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Pivot Functions

What are Pivot Functions?

MSTICPy has a lot of functionality distributed across many classes and modules. However, there is no simple way to discover where these functions are and what types of data the function is relevant to.

Pivot functions bring this functionality together grouped around Entities. Entities are representations of real-world objects found commonly in CyberSec investigations. Some examples are: IpAddress, Host, Account, URL.

The pivot functions are attached to the entities most relevant to that operation. E.g. IP geolocation lookup is a method of the IpAddress entity. The functions are also grouped into logical containers. You can see some examples here of functions being run on the IpAddress entity in the "util" group.

>>> IpAddress.util.ip_type(ip_str=""))
ip          result  Public

>>> IpAddress.util.whois(""))
asn  asn_cidr  asn_country_code  asn_date    asn_description  asn_registry  nets .....
NA   NA        US                2015-04-01  NA               arin          [{'cidr': ''...

>>> IpAddress.util.geoloc(value=""))
CountryCode  CountryName    State   City   Longitude   Latitude   Asn...
US           United States  None    None   -97.822     37.751     None...

This second example shows a pivot function that does a data query for host entities. The "list_host_logons" function is an AzureSentinel query. If you have queries for other environments such as Splunk or MDE, these appear in their own containers.

>>> Host.AzureSentinel.list_host_logons(host_name="VictimPc")
Account               EventID   TimeGenerated                      Computer                 SubjectUserName   SubjectDomainName
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM   4624      2020-10-01 22:39:36.987000+00:00   VictimPc.Contoso.Azure   VictimPc$         CONTOSO
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM   4624      2020-10-01 22:39:37.220000+00:00   VictimPc.Contoso.Azure   VictimPc$         CONTOSO
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM   4624      2020-10-01 22:39:42.603000+00:00   VictimPc.Contoso.Azure   VictimPc$         CONTOSO

You can also chain pivot functions together using pandas to create a processing pipeline that does multiple operations on data:

>>> (
        # take a list of IP Addresses
        # Lookup IPs at VirusTotal, column="IPAddress")
        # Filter on high severity TI hits
        .query("Severity == 'high'")
        # Find who owns these IPs, column="Ioc", join="left")
        # Query IPs that have login attempts in our AAD, ip_address_list="Ioc")
        # Send the output of this to a plot
            title="High Severity IPs with Logon attempts",
            source_columns=["UserPrincipalName", "IPAddress", "ResultType", "ClientAppUsed", "UserAgent", "Location"],


We'll see many more examples of how to do these pivoting operations later in the document.

MSTICPy has had entity classes from the very early days but, until now, these have only been used sporadically in the rest of the package.

The pivot functionality exposes operations relevant to a particular entity as methods (or functions) of that entity. These operations include:

  • Data queries
  • Threat intelligence lookups
  • Other data lookups such as geo-location or domain resolution
  • and other local functionality

The pivot library essentially wraps these various functions in a more standardized form. This gives us several benefits:

  • You can more easily find functions related to what you are working on.
  • You can discover functionality that you weren't previously aware of.
  • The functions have standarized input and output.
  • The functions will take input data in a number of different formats so you don't waste time wrangling data to suit the function you want to use.
  • For functions that require a time range (e.g. queries) the time range is set centrally and used by all functions (you can change the time range at any time, of course).

What is "Pivoting"?

The term comes from the common practice of Cyber investigators navigating between related entities. For example an entity/investigation chain might look like the following:

Step Source Operation Target
1 Alert Review alert -> Source IPs
2 Source IPs Lookup TI -> Related URLs and Malware names
3 URL Query web logs -> Requesting hosts
4 Host Query host logons -> Accounts

At each step there are one or more directions that you can take to follow the chain of related indicators of activity in a possible attack.

Bringing these functions into a few, well-known locations makes it easier to use MSTICPy to carry out this common pivoting pattern in Jupyter notebooks.

Getting started

The pivoting library depends on a number of data providers and other functions defined in MSTICPy. These normally need to be loaded and initialized before starting the Pivot library.

1. Load MSTICPy

from msticpy.nbtools.nbinit import init_notebook

2. Load one or more data providers

You can create as many data providers (for different data backends) as you need - pivot will search all of them for usable queries.


