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File metadata and controls

276 lines (220 loc) · 11.9 KB

tmpnet - temporary network orchestration

This package implements a simple orchestrator for the avalanchego nodes of a temporary network. Configuration is stored on disk, and nodes run as independent processes whose process details are also written to disk. Using the filesystem to store configuration and process details allows for the tmpnetctl cli and e2e test fixture to orchestrate the same temporary networks without the use of an rpc daemon.

What's in a name?

The name of this package was originally testnet and its cli was testnetctl. This name was chosen in ignorance that testnet commonly refers to a persistent blockchain network used for testing.

To avoid confusion, the name was changed to tmpnet and its cli tmpnetctl. tmpnet is short for temporary network since the networks it deploys are likely to live for a limited duration in support of the development and testing of avalanchego and its related repositories.

Package details

The functionality in this package is grouped by logical purpose into the following non-test files:

Filename Types Purpose
defaults.go Defines common default configuration
flags.go FlagsMap Simplifies configuration of avalanchego flags
genesis.go Creates test genesis
network.go Network Orchestrates and configures temporary networks
network_config.go Network Reads and writes network configuration
node.go Node Orchestrates and configures nodes
node_config.go Node Reads and writes node configuration
node_process.go NodeProcess Orchestrates node processes
subnet.go Subnet Orchestrates subnets
utils.go Defines shared utility functions


Via tmpnetctl

A temporary network can be managed by the tmpnetctl cli tool:

# From the root of the avalanchego repo

# Build the tmpnetctl binary
$ ./scripts/

# Start a new network
$ ./build/tmpnetctl start-network --avalanchego-path=/path/to/avalanchego
Started network /home/me/.tmpnet/networks/20240306-152305.924531 (UUID: abaab590-b375-44f6-9ca5-f8a6dc061725)

Configure tmpnetctl to target this network by default with one of the following statements:
 - source /home/me/.tmpnet/networks/20240306-152305.924531/network.env
 - export TMPNET_NETWORK_DIR=/home/me/.tmpnet/networks/20240306-152305.924531
 - export TMPNET_NETWORK_DIR=/home/me/.tmpnet/networks/latest

# Stop the network
$ ./build/tmpnetctl stop-network --network-dir=/path/to/network

Note the export of the path ending in latest. This is a symlink that is set to the last network created by tmpnetctl start-network. Setting the TMPNET_NETWORK_DIR env var to this symlink ensures that tmpnetctl commands and e2e execution with --use-existing-network will target the most recently deployed temporary network.

Via code

A temporary network can be managed in code:

network := &tmpnet.Network{                   // Configure non-default values for the new network
    DefaultFlags: tmpnet.FlagsMap{
        config.LogLevelKey: "INFO",           // Change one of the network's defaults
    Subnets: []*tmpnet.Subnet{                // Subnets to create on the new network once it is running
            Name: "xsvm-a",                   // User-defined name used to reference subnet in code and on disk
            Chains: []*tmpnet.Chain{
                    VMName: "xsvm",           // Name of the VM the chain will run, will be used to derive the name of the VM binary
                    Genesis: <genesis bytes>, // Genesis bytes used to initialize the custom chain
                    PreFundedKey: <key>,      // (Optional) A private key that is funded in the genesis bytes

_ := tmpnet.StartNewNetwork(              // Start the network
    ctx,                                  // Context used to limit duration of waiting for network health
    ginkgo.GinkgoWriter,                  // Writer to report progress of initialization
    "",                                   // Empty string uses the default network path (~/tmpnet/networks)
    "/path/to/avalanchego",               // The path to the binary that nodes will execute
    "/path/to/plugins",                   // The path nodes will use for plugin binaries (suggested value ~/.avalanchego/plugins)
    5,                                    // Number of initial validating nodes

uris := network.GetNodeURIs()

// Use URIs to interact with the network

// Stop all nodes in the network

Networking configuration

By default, nodes in a temporary network will be started with staking and API ports set to 0 to ensure that ports will be dynamically chosen. The tmpnet fixture discovers the ports used by a given node by reading the [base-data-dir]/process.json file written by avalanchego on node start. The use of dynamic ports supports testing with many temporary networks without having to manually select compatible port ranges.

