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File metadata and controls

301 lines (259 loc) · 9.66 KB


By José Martínez Santana

Technologies used


D3, the short name for Data-Driven Documents, is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps to bind data to HTML, SVG and CSS. It provides a wide range of tools and functions that enable developers to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations.

common-charts-js while I was studying D3, creating a chart is a very manual process that requires to rewrite the same code all over again just for changing some parameters.

In addition inspired by the book Create Web Charts with D3 this library provides a solution for creating the most used data visualization charts (like line 📈, bar 📊, etc.).

Charts at disposal

The library has the next charts in the current version:

  1. Line (single and multi series).
  2. Bar (simple, grouped, stacked and normalized).
  3. Area (single and multi series).
  4. Slope.
  5. Radar.


  1. Install NodeJS on your computer.
  2. Create a folder for your project.
  3. Execute the next command in the terminal:
npm i -S common-charts-js


How to download D3 library

This library do not use the npm install d3 to avoid the unnecessary loading js files of the whole D3 library.

In order to download D3 the lastest version and use it in a vanilla HTML in modern browsers, import D3 from jsDelivr or unpkg or another CDN.

Example of the import in the HTML script tag

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" language="javascript></script>

How initialize a chart

  1. Create a HTML file. Add the D3 library, add svg element where the chart will be contained. Finally at a script tag of your code.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <title>Common charts example</title>
    <h1>Example of how to use the common-charts-js library</h1>
    <svg class="chart"></svg>
    <script type="module" src="./firstgraph.js"></script>
  1. Create a file called firstgraph.js. Inside it, import the desired chart to be displayed. The common-charts-js library. They were written using the ECMACScript 6 modules. For example the multi line series graph.
import { SlopeChart }  from "common-charts-js";
  1. Create of fetch a dataset as an array of objects. For example:
const data /**@type {{answer: string, last_year: number, this_year: number}[]}*/ = [{
    answer: "Strongly agree",
    last_year: 0.26,
    this_year: 0.33
    answer: "Agree",
    last_year: 0.5,
    this_year: 0.51
    answer: "Disagree",
    last_year: 0.22,
    this_year: 0.14
    answer: "Strongly disagree",
    last_year: 0.02,
    this_year: 0.02
  1. Initalize the chart. For more details, see the documentation.
const chartContainer = document.querySelector("svg");
const width = chartContainer.clientWidth;
const height = chartContainer.clientHeight;

const slopeChart = new SlopeChart()
    top: 50,
    right: 30,
    bottom: 50,
    left: 30,
  .xSerie((d) => d.answer)
  .ySeries((d) => ({
    "Last year": d.last_year,
    "This year": d.this_year
    .range(["black", "green", "blue", "orange"])
  1. Always start with the init() method to set all the D3 js scales, formatting, etc.


Fetch a csv data from a url of the book Data Wrangling with JavaScript of the climate in New York City.

The dataset needs to be passed to a ETL process to be visualized.

To transform the dataset use the Data Forge library to calculate the average temperature and snowfall data and group per year. A sample of the dataset grouped:

year Average temperature Average snowfall
1917 10.55 3.4
1918 11.83 1.42
1919 12.13 0.87
1920 11.29 2.01

HTML code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./test.css" type="text/css" />
    <title>Chart common chart js</title>
    <svg class="chart"></svg>
    <script src="test.js" type="module" language="javascript"></script>

JavaScript code

import {
} from "./src/index.mjs";

const response = await fetch(
const csvText = await response.text();

// Transdorm the data to a dataframe using the Data Forge library
const newYorkClimate = dataForge
  .fromCSV(csvText, {
    dynamicTyping: true
  .select((row) => ({
    date: new Date(row.Year, row.Month - 1, row.Day),
    temperature: (row.MaxTemp + row.MinTemp) / 2,
  .dropSeries(["Day", "MaxTemp", "MinTemp", "Year", "Month"])
  .groupBy((row) =>
  .select((group) => ({
    year: group.first().date.getFullYear(),
    "Average temperature": +group
      .deflate((record) => record.temperature)
    "Average snowfall": +group
      .deflate((record) => record.Snowfall)

// Function to set the postfix units in the y axis
const customUnits = d3.formatLocale({
  currency: ["", "°C"],

const svgElem = document.querySelector("svg");
const width = svgElem.clientWidth;
const height = svgElem.clientHeight;

// Set all the parameters for the chart creation
const chart = new MultiLineChart()
    top: 30,
    right: 50,
    bottom: 30,
    left: 50,
  .xSerie((d) => d.year)
  .ySeries((d) => ({
    temperature: d["Average temperature"],
    snowfall: d["Average snowfall"],
    tickFormat: d3.format(".0f")
    tickFormat: customUnits.format("$.1f")
  .colorScale(d3.scaleOrdinal().range(["black", "green", "blue"]))

// Add each part of the chart necessary
  title: "New York city climate",
  widthOffset: 0.5,
  heightOffset: 0.1,
chart.xAxisName({ title: "Years", widthOffset: 0.5, deltaY: 30 });
chart.yAxisName({ title: "Temperature", heightOffset: 0.5, deltaY: 18})


Neither the common-chart-js and D3 js are libraries for complex data cleaning. Thera another JavaScript libraries for data wrangling such as Data Forge or Polars for JavaScript.

This library requires the cleaned semi structured data previously processed as a JSON file.

The user must have some previous knowledge about how to use D3 js in order to select the correct scales and axis to build the chart.

The common-chart-js code works only in D3 js version 4 or above.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. I invite you to collaborate directly in this repository: common-charts-js


common-charts-js is released under the MIT License.