You do not have to authenticate to the data provider before loading Pivot. However, some providers are populated with additional queries only after connecting to the service. These dynamically-added queries will not be added to the pivot functions unless you authenticate/connect prior to creating the new Pivot object (or create a new Pivot object).


If you are working with multiple Azure Sentinel workspaces, Pivot does not create multiple instances of pivot query functions for each workspace. To switch workspaces, use the QueryProvider.connect() function to switch to your desired workspace. Pivot query functions will now be executed against that workspace. If you have a need to query multiple workspaces, let us know and we will try to implement simultaneous workspace pivots.

You don't have to explicity load providers such as Threat Intelligence (TILookup) and GeoIP. If you do not initialize these before starting Pivot they will be loaded with the defaults as specified in your msticpyconfig.yaml. If you want to use a specific configuration for any of these, you should load and configure them before starting Pivot.

az_provider = QueryProvider("AzureSentinel")

3. Initialize the Pivot library

See the next section.

Initializing the Pivot library

You can either pass an explicit list of providers to Pivot or let it look for them in the notebook global namespace. In the latter case, the Pivot class will use the most recently-created instance of each that it finds.

If you have data providers loaded that you do not want Pivot to use, pass an explicit list of provider objects when initializing the Pivot class. For more details see :py:mod:`Pivot<msticpy.datamodel.pivot>`.

You will usually see some output as provider libraries are loaded.

from msticpy.datamodel.pivot import Pivot


Although you can assign the created Pivot object to a variable you normally don’t need to do so. You can access the current Pivot instance using the class attribute Pivot.current

What happens at initialization?

  • Any instantiated data providers are searched for relevant queries. Any queries found are added to the approriate entity or entities.
  • The TILookup provider is loaded and entity-specific lookups (e.g. IP, Url, File) are added as pivot functions
  • Miscellaneous MSTICPy functions and classes (e.g. GeoIP, IpType, Domain utils) are added as pivot functions to the appropriate entity.
  • A default time range is set - this is only used by queries executed as pivot functions and covered later in Data query pivot functions

You can add additional functions as pivot functions by creating a registration template and importing the function. Details of this are covered later in Customizing and managing Pivots.

View the list of providers loaded by the Pivot class

Notice that TILookup was loaded even though we did not create an instance of TILookup beforehand.

{'AzureSentinel': < at 0x2741dfd4408>,
 'TILookup': <msticpy.sectools.tilookup.TILookup at 0x2741e114888>}

After loading the Pivot class, entities have pivot functions added to them

print("Host pivot functions\n")
print("\nIpAddress pivot functions\n")
Host pivot functions


IpAddress pivot functions


Reloading Pivots

If you need to refresh the pivot functions because, for example, you loaded a query provider after initializing the Pivot library you can call :py:meth:`reload_pivots<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.reload_pivots>`. This takes the same namespace and providers parameters as when initializing the class. You can also acheive the same thing by creating a new instance of the Pivot class.


Reloading will remove previously attached pivot functions. This is usually a safe operation since these can be dynamically created at any time. If you don't want to remove existing functions use the no_clear=True parameter to reload_pivots.

Discovering entity names

The entities module has a utility names find_entity. You can use that to verify the name of an entity.

Match found 'Dns'


If a unique match is found the entity class is returned. Otherwise, we try to suggest possible matches for the entity name.

No exact match found for 'azure'.
Closest matches are 'AzureResource', 'Url', 'Malware'

Pivot functions are grouped into containers

Data queries are grouped into a container with the name of the data provider to which they belong. E.g. AzureSentinel queries are in a container of that name, Splunk queries would be in a “Splunk” container.

TI lookups are put into a "ti" container.

All other built-in functions are added to the "util" container, by default.

The containers themselves are callable and will return a list of their contents.

list_related_alerts function
az_net_analytics function
get_info_by_hostname function
auditd_all function

Containers are also iterable - each iteration returns a tuple (pair) of name/function values.

[query for query, _ in entities.Host.AzureSentinel if "logon" in query]

In notebooks/IPython you can also use tab completion to get to the right function.

