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Running the samples

Pawel Olszta (MSFT) edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 1 revision

First run and device setup

Once the build environment is set up, we can try running a simple sample on a HoloLens device.

In Visual Studio's Solution Explorer, right click on the "ComputeOnDevice" sample and then select "Set as StartUp Project" from the context menu.

Follow the instructions for deploying the app on HoloLens that can be found here.

After starting the app, you should see a 3D slate with a live camera image processed by some simple OpenCV code.


Camera and microphone permissions

All of the on-device samples and tools require access to the HoloLens camera, and some of them make use of the microphone. The system should prompt you to grant the appropriate permissions to the app.

If you miss the prompt, or want to double-check the setting, you can do that from the Settings app on HoloLens: perform the bloom gesture to open the start menu, air-tap on "Settings" and place the hologram somewhere convenient.

Now, click the "Privacy" icon, select "Camera" from the tab on the left, look up the app you're trying to run (in this case, "CV: Compute On Device" and make sure that the toggle button right to the app name is in the desired position.

To review the microphone permissions, select "Microphone" from the tab on the left, and look-up the application by name once again.

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