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react-native-fitnesskit is a fitness library that works on both iOS and Android with it you can interact with Apple Healthkit and Google Fit. Currently the lib provides a set of API that you can use to read steps count, distance count, HeartRate count, Energy count for a given period of time. Note: We're open to receive PRs that contains new features or improvements, so feel free to contribute to this repo.

Getting started

npm install @memorres/react-native-fitnesskit --save or yarn add @memorres/react-native-fitnesskit

Mostly automatic installation

react-native link @memorres/react-native-fitnesskit

Manual installation



  1. Add the line below to your Podfile.
    pod 'react-native-fitnesskit', :path => '../node_modules/@memorres/react-native-fitnesskit'`
  2. Run pod install in your iOS project directory.
  3. In XCode, select your project, go to Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries and add libreact-native-fitnesskits.a.
  4. Add following to your Info.plist in order to ask permissions.
    <string>Read and understand health data.</string>
    <string>Share workout data with other apps.</string>


  1. In XCode's project navigator, right click LibrariesAdd Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modulesmemorresrereact-native-fitnesskit and select RNFitnesskit.xcodeproj`
  3. In XCode select your project, go to Build PhasesLink Binary With Libraries and add libRNFitnesskit.a.
  4. Run your project (Cmd+R) In order to make it run, it is necessary to turn on Health Kit in the Capabilities.


  1. Use below link to enable google fit api on google console.
  2. Open up
    • Add import com.memorres.fitnesskit.RNFitnesskitPackage; to the imports at the top of the file
    • Add new RNFitnesskitPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method
  3. Append the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
    include ':@memorres_react-native-fitnesskit'
    project(':@memorres_react-native-fitnesskit').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, 	'../node_modules/@memorres/react-native-fitnesskit/android')
  4. Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in android/app/build.gradle:
    compile project(':@memorres_react-native-fitnesskit')

Get Started

  1. Initialize Fitnesskit. This will show the Fitnesskit permissions prompt for any read permissions.Due to Apple's privacy model if an app user has previously denied a specific permission then they can not be prompted again for that same permission. The app user would have to go into the Apple Health app
  2. If new read/write permissions are added to the options object then the app user will see the Healthkit permissions prompt with the new permissions to allow.


import Fitnesskit,{Permission} from 'react-native-fitnesskit';
let options = {
  permissions: {
      read: [Permission.StepCount,Permission.Distance],
  .then((authorized) => {
    // Do something
  .catch((error) => {
    // Do something


  • Fitness.isAuthorized(permissions) Check if permissions are granted or not. It works on Android >= google play services 7.0 or higher and iOS >=12.0 ,while it returns an error if condition not satisfied.
  • Fitness.requestPermissions(permissions)
           .then((success) => {
           .catch((err) => {
  • Fitness.getStepCount() Fetch steps on a given period of time. It requires an Object with startDate and endDate attributes as string. If startDate is not provided an error will be thrown.
let optionsSteps = {
   startDate: "2020-4-17",
   endDate:   "2020-4-21",
 Fitnesskit.getStepCount(optionsSteps).then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
  • Fitness.getDistance() Fetch distance in meters on a given period of time. It requires an Object with startDate and endDate attributes as string. If startDate is not provided an error will be thrown.
let options = {
  startDate: "2020-4-17",
  endDate:   "2020-4-21",
  type:     Permission.Distance,

Here type is only for ios becuase ios provide also distance for DistanceSwimming and DistanceCycling and default type parameter for ios is DistanceWalkingRunning

  • Fitness.getEnergy() Fetch calories burnt in kilocalories on a given period of time.. It requires an Object with startDate and endDate attributes as string. If startDate is not provided an error will be thrown.
let options = {
  startDate: "2020-4-17",
  endDate:   "2020-4-21",
  type:     Permission.Energy,

Here type is only for ios becuase ios provide also energy for BasalEnergyBurned and DietaryEnergy and default and default type parameter for ios is ActiveEnergyBurned

  • Fitness.getHeartRate() Fetch heart rate bpm on a given period of time. It requires an Object with startDate and endDate attributes as string. If startDate is not provided an error will be thrown.



Return the used provider.


Return the information of what kind of Permission can be asked. At the moment the list of possible kinds is:

  • StepCount: to required the access for Step
  • Distance: to required the access for DistanceWalkingRunning for ios and Distance for android
  • DistanceSwimming: to required the access for DistanceSwimming only for ios
  • DistanceCycling: to required the access for DistanceCycling only for ios
  • Energy: to required the access for Calorie for android and ActiveEnergyBurned for ios
  • BasalEnergyBurned: to required the access for BasalEnergyBurned only for ios
  • DietaryEnergy: to required the access for DietaryEnergy only for ios
  • HeartRate: to required the access for Heart rate


Return the information of what kind of Access can be asked. The list of possible kinds is:

  • Read: to required the access to Read
  • Write: to required the access to Write


Return the list of meaningful errors that can be possible thrown. On Android below error occur. dateNotCorrect: thrown if received date is not correct Possible error for iOS only

  • hkNotAvailable: thrown if HealthKit is not available
  • methodNotAvailable: thrown if isAuthorized is called on iOS < 12.0
  • dateNotCorrect: thrown if received date is not correct
  • errorEmptyPermissions: thrown if no read permissions are provided
  • errorNoEvents: thrown if an error occurs while try to retrieve data


A React Native package that gives you access to Apple Health kit and Google Fit data







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