Shortcut pivot functions

A subset of many regularly-used pivot functions are also added as "shortcuts" to the entities. These are not in containers but available as direct methods on the entity classes and entity instances. A shortcut is just a reference or pointer to a pivot function in one of the containers described in the previous section.

Because the shortcut methods behave as instance methods they can take input values from the entity attributes directly. In this example, the input to the ip_type function is automatically taken from the Address attribute of the IP entity.

>>> ip = IpAddress(Address="")
>>> ip.ip_type()
ip          result Private

These shortcuts otherwise work in the same way as the pivot functions described in the rest of the document. In the previous example showing pivot functions with the get_pivot_list() function, the shortcut versions of the pivot functions appear without a "." in the name.

To help you navigate which shortcut does what, data query shortcuts are prefixed with "qry_" and threat intelligence lookups with "ti_".

You can create your own shortcut methods to existing or custom pivot functions as described in Creating and deleting shortcut pivot functions.

Using the Pivot Browser

Pivot also has a utility that allows you to browse entities and the pivot functions attached to them. You can search for functions with desired keywords, view help for the specific function and copy the function signature to paste into a code cell. Both fully-qualified pivot functions and shortcut equivalents are shown in the browser.

Pivot function browser.

Running a pivot function

Pivot functions support a variety of input parameter types. They can be used with the following types of parameters:

  • entity instances (e.g. where you have an IpAddress entity with a populated Address field)
  • single values (e.g. a string with DNS domain name)
  • lists of values (e.g. a list of IpAddresses)
  • pandas DataFrames (where one or more of the columns contains the input parameter data that you want to use)

Pivot functions normally return results as a dataframe (although some complex functions such as Notebooklets can return composite result objects containing multiple dataframes and other object types).

Pivot functions retain their original documentation string (i.e. the docstring of the function before it was wrapped) so you can lookup help on a pivot function at any time using the builtin Python help() function or a trailing "?"


Most examples in the document use entity classes has been imported individually (from msticpy.datamodel.entities import Host). This is done to make the examples syntax cleaner. However, you do not need to import each entity class individually before using it. The init_notebook function described in the Getting Started section imports the "entities" parent module, which contains the individual entity classes. You can run from msticpy.datamodel import entities to do the same. This means that you can use any entity by prefixing it with entities. (e.g. entities.Host() - create a host entity or entities.Account.util.my_pivot() - run the Account entity my_pivot function ). Using the entities module prefix like this is usually much more convenient than seperate import statements for each entity.

from msticpy.datamodel.entities import IpAddress
Signature: IpAddress.util.ip_type(ip: str = None, ip_str: str = None)
Validate value is an IP address and deteremine IPType category.

(IPAddress category is e.g. Private/Public/Multicast).

ip_str : str
    The string of the IP Address

    Returns ip type string using ip address module

Specifying Parameter names

There are a few variations in the way you can specify parameters:

  • Positional parameter - If the function only accepts one parameter you can usually just supply it without a name - as a positional parameter (see first and third examples in the code sample in the next section)
  • Native parameter - You can also use the native parameter name - i.e. the name that the underlying function expects and that will be shown in the help(function) output. (second example below)
  • Generic parameter - You can also use the generic parameter name “value” in most cases. (fourth example)


There are some exceptions to the use of generic parameters like "column" and "value". These are called out later in this document.

If in doubt, use help(entity.container.func) or entity.container.func? to find the specific parameter(s) that the function expects.


Most of the examples in the following sections use the IpAddress entity to it easier to compare the different ways of calling pivot functions. The same patterns apply to all other entities (Account, Host, Dns, Url, etc.) that have pivot functions.

