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VSTS has stopped tracking changes #403

frystpingvin opened this issue May 18, 2018 · 1 comment

VSTS has stopped tracking changes #403

frystpingvin opened this issue May 18, 2018 · 1 comment


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frystpingvin commented May 18, 2018

Using TFS and this extension with Visual Studio Code on a Mac.

The extension has suddenly stopped tracking changes when looking at the source control tab. Has anyone had this problem and/or know how to solve it?

The connection with TFS seems to be fine - I can get changes my colleagues has done.

This is my TFVC output if it helps:

tf add -noprompt -?
Using TFVC command line: /usr/local/bin/tf (
tf status -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** -format:xml -recursive
tf resolve -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** /PATH -recursive -preview
tf add -noprompt -?
tf workfold -noprompt ********
tf add -noprompt -?
Using TFVC command line: /usr/local/bin/tf (
tf status -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** -format:xml -recursive
tf resolve -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** /PATH -recursive -preview

This is my debug output:

2018-05-21T08:01:24.639Z - info:   [01895] *** FOLDER: /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem ***
2018-05-21T08:01:24.640Z - info:   [01895] VSTSVSCode/1.133.0 (VSCode 1.23.1; Darwin 17.5.0; Node 7.9.0)
2018-05-21T08:01:24.641Z - debug:  [01895] Looking for an External Context at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:24.641Z - debug:  [01895] No External Context at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:24.647Z - debug:  [01895] Looking for TFVC repository at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:24.648Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Creating Tfvc object with localPath='undefined'
2018-05-21T08:01:24.648Z - debug:  [01895] Using TFS proxy: 
2018-05-21T08:01:24.648Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Retrieved from settings; localPath='/usr/local/bin/tf'
2018-05-21T08:01:24.649Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository created with repositoryRootFolder='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:24.649Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository.CheckVersion
2018-05-21T08:01:24.650Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: tf add -noprompt -?
2018-05-21T08:01:24.662Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 12ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:24.742Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: add exit code: 0 (duration: 92ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:24.743Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Minimum required version: 14.0.4
2018-05-21T08:01:24.743Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC (TF.exe, TF.cmd) version:
2018-05-21T08:01:24.744Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository.FindWorkspace with localPath='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:24.744Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: tf workfold -noprompt ********
2018-05-21T08:01:24.750Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 5ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:26.554Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: workfold exit code: 0 (duration: 1808ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:26.555Z - debug:  [01895] Found a TFVC repository for url: 'https://***' and team project: 'IT'.
2018-05-21T08:01:26.556Z - debug:  [01895] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:26.556Z - debug:  [01895] Parsing values from repositoryInfo as string url
2018-05-21T08:01:26.556Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Creating Tfvc object with localPath='undefined'
2018-05-21T08:01:26.556Z - debug:  [01895] Using TFS proxy: 
2018-05-21T08:01:26.556Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Retrieved from settings; localPath='/usr/local/bin/tf'
2018-05-21T08:01:26.557Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository created with repositoryRootFolder='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:26.679Z - debug:  [01895] Started ApplicationInsights telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:26.680Z - info:   [01895] Getting repository information with repositoryInfoClient
2018-05-21T08:01:26.681Z - debug:  [01895] RemoteUrl = https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:26.682Z - debug:  [01895] Getting repository information for a TFVC repository at https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:26.683Z - debug:  [01895] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:26.683Z - debug:  [01895] Parsing values from repositoryInfo as string url
2018-05-21T08:01:26.789Z - debug:  [01895] Successfully validated the Team Services TFVC repository. Collection name: 'fhuset', 'Url: https://***'
2018-05-21T08:01:26.790Z - debug:  [01895] Getting project collection...  url: 'https://***', and collection name: 'fhuset'
2018-05-21T08:01:26.790Z - debug:  [01895] Using REST to get the project collection information
2018-05-21T08:01:26.980Z - debug:  [01895] Found a project collection for url: 'https://***' and collection name: 'fhuset'.
