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Releases: microsoft/azure-tools-for-java


02 Dec 14:21
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  • Code samples of management SDK are now available in Azure SDK Reference Book
    gif of examples in sdk reference book
  • Function Core Tools can be installed and configured automatically inside IDE.
  • Data sources can be created by selecting an existing Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL or Azure SQL. (Ultimate Edition only)

    screenshot of 'creating data source'


  • Action icons of Getting Started would be highlighted for part of those who have never opened it before.
  • UI of Getting Started courses panel is changed a little bit.


  • #7063: ClassNotFoundException with local deployment of function app that depends on another module in the same project
  • #7089: Uncaught Exception Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only
  • #7116: IntelliJ Azure Function SQL Library is not copied to lib folder when running locally
  • editor names of opened CosmosDB documents is not the same as that of the document.
  • exception throws if invalid json is provided when signing in in Service Principal mode.
  • Setting dialog will open automatically when running a function locally but Azure Function Core tools is not installed.


02 Dec 14:20
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  • Code samples of management SDK are now available in Azure SDK Reference Book
    gif of examples in sdk reference book
  • Function Core Tools can be installed and configured automatically inside IDE.
  • Data sources can be created by selecting an existing Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL or Azure SQL. (Ultimate Edition only)

    screenshot of 'creating data source'


  • Action icons of Getting Started would be highlighted for part of those who have never opened it before.
  • UI of Getting Started courses panel is changed a little bit.


  • #7063: ClassNotFoundException with local deployment of function app that depends on another module in the same project
  • #7089: Uncaught Exception Access is allowed from event dispatch thread only
  • #7116: IntelliJ Azure Function SQL Library is not copied to lib folder when running locally
  • editor names of opened CosmosDB documents is not the same as that of the document.
  • exception throws if invalid json is provided when signing in in Service Principal mode.
  • Setting dialog will open automatically when running a function locally but Azure Function Core tools is not installed.


30 Sep 06:22
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  • Users are able to deploy artifacts to Azure Functions Deployment Slot directly.


  • #6939: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "" is null
  • #6930: you are not signed-in.
  • #6909: Cannot invoke "org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProject.getParentId()" because "result" is null
  • #6897: There is a vulnerability in Postgresql JDBC Driver 42.3.1,upgrade recommended
  • #6894: There is a vulnerability in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.25,upgrade recommended
  • #6893: There is a vulnerability in Spring Framework 4.2.5.RELEASE,upgrade recommended
  • #6869: Error was received while reading the incoming data. The connection will be closed. java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3
  • #6846: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
  • #6687: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6672: load Resource group (*)
  • #6670: com.intellij.util.xmlb.XmlSerializationException: Cannot deserialize class
  • #6605: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6380: spuriously adding before launch package command
  • #6271: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'virtualFile' of com/microsoft/azure/toolkit/intellij/common/AzureArtifact.createFromFile must not be null
  • #4726: Confusing workflow of "Get Publish Profile"
  • #4725: Misaligned label in Web App property view
  • #301: Should validate username when creating a VM
  • #106: azureSettings file in WebApps shouldn't be created by default
  • No response when click on Open Azure Storage Expolrer for storage while the computer does not install Azure Storage Explorer.
  • The shortcut keys for the browser and expansion are the same.
  • All the roles of the HDInsight cluster are reader.
  • Local console and Livy console run failed.
  • Job view page: The two links in the job view page open the related pages very slowly.
  • Click on Job node, show IDE error occurred.
  • Other bugs.


  • Remove menu Submit Apache Spark Application


30 Sep 06:20
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  • Users are able to deploy artifacts to Azure Functions Deployment Slot directly.


  • #6939: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "" is null
  • #6930: you are not signed-in.
  • #6909: Cannot invoke "org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProject.getParentId()" because "result" is null
  • #6897: There is a vulnerability in Postgresql JDBC Driver 42.3.1,upgrade recommended
  • #6894: There is a vulnerability in MySQL Connector/J 8.0.25,upgrade recommended
  • #6893: There is a vulnerability in Spring Framework 4.2.5.RELEASE,upgrade recommended
  • #6869: Error was received while reading the incoming data. The connection will be closed. java.lang.IllegalStateException: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread reactor-http-nio-3
  • #6846: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
  • #6687: Uncaught Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6672: load Resource group (*)
  • #6670: com.intellij.util.xmlb.XmlSerializationException: Cannot deserialize class
  • #6605: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • #6380: spuriously adding before launch package command
  • #6271: Argument for @NotNull parameter 'virtualFile' of com/microsoft/azure/toolkit/intellij/common/AzureArtifact.createFromFile must not be null
  • #4726: Confusing workflow of "Get Publish Profile"
  • #4725: Misaligned label in Web App property view
  • #301: Should validate username when creating a VM
  • #106: azureSettings file in WebApps shouldn't be created by default
  • No response when click on Open Azure Storage Expolrer for storage while the computer does not install Azure Storage Explorer.
  • The shortcut keys for the browser and expansion are the same.
  • All the roles of the HDInsight cluster are reader.
  • Local console and Livy console run failed.
  • Job view page: The two links in the job view page open the related pages very slowly.
  • Click on Job node, show IDE error occurred.
  • Other bugs.


  • Remove menu Submit Apache Spark Application


20 Sep 02:05
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  • Fixed the data modification failure issue of Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB Data Sources.