Using single value parameters as input

Some examples of simple pivot functions for an IpAddress string.

ip result Private
ip result Public
ip_column AsnDescription whois_result NA {'nir': None, 'asn_registry': 'arin', 'asn': 'NA', 'asn_cidr': 'NA', 'asn_country_code': 'US', 'asn_date': '2015-04-01', 'asn_description': 'NA', 'query': '', 'nets': [{'cidr': '', 'name': 'NETACTUATE-MDN-04', 'handle': 'NET-157-53-0-0-1', 'range': ' -', 'description': 'NetActuate, Inc', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'NC', 'city': 'Raleigh', 'address': 'PO Box 10713', 'postal_code': '27605', 'emails': ['', ''], 'created': '2015-04-01', 'updated': '2016-10-25'}], 'raw': None, 'referral': None, 'raw_referral': None}
CountryCode CountryName State City Longitude Latitude Asn edges Type AdditionalData IpAddress
US United States     -97.822 37.751   set() geolocation {}

Using an entity as a parameter

Behind the scenes the Pivot API use a mapping of entity attributes to supply the right value to the function parameter. This is not always foolproof but usually works.

Here, we're creating two IpAddress entities and initializing them with their Address values. Then we supply these entities as parameters to the pivot functions.

ip1 = IpAddress(Address="")
ip2 = IpAddress(Address="")


The output is the same as the previous example Using single value parameters as input

For shortcut functions you can also use the entity instance to provide the input value:

ip_1 = IpAddress(Address="")
ip_2 = IpAddress(Address="")
ip result Private
ip_column AsnDescription whois_result NA {'nir': None, 'asn_registry': 'arin', 'asn': 'NA', 'asn_cidr': 'NA', 'asn_country_code': 'US', 'asn_date': '2015-04-01', 'asn_description': 'NA', 'query': '', 'nets': [{'cidr': '', 'name': 'NETACTUATE-MDN-04', 'handle': 'NET-157-53-0-0-1', 'range': ' -', 'description': 'NetActuate, Inc', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'NC', 'city': 'Raleigh', 'address': 'PO Box 10713', 'postal_code': '27605', 'emails': ['', ''], 'created': '2015-04-01', 'updated': '2016-10-25'}], 'raw': None, 'referral': None, 'raw_referral': None}

Using a list (or other iterable) as a parameter

Many of the underlying MSTICPy functions (the functions wrapped by the Pivot library) accept either single values or collections of values (usually in DataFrames) as input.

Using single-valued input functions when you have a list of values to process can be messy. Functions that require dataframe input can also take a bit of preparation time if the data you want to use isn't already in a dataframe. In either case you usually need to build some glue code to handle the formatting and calling the function multiple times.

The pivot library tries to smooth this path so that you do not have to worry about how the original function was built to handle input. In cases where the underlying function does not accept iterables as parameters, the Pivot library will iterate through each value in your input list, calling the function and collating the results to hand you back a single dataframe.


Not all MSTICPy pivot functions are configured to allow iterated calling. This is usually where the underlying function is long-running or expensive and we've opted to block accepting iterated calls. Notebooklets are an example of functions that will not work with iterable or dataframe input.

Similarly, where the function expects a dataframe or iterable as an input, you can supply a simple string value and the pivot interface will convert to the expected input type (in this case a single-column, single-row DataFrame).

For functions with multiple input parameters you can supply a mixture of iterables and single values. In these cases, the single-valued parameters are re-used on each call, paired with the item in the list(s) taken from the multi-valued parameters.

You can also use multiple iterables for multiple parameters. In this case the iterables should be the same length. If they are different lengths the iterations stop after the shortest list/iterable is exhausted.

For example:

list_1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
list_2 = ["a", "b", "c"]
entity.util.func(p1=list_1, p2=list_2)

The function will execute with the pairings (1, “a”), (2, “b”) and (3, "c) - (4, _) will be ignored

That may all sound a little confusing but, in practice, you should not need to worry about the mechanics of how the pivot library works.

This is an example of using the same pivot functions shown previously, but now with list inputs.

ip_list1 = ip_df1.AllExtIPs.values[-6:]

