 4) or email us at

To purchase this product, contact the Melissa sales department at 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3).