2018-05-21T08:01:26.980Z - debug:  [01895] Getting team project...  Url: 'https://***', collection name: 'fhuset', and project: 'IT'
2018-05-21T08:01:27.189Z - debug:  [01895] Found a team project for url: 'https://***', collection name: 'fhuset', and project id: 'd76671d0-b307-42b3-97ee-4c249146ebf5'
2018-05-21T08:01:27.189Z - debug:  [01895] Repository information blob:
2018-05-21T08:01:27.189Z - debug:  serverUrl=https://***, id=dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53, name=fhuset, url=https://***, id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, name=NoNameTfvcRepository, url=https://***, id=d76671d0-b307-42b3-97ee-4c249146ebf5, name=IT, description=Main project for Föreningshuset, url=https://***, state=1, revision=15, remoteUrl=https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] Parsing values from repositoryInfo object as any
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _collection: fhuset
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _collectionId: dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _repositoryId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _repositoryName: NoNameTfvcRepository
2018-05-21T08:01:27.190Z - debug:  [01895] _teamProject: IT
2018-05-21T08:01:27.191Z - debug:  [01895] Finished getting repository information for the repository at https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:27.191Z - info:   [01895] Getting connectionData with accountClient
2018-05-21T08:01:27.191Z - debug:  [01895] connectionUrl = https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:27.288Z - info:   [01895] Retrieved connectionData with accountClient
2018-05-21T08:01:27.289Z - debug:  [01895] Found pinned queries in user configuration settings.
2018-05-21T08:01:27.289Z - debug:  [01895] No account-specific pinned query or global pinned query found. Using default.
2018-05-21T08:01:27.290Z - info:   [01895] Sent extension start up telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:27.290Z - debug:  id=1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4, descriptor=Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;953b92a1-b6c1-45f2-8d09-9475831d82f9\, subjectDescriptor=aad.ZjgyMjgzOGEtMjNiMy03NDkwLThlZGUtZmI3OWFkOGM2OWU4, providerDisplayName=Samuel Lie, isActive=true, $type=System.String, $, resourceVersion=2, metaTypeId=0, id=1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4, descriptor=Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;953b92a1-b6c1-45f2-8d09-9475831d82f9\, subjectDescriptor=aad.ZjgyMjgzOGEtMjNiMy03NDkwLThlZGUtZmI3OWFkOGM2OWU4, providerDisplayName=Samuel Lie, isActive=true, $type=System.String, $, resourceVersion=2, metaTypeId=0, instanceId=dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53, deploymentId=3dbbfbca-3f3a-b896-0b3a-ea9e2087c7ac, deploymentType=hosted, serviceOwner=00025394-6065-48ca-87d9-7f5672854ef7, defaultAccessMappingMoniker=PublicAccessMapping, lastChangeId=163389490, lastChangeId64=163389490
2018-05-21T08:01:27.291Z - debug:  [01895] Account: fhuset Team Project: IT Collection: fhuset Repository: NoNameTfvcRepository UserCustomDisplayName: undefined UserProviderDisplayName: Samuel Lie UserId: 1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4 
2018-05-21T08:01:27.291Z - debug:  [01895] repositoryFolder: /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:27.291Z - debug:  [01895] repositoryRemoteUrl: https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:27.291Z - debug:  [01895] IsSsh: false
2018-05-21T08:01:27.291Z - debug:  [01895] proxy: not enabled, team services: true
2018-05-21T08:01:27.292Z - info:   [01895] Sent TFVC tooling telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:27.292Z - debug:  [01895] Re-initializing the TfvcSCMProvider
2018-05-21T08:01:27.294Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository.CheckVersion
2018-05-21T08:01:27.295Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: tf add -noprompt -?
2018-05-21T08:01:27.299Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:27.361Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: add exit code: 0 (duration: 66ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:27.361Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Minimum required version: 14.0.4
2018-05-21T08:01:27.362Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC (TF.exe, TF.cmd) version:
2018-05-21T08:01:27.363Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository.GetStatus
2018-05-21T08:01:27.363Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: tf status -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** -format:xml -recursive
2018-05-21T08:01:27.369Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 5ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:29.481Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: status exit code: 0 (duration: 2118ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:29.482Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC Repository.FindConflicts
2018-05-21T08:01:29.483Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: tf resolve -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem -recursive -preview