Configuration on disk

A temporary network relies on configuration written to disk in the following structure:

└── .tmpnet                                              // Root path for the temporary network fixture
    ├── prometheus                                       // Working directory for a metrics-scraping prometheus instance
    │   └── file_sd_configs                              // Directory containing file-based service discovery config for prometheus
    ├── promtail                                         // Working directory for a log-collecting promtail instance
    │   └── file_sd_configs                              // Directory containing file-based service discovery config for promtail
    └── networks                                         // Default parent directory for temporary networks
        └── 20240306-152305.924531                       // The timestamp of creation is the name of a network's directory
            ├── NodeID-37E8UK3x2YFsHE3RdALmfWcppcZ1eTuj9 // The ID of a node is the name of its data dir
            │   ├── chainData
            │   │   └── ...
            │   ├── config.json                          // Node runtime configuration
            │   ├── db
            │   │   └── ...
            │   ├── flags.json                           // Node flags
            │   ├── logs
            │   │   └── ...
            │   ├── plugins
            │   │   └── ...
            │   └── process.json                         // Node process details (PID, API URI, staking address)
            ├── chains
            │   ├── C
            │   │   └── config.json                      // C-Chain config for all nodes
            │   └── raZ51bwfepaSaZ1MNSRNYNs3ZPfj...U7pa3
            │       └── config.json                      // Custom chain configuration for all nodes
            ├── config.json                              // Common configuration (including defaults and pre-funded keys)
            ├── genesis.json                             // Genesis for all nodes
            ├── network.env                              // Sets network dir env var to simplify network usage
            └── subnets                                  // Parent directory for subnet definitions
                ├─ subnet-a.json                         // Configuration for subnet-a and its chain(s)
                └─ subnet-b.json                         // Configuration for subnet-b and its chain(s)

Common networking configuration

Network configuration such as default flags (e.g. --log-level=), runtime defaults (e.g. avalanchego path) and pre-funded private keys are stored at [network-dir]/config.json. A given default will only be applied to a new node on its addition to the network if the node does not explicitly set a given value.


The genesis file is stored at [network-dir]/genesis.json and referenced by default by all nodes in the network. The genesis file content will be generated with reasonable defaults if not supplied. Each node in the network can override the default by setting an explicit value for --genesis-file or --genesis-file-content.

Chain configuration

The chain configuration for a temporary network is stored at [network-dir]/chains/[chain alias or ID]/config.json and referenced by all nodes in the network. The C-Chain config will be generated with reasonable defaults if not supplied. X-Chain and P-Chain will use implicit defaults. The configuration for custom chains can be provided with subnet configuration and will be writen to the appropriate path.

Each node in the network can override network-level chain configuration by setting --chain-config-dir to an explicit value and ensuring that configuration files for all chains exist at [custom-chain-config-dir]/[chain alias or ID]/config.json.

Network env

A shell script that sets the TMPNET_NETWORK_DIR env var to the path of the network is stored at [network-dir]/network.env. Sourcing this file (i.e. source network.env) in a shell will configure ginkgo e2e and the tmpnetctl cli to target the network path specified in the env var.

Set TMPNET_ROOT_DIR to specify the root directory in which to create the configuration directory of new networks (e.g. $TMPNET_ROOT_DIR/[network-dir]). The default root directory is ~/.tmpdir/networks. Configuring the root directory is only relevant when creating new networks as the path of existing networks will already have been set.

Node configuration

The data dir for a node is set by default to [network-path]/[node-id]. A node can be configured to use a non-default path by explicitly setting the --data-dir flag.

Runtime config

The details required to configure a node's execution are written to [network-path]/[node-id]/config.json. This file contains the runtime-specific details like the path of the avalanchego binary to start the node with.


All flags used to configure a node are written to [network-path]/[node-id]/flags.json so that a node can be configured with only a single argument: --config-file=/path/to/flags.json. This simplifies node launch and ensures all parameters used to launch a node can be modified by editing the config file.

Process details

The process details of a node are written by avalanchego to [base-data-dir]/process.json. The file contains the PID of the node process, the URI of the node's API, and the address other nodes can use to bootstrap themselves (aka staking address).


Prometheus configuration

When nodes are started, prometheus configuration for each node is written to ~/.tmpnet/prometheus/file_sd_configs/ with a filename of [network uuid]-[node id].json. Prometheus can be configured to scrape the nodes as per the following example:

  - job_name: "avalanchego"
    metrics_path: "/ext/metrics"
      - files:
        - '/home/me/.tmpnet/prometheus/file_sd_configs/*.yaml'

Viewing metrics

When a network is started with tmpnet, a grafana link for the network's metrics will be emitted.

The metrics emitted by temporary networks configured with tmpnet will have the following labels applied:

  • network_uuid
  • node_id
  • is_ephemeral_node
  • network_owner

When a tmpnet network runs as part of github CI, the following additional labels will be applied:

  • gh_repo
  • gh_workflow
  • gh_run_id
  • gh_run_number
  • gh_run_attempt
  • gh_job_id