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Deep Learning for emojis with VS Code Tools for AI

Semantic representations for emoji understanding used to build a recipe prediction model see: blog


The prerequisites to run this example are as follows:

  1. Visual Studio Code Tools for AI is integrated with Azure Machine Learning. Make sure that you have properly installed [Azure Machine Learning Workbench] by following the Install and create Quickstart

  2. This example could be run on any compute context. If you are running it in a remote environment it is recommended to have access to an Azure Blob Storage Account to store intermediary files. See how to create and manage your storage account here

Create a new project

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine to /Emoji2recipe
  2. Open the project with Visual Studio Code. You should have access to the VS Code tools for AI if you have succesfully installed Azure Machine Learning Workbench.(See instructions above)

Setup compute environment (Optional)

Setup remote VM as execution target

az ml computetarget attach --name "my_dsvm" --address "my_dsvm_ip_address" --username "my_name" --password "my_password" --type remotedocker

Configure my_dsvm.compute

baseDockerImage: microsoft/mmlspark:plus-gpu-0.7.91
nvidiaDocker: true

Configure my_dsvm.runconfig

To push models to Azure Blob Storage, add your storage account details to your .runconfig file:

Framework: Python

For more info on Azure ML Workbench compute targets see documentation.

Prepare compute environment

az ml experiment -c prepare my_dsvm

Download data and embeddings

Download the word2vec embeddings and emoji2vec embeddings and update respective paths in

Preprocess data and build your own model

az ml experiment submit -c local Emoji2recipe/

Predict recipes

az ml experiment submit -c local Emoji2recipe/

Get cooking!

The result generated in the previous step will show you a recipe with the title and instructions!


The dataset used for the experiments is available here. Special thanks to Ryan Lee for curating this and making this available.

Special thanks to Ben Eisner, Tim Rocktaschel and the team from UCL for making the pre-trained emoji embeddings available.


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