2018-05-21T08:01:29.487Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:29.492Z - debug:  [01895] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:38.107Z - info:   [03503] *** FOLDER: /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem ***
2018-05-21T08:01:38.108Z - info:   [03503] VSTSVSCode/1.133.0 (VSCode 1.23.1; Darwin 17.5.0; Node 7.9.0)
2018-05-21T08:01:38.109Z - debug:  [03503] Looking for an External Context at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:38.109Z - debug:  [03503] No External Context at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:38.111Z - debug:  [03503] Looking for TFVC repository at /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:38.111Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Creating Tfvc object with localPath='undefined'
2018-05-21T08:01:38.112Z - debug:  [03503] Using TFS proxy: 
2018-05-21T08:01:38.112Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Retrieved from settings; localPath='/usr/local/bin/tf'
2018-05-21T08:01:38.112Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository created with repositoryRootFolder='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:38.113Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository.CheckVersion
2018-05-21T08:01:38.115Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: tf add -noprompt -?
2018-05-21T08:01:38.120Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:38.127Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 6ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:39.424Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: add exit code: 0 (duration: 1309ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:39.426Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Minimum required version: 14.0.4
2018-05-21T08:01:39.426Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC (TF.exe, TF.cmd) version:
2018-05-21T08:01:39.427Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository.FindWorkspace with localPath='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:39.428Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: tf workfold -noprompt ********
2018-05-21T08:01:39.432Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:40.130Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: workfold exit code: 0 (duration: 702ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:40.132Z - debug:  [03503] Found a TFVC repository for url: 'https://***' and team project: 'IT'.
2018-05-21T08:01:40.134Z - debug:  [03503] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:40.134Z - debug:  [03503] Parsing values from repositoryInfo as string url
2018-05-21T08:01:40.134Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Creating Tfvc object with localPath='undefined'
2018-05-21T08:01:40.135Z - debug:  [03503] Using TFS proxy: 
2018-05-21T08:01:40.135Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Retrieved from settings; localPath='/usr/local/bin/tf'
2018-05-21T08:01:40.136Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository created with repositoryRootFolder='/Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem'
2018-05-21T08:01:40.283Z - debug:  [03503] Started ApplicationInsights telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:40.283Z - info:   [03503] Getting repository information with repositoryInfoClient
2018-05-21T08:01:40.283Z - debug:  [03503] RemoteUrl = https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:40.286Z - debug:  [03503] Getting repository information for a TFVC repository at https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:40.286Z - debug:  [03503] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:40.287Z - debug:  [03503] Parsing values from repositoryInfo as string url
2018-05-21T08:01:41.028Z - debug:  [03503] Successfully validated the Team Services TFVC repository. Collection name: 'fhuset', 'Url: https://***'
2018-05-21T08:01:41.028Z - debug:  [03503] Getting project collection...  url: 'https://***', and collection name: 'fhuset'
2018-05-21T08:01:41.028Z - debug:  [03503] Using REST to get the project collection information
2018-05-21T08:01:41.222Z - debug:  [03503] Found a project collection for url: 'https://***' and collection name: 'fhuset'.
2018-05-21T08:01:41.222Z - debug:  [03503] Getting team project...  Url: 'https://***', collection name: 'fhuset', and project: 'IT'
2018-05-21T08:01:41.519Z - debug:  [03503] Found a team project for url: 'https://***', collection name: 'fhuset', and project id: 'd76671d0-b307-42b3-97ee-4c249146ebf5'
2018-05-21T08:01:41.519Z - debug:  [03503] Repository information blob:
2018-05-21T08:01:41.519Z - debug:  serverUrl=https://***, id=dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53, name=fhuset, url=https://***, id=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, name=NoNameTfvcRepository, url=https://***, id=d76671d0-b307-42b3-97ee-4c249146ebf5, name=IT, description=Main project for Föreningshuset, url=https://***, state=1, revision=15, remoteUrl=https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _isTeamServicesUrl: true
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] Parsing values from repositoryInfo object as any
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _collection: fhuset