ip result Public Public Public Private Private
ip result Public Public Public Private Private
nir asn_registry asn asn_cidr asn_country_code asn_date asn_description query nets raw referral raw_referral
nan arin 8075 US 2013-06-18 MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK, US [{'cidr': '', 'name': 'MSFT', 'handle': 'NET-23-96-0-0-1', 'range': ' -', 'description': 'Microsoft Corporation', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'WA', 'city': 'Redmond', 'address': 'One Microsoft Way', 'postal_code': '98052', 'emails': ['', '', ''], 'created': '2013-06-18', 'updated': '2013-06-18'}] nan nan nan
nan arin 8075 US 2001-02-14 MICROSOFT-CORP-MSN-AS-BLOCK, US [{'cidr': '', 'name': 'MICROSOFT-1BLK', 'handle': 'NET-65-52-0-0-1', 'range': ' -', 'description': 'Microsoft Corporation', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'WA', 'city': 'Redmond', 'address': 'One Microsoft Way', 'postal_code': '98052', 'emails': ['', '', ''], 'created': '2001-02-14', 'updated': '2013-08-20'}] nan nan nan
nan arin 3598 US 1988-11-11 MICROSOFT-CORP-AS, US [{'cidr': '', 'name': 'MICROSOFT', 'handle': 'NET-131-107-0-0-1', 'range': ' -', 'description': 'Microsoft Corporation', 'country': 'US', 'state': 'WA', 'city': 'Redmond', 'address': 'One Microsoft Way', 'postal_code': '98052', 'emails': ['', '', ''], 'created': '1988-11-11', 'updated': '2013-08-20'}] nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan
CountryCode CountryName State City Longitude Latitude Asn edges Type AdditionalData IpAddress
US United States Virginia Washington -78.1539 38.7095   set() geolocation {}
US United States Virginia Boydton -78.375 36.6534   set() geolocation {}
US United States Washington Redmond -122.126 47.6722   set() geolocation {}
US United States Virginia Washington -78.1539 38.7095   set() geolocation {}

Using DataFrames as input

Using a dataframe as input requires a slightly different syntax since you not only need to pass the dataframe as a parameter but also tell the function which column to use for input.

To specify the column to use, you can use the name of the parameter that the underlying function expects or one of these generic names:

  • column
  • input_column
  • input_col
  • src_column
  • src_col


These generic names are not shown in the function help: they are just a convenience so that you don't need to remember what the names of the underlying function parameters are.

Examples showing the same pivot functions with dataframe inputs.

display(IpAddress.util.ip_type(data=ip_df1, input_col="AllExtIPs"))
display(IpAddress.util.ip_type(data=ip_df1, ip="AllExtIPs"))
display(IpAddress.util.whois(data=ip_df1, column="AllExtIPs"))
display(IpAddress.util.geoloc(data=ip_df1, src_col="AllExtIPs"))

Output is the same as Using a list (or other iterable) as a parameter

Aside - converting text to a dataframe

The pivot library includes a convenience IPython magic for times when you just have raw text (e.g. something pasted from a Threat Intel report). You can use this to convert raw, structured text into a form that you can send to a pivot function.

from msticpy.datamodel import txt_df_magic

Here, we paste in the text into a cell, add the cell magic %%txt2df at the top of the cell with parameters telling it that the first row is a head row and that we want it to create a named pandas DataFrame in the notebook global namespace. (This just means that when you execute this cell it will create a DataFrame variable named "ip_df1" that you can use in subsequent cells).

Use %%txt2df --help to see the supported usage.

%%txt2df --headers --name ip_df1

Joining input to output data

You might want to return a data set that is joined to your input set. To do that use the “join” parameter. Join works with all types of inputs: value, list or DataFrame.

The value of join can be one of the following:

  • inner
  • left
  • right
  • outer

To preserve all rows from the input, use a “left” join. To keep only rows that have a valid result from the function use “inner” or “right”

Note while most functions only return a single output row for each input row, some return multiple rows. Be cautious using “outer” in these cases.
display(IpAddress.util.geoloc(data=ip_df1, src_col="AllExtIPs", join="left"))
AllExtIPs CountryCode CountryName State City Longitude Latitude Asn edges Type AdditionalData IpAddress US United States     -97.822 37.751   set() geolocation {} CA Canada Ontario Toronto -79.4195 43.6644   set() geolocation {} US United States Virginia Washington -78.1539 38.7095   set() geolocation {} US United States Virginia Washington -78.1539 38.7095   set() geolocation {} US United States Virginia Boydton -78.375 36.6534   set() geolocation {}

By default, the pivot functions will infer the join keys for input and output data from the function definitions and parameters.

