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Nik Charlebois edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 7 revisions

As part of the extraction process, the ReverseDSC Orchestrator Script for SharePoint will isolate environment dependent variables into a separate file (.psd1) that contains a collection of HashTables, referred to as ConfigurationData. For customers wanting to use ReverseDSC to replicate their SharePoint farm in another environment, all that is required, is to make sure you modify the values contained within that Configuration data file (.psd1).


The following section lists all parameters that are declared in the ConfigureData (.psd1) file and provides a quick definition of what purpose each one serves.

Node Specific

The following parameters are listed under the individual nodes within the Configuration Data .psd1 file.

Parameter Name Description Example
ServerNumber Order in which the servers' configuration have been extracted with ReverseDSC. DO NOT MODIFY. 1
ServerRole MinRole assigned to the current server. If you are running SharePoint 2013, this parameter will be ignored; Application
ServiceInstances Array of Hashtable that contains the list of services on the server and whether they are enabled or disabled. MinRole will take precedence over these values in SharePoint 2016+ if the ServerRole parameter is not set to Custom. @( @{ Ensure = "Absent"; Name = "Access Database Service 2010"; }, @{ Ensure = "Absent"; Name = "Access Services"; }, @{ Ensure = "Absent"; Name = "App Management Service"; })
SPSolutionPath Path where the custom solutions files (.wsp) to be deployed are located. This can be a local path or can point to a network Share. This only has to appear within ONE server node. Make sure the .wsp files to deploy exist at the specified path on that server. "\\DSCShare\SPSolutions"


the following parameters are contained within the NonNodeData section of the .psd1 ConfigurationData and do not pertain to a specific server in the farm.

Parameter Name Description Example
BlobCacheLocation Path where the cached files generated by the Blob Cache will be located. "C:\BlobCache\14"
DatabaseServer Name of your SharePoint Farm's SQL Server. "SQLServer2014\SP2016"
FullInstallation Boolean representing whether or not SPFarm and SPInstallPrereqs logic to install SharePoint on the given server should be included in the resulting .MOF file or not. $False
LogPath Path where the ULS Logs will be stored on the given server. "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\LOGS"
PassPhrase Your SharePoint Farm's PassPhrase. This is required for servers to join the SharePoint farm. "pass@word1"
ProfileDBServer Name of the SQL Server that hosts the Profile Database for your farm's User Profile Service Application. "SQLServer2014\SPServices"
RequiredUsers This parameter is for information purpose only. It contains a list of all users that are NOT defined as managed account, but that have been identified within the extracted configuration (e.g. SPSite owner). In order for the DSC configuration to be properly applied to the destination environment, these accounts need to exist. @("contoso\user1", "contoso\user2")
SecureStoreFailOverDatabaseServer Name of the SQL Server that hosts the FailOver database for your SharePoint Farm's Secure Store Service Application. "SQLServer2014\SPServices"
SocialDBServer Name of the SQL Server that hosts the Social Database for your farm's User Profile Service Application. "SQLServer2014\SPServices"
SPInstallationBinaryPath Path to the location where the SharePoint (2013 or 2016) binaries are located. This can either point to a local path or to a Network Share. "\\DSC-Share\SP2016\"
SPPrereqsInstallerPath Path to the SharePoint 2013 or 2016 Prerequesites Installer Executable (.exe). "D:\SP2016\PrerequisiteInstaller.exe"
SPProductKey Product Key to your SharePoint 2013 or 2016 installation media. NOTE that SharePointDSC only supports Enterprise and Standard installations. SharePoint 2013 Foundation is not supported by the product. "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX"
SyncDBServer Name of the SQL Server that hosts the Sync Database for your farm's User Profile Service Application. "SQLServer2014\SPServices"
UsageAppFailOverDatabaseServer Name of the FailOver SQL Server for the SharePoint Usage Log Service Application. "SQLServer2014\SPServices"
UsageLogLocation Path where the Usage Logs will be stored on the given SharePoint server. "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\LOGS\"
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