  • Added feature toggle for creating Data Source of Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra, the toggle is off by default.
    • Support for opening Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra with Database and SQL tools plugin from Azure Explorer is disabled by default.
    • Support for creating Data Source of the Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra from Database and SQL tools plugin is disabled by default.


20 Sep 02:06
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  • Fixed the data modification failure issue of Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB Data Sources.


  • Added feature toggle for creating Data Source of Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra, the toggle is off by default.
    • Support for opening Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra with Database and SQL tools plugin from Azure Explorer is disabled by default.
    • Support for creating Data Source of the Azure Cosmos DB API for Cassandra from Database and SQL tools plugin is disabled by default.


20 Sep 02:04
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  • Added support for resource management of Azure Cosmos DB accounts in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for resource connection to Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
  • Added support for creating data source of the Mongo and Cassandra API for Azure Cosmos DB from both Azure Explorer and Database tool window (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
    screenshot of 'cosmos datasource'
  • Added support for connecting an Azure Virtual Machine using SSH directly from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for browsing files of an Azure Virtual Machine from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
    screenshot of 'virtual machine'
  • Added support for adding dependencies to current local project from Azure SDK reference book.
  • Added support for jumping to corresponding Azure SDK page in Azure SDK reference book from Azure Explorer nodes.
    screenshot of 'sdk reference book'
  • Added support for configuring environment variables when deploy artifacts to an Azure Web App.
  • Added support for Java 17 for Azure Functions.
  • Added support for refreshing items (when needed) of combobox components at place.


  • Default values of most input components in Azure resource creation/deployment dialogs are now learnt from history usage records.
  • Local meta-data files of Azure SDK reference book is updated to latest.


  • Loading spring apps take more time than normal.
  • Creating resources shows repeatedly in ComboBox components sometimes.
  • Stopped Azure Function app won't be the default app in deploy dialog.
  • App settings of a newly deployed Azure Function app won't be updated in Properties view until sign-out and sign-in again.
  • Validation error message doesn't popup when hovering on the input components.
  • #6790: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.serviceContainer.AlreadyDisposedException: Already disposed: Project(*) (disposed)
  • #6784: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.openapi.util.TraceableDisposable$DisposalException: Library LibraryId(*) already disposed
  • #6813: Uncaught Exception setup run configuration for Azure Functions


20 Sep 02:04
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  • Added support for resource management of Azure Cosmos DB accounts in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for resource connection to Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
  • Added support for creating data source of the Mongo and Cassandra API for Azure Cosmos DB from both Azure Explorer and Database tool window (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
    screenshot of 'cosmos datasource'
  • Added support for connecting an Azure Virtual Machine using SSH directly from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer.
  • Added support for browsing files of an Azure Virtual Machine from an Azure Virtual Machine resource node in Azure Explorer (IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition only).
    screenshot of 'virtual machine'
  • Added support for adding dependencies to current local project from Azure SDK reference book.
  • Added support for jumping to corresponding Azure SDK page in Azure SDK reference book from Azure Explorer nodes.
    screenshot of 'sdk reference book'
  • Added support for configuring environment variables when deploy artifacts to an Azure Web App.
  • Added support for Java 17 for Azure Functions.
  • Added support for refreshing items (when needed) of combobox components at place.


  • Default values of most input components in Azure resource creation/deployment dialogs are now learnt from history usage records.
  • Local meta-data files of Azure SDK reference book is updated to latest.


  • Loading spring apps take more time than normal.
  • Creating resources shows repeatedly in ComboBox components sometimes.
  • Stopped Azure Function app won't be the default app in deploy dialog.
  • App settings of a newly deployed Azure Function app won't be updated in Properties view until sign-out and sign-in again.
  • Validation error message doesn't popup when hovering on the input components.
  • #6790: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.serviceContainer.AlreadyDisposedException: Already disposed: Project(*) (disposed)
  • #6784: Uncaught Exception com.intellij.openapi.util.TraceableDisposable$DisposalException: Library LibraryId(*) already disposed
  • #6813: Uncaught Exception setup run configuration for Azure Functions


20 Sep 02:01
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  • New Azure service support: Azure Kubernetes service.
    • direct resource management in Azure Explorer.
    • connection to other K8s plugins.
  • Support for running or debugging local projects directly on Azure Virtual Machine by leveraging Run Targets.


  • Most Tool Windows will hide by default and show only when they are triggered by related actions.
  • An explicit search box is added on subscription dialog to filter subscriptions more conveniently.
    • support for toggling selection of subscriptions by space key even checkbox is not focused.
  • A loading spinner would show first when the feedback page is loading.
  • Entries of some common actions in <Toolbar>/Tools/Azure are also added into the gear actions group of Azure Explorer.


  • Error occurs if expand or download files/logs of a stopped function app.
  • Known CVE issues.


20 Sep 02:02
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  • New Azure service support: Azure Kubernetes service.
    • direct resource management in Azure Explorer.
    • connection to other K8s plugins.
  • Support for running or debugging local projects directly on Azure Virtual Machine by leveraging Run Targets.


  • Most Tool Windows will hide by default and show only when they are triggered by related actions.
  • An explicit search box is added on subscription dialog to filter subscriptions more conveniently.
    • support for toggling selection of subscriptions by space key even checkbox is not focused.
  • A loading spinner would show first when the feedback page is loading.
  • Entries of some common actions in <Toolbar>/Tools/Azure are also added into the gear actions group of Azure Explorer.


  • Error occurs if expand or download files/logs of a stopped function app.
  • Known CVE issues.