For advanced use, you can override the default behavior of joining on inferred join keys by specifying left_on and right_on parameters. The left_on parameter is typically the input parameter name and right_on is a column in the output DataFrame (the pivot results). Usually, you won't need to use this flexibility.

The join operation also supports a join_ignore_case parameter. This lets you join text columns ignoring case differences. This can be helpful with data like hash strings and domain names, which are case insensitive and can be represented differently.


using join_ignore_case does add a performance overhead since normalized case columns need to be created for both input and output data sets before the join takes place. This might be a significant overhead on larger data sets.

Data query pivot functions

How are queries assigned to specific entities?

The Pivot library uses the parameters defined for each query to decide whether a query is related to a particular entity type. It also uses the query parameters to create mappings between specific entity attributes (e.g. IpAddress.Address) and query parameters (ip_address or ip_address_list).

It uses a limited set of parameter names to do this mapping so to have your query show up as a pivot function, you should follow the same standard parameter naming as we use in MSTICPy built-in queries.

Query parameter mapping:

Query Parameter Entity Entity Attribute
account_name Account Name
host_name Host fqdn
process_name Process ProcessFilePath
source_ip_list IpAddress Address
ip_address_list IpAddress Address
ip_address IpAddress Address
user Account Name
logon_session_id Process HostLogonSession Account LogonSession SessionId LogonId
process_id Process ProcessId
commandline Process CommandLine
url Url Url
file_hash File file_hash
domain Dns DomainName
resource_id AzureResource ResourceId

If you have existing queries that use different names than those listed in this table, you can take advantage of a feature added to the MSTICPy query definition format - parameter aliases.

To use these, change the primary name of your parameter to one of the items listed above and then add an aliases item to the parameter entry for the query. The example below shows that file_hash has an alias of sha1. This means that you can use either of these to refer to the same parameter when invoking the query.

Running pivot data queries

A word about parameters

A significant difference between the pivot functions that we've seen so far and data query functions is that the latter do not accept generic parameter names (other than the "data" parameter).

The reason for is that frequently data queries require multiple parameters and using generic names like "column" and "value" makes it very difficult to decide which value belongs to which column.

When you use a named parameter in a data query pivot, you must specify the parameter name that the query function is expecting.



In the first example, the query will be run with "host_name='mypc'. In the second example, host_name is the parameter name expected by the query and computer is the name of the column in the input DataFrame that is the source of the host_name values. The query will be executed once for each row, supplying each row's value for the computer column as the query's host_name parameter.

If in doubt about what the correct parameter name to use is, use the "?" suffix to show the function help.



Ensure that you've authenticated/connected to the data provider.

ws = WorkspaceConfig(workspace="YourWorkspace")

A second significant difference is that most queries require a time range to operate over.

The start and end datetime parameters common to most queries are automatically added by the pivot library. The values of these are taken from the Pivot object, using the time range defined in its timespan property. You can override these auto-populated values when you call a function by explicitly specifying the start and end parameter values in the function call.


The time range is used dynamically. If you change the Pivot timespan property, the new value will be used by future queries as they are run. This means that if you re-run earlier queries after changing the timespan they will execute with different time parameters.

Setting default timespan for queries interactively

Use the edit_query_time function to set/change the time range used by queries.

With no parameters it defaults to a period of

  • start == [UtcNow - 1 day]
  • end == [UtcNow]

Alternatively, you can specify a timespan for the QueryTime UI, using the :py:class:`TimeSpan<msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan>` class.

See :py:meth:`edit_query_time<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.edit_query_time>`

from msticpy.common.timespan import TimeSpan
ts = TimeSpan(start="2020-10-01", period="1d")
MSTICPy query time control.

Setting the timespan programmatically

You can also just set the :py:attr:`timespan<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.timespan>` directly on the pivot object

Pivot.current.timespan = ts

What data queries do we have?

This will vary for each Entity type (many entity types have no data queries).

