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Installing Templates

Austin Kinross edited this page Apr 24, 2015 · 1 revision

These instructions will help you install and configure our Visual Studio 2013 and/or Visual Studio 2015 templates for ANGLE.

Automatic Steps

  1. Clone/download our ANGLE repository if you haven't already done so.
  2. Browse to the /templates/ directory in your local copy of ANGLE, and run "install.bat"
  3. Open the appropriate ANGLE Visual Studio solution for your project, and build all flavors of it
  4. In Visual Studio go "File -> New -> Project", create a new ANGLE application, and hit F5 to run it!

The Windows 10 Visual Studio solution for ANGLE is located here:

  • /winrt/10/windows/src/angle.sln

The Windows 8.1 Visual Studio solutions for ANGLE are located here:

  • /winrt/8.1/windows/src/angle.sln
  • /winrt/8.1/windowsphone/src/angle.sln

The Visual Studio solution for Windows desktop applications is located here:

  • /src/angle.sln

Manual Steps

If the automatic installation fails on your system, then please use these manual instructions to install and configure our Visual Studio templates.


  • For Windows 10 development: Visual Studio 2013 Community Technology Preview
  • For Windows 8.1 development: Visual Studio Community 2013 (Update 4), or higher/later
Building/configuring ANGLE to use in the templates:
  1. Clone/download our ANGLE repository if you haven't already done so.
  2. Set the 'AngleRootPath' system environment variable to the location of your ANGLE source.
  3. If you are running Windows 10, you should log off and log back in again.
  4. Open any of the following solution files to build the appropriate versions of ANGLE for your project:
  • $(AngleRootPath)\winrt\10\windows\src\angle.sln
  • $(AngleRootPath)\winrt\8.1\windows\src\angle.sln
  • $(AngleRootPath)\winrt\8.1\windowsphone\src\angle.sln
  • $(AngleRootPath)\src\angle.sln
  1. Build the flavors of ANGLE that you wish to use, e.g. Release/ARM/WindowsPhone.
Template installation instructions:
  1. Browse to your Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 custom project templates folder. By default, these are located here:
  • %userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Templates\ProjectTemplates
  • %userprofile%\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Templates\ProjectTemplates
  1. Copy the directories found in this README's directory into the custom project templates folder from step 1.
  2. Restart/Launch Visual Studio, and then go File -> New Project -> Visual C++.

Now create a new project based on one of the templates. When you build your project, it should automatically pick up the correct ANGLE binaries and successfully deploy to your chosen device.