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File metadata and controls

67 lines (45 loc) · 1.68 KB


Spin up a local kafka broker using docker-compose.yml to follow along:

docker compose up broker -d

Note: check the logs before sending messages to Kafka, these messages may not be delivered until the broker is ready.

Here's the hello-world application using Kafka:

from time import sleep

from snapstream import Topic, snap, stream

messages = ('🏆', '📞', '🐟', '👌')

t = Topic('emoji', {
    'bootstrap.servers': 'localhost:29091',
    'auto.offset.reset': 'earliest',
    '': 'demo',
    '': 'demo',

@snap(messages, sink=[t])
def produce(msg):
    print(f'producing {msg}')
    return msg

@snap(t, sink=[print])
def consume(msg):
    val = msg.value().decode()
    return f'got: {val}'


The principles remain the same:

  • Any iterable may act as a source of data
  • Any callable can be used as a sink


  • When we call stream(), each iterable is processed in a separate thread
  • Elements are published to each handler function (that's decorated using snap)
Producing 🏆
got: 🏆
Producing 📞
got: 📞
Producing 🐟
got: 🐟
Producing 👌
got: 👌

These simple concepts offer interesting ways to establish complex arbitrary stateful streams.

Note: out of the box advanced features such as synchronizing streams could be offered in the future, feel free to contribute!