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Graphical User Interface Test Suite

This folder contains a ready-to-use project for testing the Graphical User Interface implementation on a device. This Test Suite will check the drivers and implementation of LLAPI LLDisplay.

Note: These tests only concern the MicroEJ Platforms made against the MicroEJ UI Packs [6.0.0-13.0.0[ (13.0.0 excluded). For the newer MicroEJ UI packs, see UI3 Readme .

Additionally, the Tool-Java-Touch project allows to test the correct behavior of MicroUI in a Java application.



  1. Follow the configuration of the CORE Test Suite.
  2. Add all files of these folders as source files:
    • tests/ui/ui2/c/src
  3. Add these folders as include folders:
    • tests/ui/ui2/c/inc
  4. Implement all functions defined in these files:
  5. Add a call to the function T_UI_main() just before the call to microej_main().
  6. In the MicroEJ SDK, import the MicroEJ project java-testsuite-runner-core from the folder tests/core/java.
  7. Build this MicroEJ Application against the MicroEJ Platform to qualify.
  8. Build the BSP and link it with the MicroEJ Platform runtime library and MicroEJ Application.

Expected Results

Board init finished.
..LCD width = 480
LCD height = 272
.LCD BPP = 16
.LCD back buffer is [0xa0000000, 0xa003fc00[
Try to write and verify something in this buffer...
.LCD back buffer is [0xa003fc00, 0xa007f800[
Try to write and verify something in this buffer...
.Refresh LCD content with black and screen data. Ensures about tearing effect..Retrieve the LCD framerate...
Retrieve the maximal drawing time (this will take several seconds)...

LCD framerate time is 17.528000 ms (57.051579 Hz)
The copy time is 7.708000 ms
To have an animation at 57.051579 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 9.820000 ms.
To have an animation at 28.525789 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 27.348000 ms.
To have an animation at 19.017193 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 44.875999 ms.

OK (7 tests)

Tests Suite Description

All tests can be run in one step: all tests will be executed one by one and are run in a specific order, next one expects previous one is passed.

API: t_ui_api.c

This test checks the LLDisplay implementation API. It ensures invalid values are not returned and the coherence between them.

A sum-up of LCD is printed (width, height, bpp, back buffer address). Then the test tries to write and read some values in back buffer. In case of back buffer changes after each flush, another write and read sequence is performed in new back buffer.


LLDisplay implementation is written to target a LCD with a specific BPP (bits-per-pixel). This value is also available in MicroEJ Platform Configuration project in order to build a MicroEJ Platform with the corresponded graphical engine (see display/ The UI qualification bunble tests require this value. So a function must be implemented to run UI tests.

The default implementation (the one implemented in the weak function, see x_impl_config.c) returns the invalid value 0. If the weak function is not overridden, the tests which require this value throw an assert. See x_ui_config.h for a mapping between the graphical engine and the value used by the BSP.

Expected results

No error must be thrown when executing this test:

Board init finished.
..LCD width = 480
LCD height = 272
.LCD BPP = 16
.LCD back buffer is [0xa0000000, 0xa003fc00[
Try to write and verify something in this buffer...
.LCD back buffer is [0xa003fc00, 0xa007f800[
Try to write and verify something in this buffer...

Tearing: t_ui_tearing.c

When possible, the LLDisplay implementation should synchronize the flush with the LCD tearing signal. This signal tells to the BSP the LCD has finished to refresh itself with last available frame buffer data. At this moment, the frame buffer data can be updated (a copy from back buffer to frame buffer can be performed) or the frame buffer address can be updated (back buffer becomes frame buffer and vice-versa; a copy from new frame buffer to back buffer is required, see developer guide).

This test performs several flush with black and white screens during 10 sec. When the tearing signal is not used, you can see on display several rectangles: the frame buffer is updated during the LCD refresh period. So the LCD starts refreshing itself with old data and then with new data.

When the tearing signal is used correctly, full screen is updated at same time.


Just run the test.

Expected results

Check display content: no rectangle must appear when tearing signal is used.

Refresh LCD content with black and screen data. Ensures about tearing effect..


When the time to update frame buffer data is higher than the LCD refresh rate, you can see rectangles even if LCD driver is using the LCD tearing signal.

Framerate: t_ui_framerate.c

This test determinates the maximum time a drawing can take to respect a given LCD framerate. The LCD framerate is cadenced to the time to perform a flush and to wait the end of this flush. The flush consits in several steps:

  1. The LLDisplay implementation of LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush prepare the copy of data from back buffer to display buffer (setup a DMA for instance).
  2. It program the LCD tearing interrupt.
  3. During the LCD tearing interrupt, it starts the copy (start the DMA or unlock a copy task).
  4. During this time, a call to LLDISPLAY_IMPL_synchronize is performed. The implementation has to lock the caller until the copy is done.

When the tearing signal is used, the aim of LLDISPLAY_IMPL_synchronize consists to wait the tearing signal plus the end of copy. To determinate only the copy time, the test simulates a drawing time just before calling LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush function. This time is increased until the time to wait the tearing signal is null: the drawing time + the copy time fit the LCD refresh rate.


Just run the test.

Expected results

The test will take several seconds to determinate the drawing time.

Retrieve the LCD framerate...
Retrieve the maximal drawing time (this will take several seconds)...

LCD framerate time is 17.528000 ms (57.051579 Hz)
The copy time is 7.708000 ms
To have an animation at 57.051579 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 9.820000 ms.
To have an animation at 28.525789 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 27.348000 ms.
To have an animation at 19.017193 Hz, the drawing time cannot be higher than 44.875999 ms.

This report shows the LCD framerate (in ms and Hz), the time to perform the copy from back buffer to frame buffer and three drawing times: one for LCD nominal refresh rate, one for this refresh rate divided by two and one this refresh rate divided by three.


These results can be sent to MicroEJ in order to compare the BSP implementation with all others MicroEJ Platforms.


See Platform Test Suites documentation.