For each entity type, you can execute the container object corresponding to the data provider that you want to view. Shortcut query functions are also displayed with a "qry_" prefix.

alerts function
azsent_bookmarks function
aznet_net_flows_depr function
aznet_interface function
hb_heartbeat function
aznet_net_flows function
hb_heartbeat_for_host_depr function
lxaud_auditd_all function
lxsys_user_logon function
lxsys_logons function
lxsys_logon_failures function
wevt_all_events function
wevt_events_by_id function
wevt_list_other_events function
wevt_logon_session function
host = Host(HostName="VictimPc")
SourceSystem TimeGenerated ComputerIP Computer Category OSType OSMajorVersion OSMinorVersion Version
OpsManager 2020-12-02 20:24:59.613000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure Direct Agent Windows 10 0 10.20.18040.0


some columns have been removed for brevity

Account EventID TimeGenerated Computer SubjectUserName SubjectDomainName SubjectUserSid TargetUserName TargetDomainName TargetUserSid TargetLogonId
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM 4624 2020-10-01 22:39:36.987000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure VictimPc$ CONTOSO S-1-5-18 SYSTEM NT AUTHORITY S-1-5-18 0x3e7
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM 4624 2020-10-01 22:39:37.220000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure VictimPc$ CONTOSO S-1-5-18 SYSTEM NT AUTHORITY S-1-5-18 0x3e7
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM 4624 2020-10-01 22:39:42.603000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure VictimPc$ CONTOSO S-1-5-18 SYSTEM NT AUTHORITY S-1-5-18 0x3e7
CONTOSORonHD 4624 2020-10-01 22:40:00.957000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure VictimPc$ CONTOSO S-1-5-18 RonHD CONTOSO S-1-5-21-1661583231-2311428937-3957907789-1105 0x117a0f7f
NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM 4624 2020-10-01 22:40:14.040000+00:00 VictimPc.Contoso.Azure VictimPc$ CONTOSO S-1-5-18 SYSTEM NT AUTHORITY S-1-5-18 0x3e7

Query prefixes

The queries are usually prefixed by a short string indicating the data table (or data source) targeted by the query. This is to help disambiguate the query functions and keep the overall function name manageably short.

Some commonly used prefixes are:

Prefix Data source
azsent Azure Sentinel data queries (e.g. bookmarks)
aznet Azure network analytics
aad Azure Active Directory
az Other Azure
hb OMS Heartbeat table
lxsys Linux Syslog
lxaud Linux auditd
o365 Office 365 activity
wevt Windows security events

Using additional parameters

We may need to specify multiple parameters for a query. For example, the list_host_events_by_id function requires a host_name parameter but can also take a list of event IDs to filter the list returned.

Retrieves list of events on a host.

add_query_items: str (optional)
    Additional query clauses
end: datetime
    Query end time
event_list: list (optional)
    List of event IDs to match
    (default value is: has)
host_name: str
    Name of host

The example below shows using two parameters - an entity and a list. The host entity is the initial positional parameter. Pivot is using the attribute mapping to assign the host_name function parameter the value of the host.fqdn entity attribute.

The second parameter is a list of event IDs.

Also notice that we are following the query with a series of pandas expressions. Because the return value of these functions is a pandas DataFrame you can perform pandas operations on the data before displaying it or saving to a variable.

The pandas code here simply selects a subset of columns, the groups by EventID to return a count of each event type.

    Host.AzureSentinel.list_host_events_by_id(   # Pivot query returns DataFrame
        host, event_list=[4624, 4625, 4672]
    [["Computer", "EventID", "Activity"]] we could have save the output to a dataframe
    .groupby(["EventID", "Activity"])     variable but we can also use pandas
    .count()                              functions/syntax directly on the output
(4624, '4624 - An account was successfully logged on.') 520
(4672, '4672 - Special privileges assigned to new logon.') 436

Using the "print" parameter to help debug queries

When calling queries directly from the data provider (e.g. my_provider.get_host_logons(...)) you can supply a positional string argument "print". This causes the query that would be sent to the provider to be returned as a string, with parameter values substituted. This is useful for debugging queries.

The pivot wrapping mechanism removes positional arguments passed to the query pivot function so it is no longer possible to use the simple "print" argument. Instead add a keyword argument print=True. This causes the provider to skip the query and print out (but not return) the full query that would have been executed. Unfortunately it isn't possible to return the query string from the pivot function since the pivot machinery would try to interpret it as a query result and would try to put it into a DataFrame, which would be less than helpful when trying to debug something.

