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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 27, 2020. It is now read-only.


Rob Day edited this page Jun 18, 2013 · 3 revisions


There are 3 support mechanisms for Clearwater.

  • Mailing list - This is for questions about Clearwater.
  • Issues - These are for problems with Clearwater. If you're not sure whether some behavior is expected or not, it's best to ask on the mailing list first.
  • Pull Requests - These allow you to contribute fixes and enhancements back to Clearwater.

Mailing List

The mailing list is managed at When posting, please try to

  • provide a clear subject line
  • provide as much diagnostic information as possible.

You're more likely to get your question answered quickly and correctly that way!


Clearwater uses github's Issues system to track problems. To access the Issues system, first determine which project the issue is with - ask in the forums if you're not sure. Then go to that component's repository page in github and click the Issues tab at the top.

Remember to do a search for existing issues covering your problem before raising a new one!

Pull Requests

Clearwater follows the "Fork & Pull" model of collaborative development, with changes being offered to the main Clearwater codebase via pull requests. If you're interested in contributing,

  • thanks!
  • see the github docs for how to create a pull request
  • before creating a pull request, please make sure you've successfully
    • ensured the code matches our Ruby or C++ coding guidelines
    • compiled the code
    • run the unit tests for the component
    • run the live tests against your changes.
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