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _collectionId: dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _repositoryId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _repositoryName: NoNameTfvcRepository
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] _teamProject: IT
2018-05-21T08:01:41.520Z - debug:  [03503] Finished getting repository information for the repository at https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:41.521Z - info:   [03503] Getting connectionData with accountClient
2018-05-21T08:01:41.521Z - debug:  [03503] connectionUrl = https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:41.614Z - info:   [03503] Retrieved connectionData with accountClient
2018-05-21T08:01:41.616Z - debug:  [03503] Found pinned queries in user configuration settings.
2018-05-21T08:01:41.616Z - debug:  [03503] No account-specific pinned query or global pinned query found. Using default.
2018-05-21T08:01:41.617Z - info:   [03503] Sent extension start up telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:41.617Z - debug:  id=1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4, descriptor=Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;953b92a1-b6c1-45f2-8d09-9475831d82f9\, subjectDescriptor=aad.ZjgyMjgzOGEtMjNiMy03NDkwLThlZGUtZmI3OWFkOGM2OWU4, providerDisplayName=Samuel Lie, isActive=true, $type=System.String, $, resourceVersion=2, metaTypeId=0, id=1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4, descriptor=Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimsIdentity;953b92a1-b6c1-45f2-8d09-9475831d82f9\, subjectDescriptor=aad.ZjgyMjgzOGEtMjNiMy03NDkwLThlZGUtZmI3OWFkOGM2OWU4, providerDisplayName=Samuel Lie, isActive=true, $type=System.String, $, resourceVersion=2, metaTypeId=0, instanceId=dd386122-733a-46f4-971d-9855a5c02d53, deploymentId=3dbbfbca-3f3a-b896-0b3a-ea9e2087c7ac, deploymentType=hosted, serviceOwner=00025394-6065-48ca-87d9-7f5672854ef7, defaultAccessMappingMoniker=PublicAccessMapping, lastChangeId=163389490, lastChangeId64=163389490
2018-05-21T08:01:41.617Z - debug:  [03503] Account: fhuset Team Project: IT Collection: fhuset Repository: NoNameTfvcRepository UserCustomDisplayName: undefined UserProviderDisplayName: Samuel Lie UserId: 1f5ed6e5-7973-469a-846f-4dfdd85f65d4 
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - debug:  [03503] repositoryFolder: /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - debug:  [03503] repositoryRemoteUrl: https://***
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - debug:  [03503] IsSsh: false
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - debug:  [03503] proxy: not enabled, team services: true
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - info:   [03503] Sent TFVC tooling telemetry
2018-05-21T08:01:41.618Z - debug:  [03503] Initializing the TfvcSCMProvider
2018-05-21T08:01:41.620Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository.CheckVersion
2018-05-21T08:01:41.620Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: tf add -noprompt -?
2018-05-21T08:01:41.625Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:41.693Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: add exit code: 0 (duration: 72ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:41.694Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Minimum required version: 14.0.4
2018-05-21T08:01:41.694Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC (TF.exe, TF.cmd) version:
2018-05-21T08:01:41.696Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository.GetStatus
2018-05-21T08:01:41.697Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: tf status -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** -format:xml -recursive
2018-05-21T08:01:41.703Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 5ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:43.793Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: status exit code: 0 (duration: 2096ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:43.798Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC Repository.FindConflicts
2018-05-21T08:01:43.799Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: tf resolve -noprompt -collection:https://*** ******** /Users/***/Documents/Team Foundation Server/FHUSET/IT/SEDAB-BliMedlem/Memberweb/Sedab.UI.BliMedlem -recursive -preview
2018-05-21T08:01:43.803Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: spawned new process (duration: 4ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:45.196Z - debug:  [03503] TFVC: resolve exit code: 0 (duration: 1397ms)
2018-05-21T08:01:45.199Z - debug:  [03503] Initialized the TfvcSCMProvider
2018-05-21T08:01:45.618Z - info:   [03503] Polling for latest current build status...
2018-05-21T08:01:45.619Z - info:   [03503] Getting current build from badge...
2018-05-21T08:01:45.620Z - info:   [03503] Polling for the pinned work itemquery
2018-05-21T08:01:45.620Z - info:   [03503] Running pinned work item query to get count (IT)...
2018-05-21T08:01:46.085Z - info:   [03503] Found build id 142. Getting build details...
2018-05-21T08:01:46.864Z - info:   [03503] Build summary info: 142 Completed Failed https://***
Copy link

Solved it. My Mac had changed its hostname, and therefore it for some reason couldn't detect the file changes. When I changed the hostname back to the orignal one it worked.

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