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7. Paddy's Day Card

Michael Earley edited this page Feb 15, 2015 · 6 revisions

As Paddy's day is approaching, I have given up on snow for 2015. A change of scene is required.

Change the code for the snowman to: <img id="leprechaun" src="images/leprechaun.png" />

I have changed the id from snowman to leprechaun. The style sheet also needs to be changed.

#leprechaun { position: absolute; left: 400px; top: 350px; height: 400px; z-index: 1000; }

Only the name need to be changed unless you want to change any of the properties.

We will change the background scene also to something a little more green.

<img id="scene" src="images/hills.png" />

The id for the background was called scene so there is no need to change it's name in the style sheet.

It would be nice to have something other than snow falling, maybe shamrocks or gold coins. It would also be able to select the image for what falls. Lets put a pull-down list at the top of the page which contains a list of images.

Lists are created as follows:


Gold Coins Shamrocks `