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61 lines (48 loc) · 2.45 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (48 loc) · 2.45 KB


A little PoC devops pipeline in a box. Will perform string obfuscation, replace guid, pdb strings, etc, build, steal a signature from another binary, optionally runs confuser, optionally encrypt and base64 encodes all the artifacts before zipping.

Installs the scripts and tools it needs to work into the workingFolder parameter path. Sigthief, InvisiblilityCloak, Confuser.cli.exe, skavencrypt. Temp and Artifacts are created here as well. Temp deletes itself, artifacts does not, so be mindful of how much space you're filling up. It really adds up quick. Something to add later.

Throw more powershell at it!

Description of Image

Description of Image


Pretty straight-forward, check out the comments in the block below for explanations of the parameters.

Params in a hashtable, until it is done

$proj = "C:\git\MyAgent"
$projName = "MyAgent"
$params = @{
    newProjectFolderName = "$projName"
    workingFolder = "C:\Devops"    
    inputFolder = "$proj"
    signatureBinary = "$path\skavencryptiv\WINWORD.exe" # this will download as part of the script but can specify
    method = "rot13" # string obfuscation method rot13, reverse, base64, none
    confuser = $true # run confuser w/ 'aggressive' preset
    xor = $true 
    key = "NewMilleniumCyanideChrist" # xor key, default in the script as well if you choose xor and dont give a key
.\PipelingNG.ps1 @params

CI and Scripts

PipelingCI Modified version I use in my pipeline, can disable sigthief, has some other tweaks. Scripts folder has TrimArtifacts and Looper. Looper will take a folder and run the script on any folders inside, useful for a bunch of dotnet projects. TrimArtifacts is useful as a last step in the pipeline to make sure the local artifacts folder doesn't get crazy.

    $params = @{
        newProjectFolderName = $projName
        workingFolder = $workingFolder    
        inputFolder = $proj
        signatureBinary = $signatureBinary
        method = $method
        confuser = $confuser
        xor = $xor 
        key = $key
        sigthief = $false

    # Run PipelingNG.ps1 script with parameters
    .\PipelingNG\PipelingCI.ps1 @params

Shout outs to the projects used here.

    - sigthief
    - invisibilitycloak
    - confuserex