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74 lines (62 loc) · 3.13 KB

File metadata and controls

74 lines (62 loc) · 3.13 KB

Advanced ROM Options

Example MAME style rom entry

Below is an example of an XML entry for a MAME style ROM set.

<romset  name="aof" pcm="1" altname="Art of Fighting">
    <file  name="044-p1.p1" type="P"  index="4"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-s1.s1" type="S"  index="8"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-c1.c1" type="C"  index="64"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-c2.c2" type="C"  index="65"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-c1.c1" type="C"  index="72"  offset="0x100000"/>
    <file  name="044-c2.c2" type="C"  index="73"  offset="0x100000"/>
    <file  name="044-c3.c3" type="C"  index="68"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-c4.c4" type="C"  index="69"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-c3.c3" type="C"  index="76"  offset="0x100000"/>
    <file  name="044-c4.c4" type="C"  index="77"  offset="0x100000"/>
    <file  name="044-m1.m1" type="M"  index="9"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-v2.v2" type="V"  index="16"  offset="0"/>
    <file  name="044-v4.v4" type="V"  index="20"  offset="0"/>

Header Fields

Field Use
name Specifies the folder or zip name of the ROM set. This may have multiple entries, separated by commas.
altname The human readable name of the game.
pcm Indicates that the game uses a PCM combination chip.
ct0 Indicates the presence of CT0 chip if 1.
sma Indicates the presence of SMA chip. Valid values are 1 to 5.
pvc Indicates the presence of PVC chip if 1.
cmc Indicates the presence of CMC chip. Valid values are 1 to 2.
link Indicates the presence of Link chip if 1.
rom_wait 1 wait cycle for ROM zone if 1.
p_wait Wait cycles for PORT zone. Valid values are 1 to 2.

File Fields

Field Use
name Specifies the name of the file
type Specifies the file's ROM type (optional)
index Memory position into which to load the file. See below for more information.
offset Offset in file to load from (0 if absent).
size Size of data to load (whole file if absent)

Indexes are determines by file types and the size of files being loaded.

ROM type Possible index(es)
P 4 for P1(or P1A) ROM or merged P ROM, 5 - P1B ROM, 6 - P2 ROM
S 8
M 9
V 16-47 for A part, 48-63 for B part. 512KB chunks
C 15 for merged C ROM (Darksoft), 64-255 for unmerged ROM (MAME) LSB is low/high word. 512KB chunks.

Example Darksoft Entry

<romset  name="bjourney"  pcm="0"  altname="Blues Journey" vromb_offset="0x200000"  vrom_mirror="0"/>

Header Fields

The header fields are mostly the same as MAME entries, with two additions:

Field Use
vromb_offset Specifies the offset in file for the second V ROM entry.
vrom_mirror Specifies if the V ROM file should use address mirroring (enabled by default).


ZIP files are treated as folders and may include either single game or multiple


romsets.xml must be placed in the main NeoGeo directory. Each sub-folder may include its own romsets.xml which replaces the parent romsets.xml.


romset.xml is a single entry from romsets.xml. If this file is found then current folder it treated as a single game folder (all subfolders will be ignored).