Using iterables as parameters to data queries

Some data queries accept “list” items as parameters (e.g. many of the IP queries accept a list of IP addresses). These work as expected, with a single query calling sending the whole list as a single parameter.

ip_list = [

TimeGenerated OperationName ResultType Identity Level Location AppDisplayName AuthenticationRequirement ClientAppUsed ConditionalAccessPolicies DeviceDetail IsInteractive UserPrincipalName Type
2020-10-01 13:02:35.957000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Brandon 4 US Azure Advanced Threat Protection singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b6... {'deviceId': '', 'oper... False SigninLogs
2020-10-01 14:02:40.100000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Brandon 4 US Azure Advanced Threat Protection singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b6... {'deviceId': '', 'oper... False SigninLogs
2020-10-01 15:02:45.205000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Brandon 4 US Azure Advanced Threat Protection singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b6... {'deviceId': '', 'oper... False SigninLogs
2020-10-01 17:45:14.507000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Brandon 4 US Microsoft Cloud App Security singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b6... {'deviceId': '', 'oper... False SigninLogs
2020-10-01 10:02:18.923000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Brandon 4 US Azure Advanced Threat Protection singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b6... {'deviceId': '', 'oper... False SigninLogs

Using iterable values for queries that only accept single values

In this case the pivot function will iterate through the values of the iterable, making a separate query for each and then joining the results.

We can see that this function only accepts a single value for “account_name”.

Lists Azure AD Signins for Account

account_name: str
    The account name to find
add_query_items: str (optional)
    Additional query clauses
end: datetime (optional)
    Query end time
start: datetime (optional)
    Query start time
    (default value is: -5)
table: str (optional)
    Table name
    (default value is: SigninLogs)

We can pass a list of account names that we want to return results for, assigning the list to the account_name parameter. The pivot library takes care of executing the individual queries and joining the results.

accounts = [

TimeGenerated OperationName ResultType Identity Level Location AppDisplayName AuthenticationRequirement ClientAppUsed ConditionalAccessPolicies DeviceDetail IsInteractive UserAgent UserPrincipalName
2020-10-01 11:04:42.689000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Anil Anders 4 IL Azure Portal multiFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b63-bcc7-17247669596b', 'disp {'deviceId': '', 'operatingSyste False Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10...
2020-10-01 11:19:36.626000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Mor Ester 4 IL Azure Portal multiFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b63-bcc7-17247669596b', 'disp {'deviceId': 'e7e06bcd-1c72-4550 False Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10...
2020-10-01 11:19:40.787000+00:00 Sign-in activity 0 Mor Ester 4 IL Azure Portal singleFactorAuthentication Browser [{'id': '8872f6fb-da88-4b63-bcc7-17247669596b', 'disp {'deviceId': 'e7e06bcd-1c72-4550 False Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10...

Of course, this type of iterated query execution is not as efficient as constructing the query to do exactly what you want and letting the database engine take care of the details. However, it does mean that we can use generic queries in a more flexible way than was possible before.


Because iterating queries like this is not very efficient, you should avoid using this for large queries where you are passing thousands of query values in a list or dataframe.

Combining multiple iterables and single-valued parameters

The same rules as outline earlier for multiple parameters of different types apply to data queries.

Here we are combining sending a list and a string.

project = "| project UserPrincipalName, Identity"
Account.AzureSentinel.list_aad_signins_for_account(account_name=accounts, add_query_items=project)

Using DataFrames as input to query pivots

This is similar to using dataframes as input parameters, as described earlier.

You must use the data parameter to specify the input dataframe. You supply the column name from your input dataframe as the value of the parameters expected by the function.

Let's create a toy DataFrame from the earlier list to show the principle.

account_df = pd.DataFrame(accounts, columns=["User"])

Now we have our dataframe:

  • we specify account_df as the value of the data parameter.
  • in our source (input) dataframe, the column that we want to use as the input value for each query is User
  • we specify that column name as the value of the function parameter. In this case the function parameter is account_name.

On each iteration, the column value from the current row will be extracted and given as the parameter value for the account_name function parameter.

If the function query parameter type is a list type - i.e. it expects a list of values, the parameter value will be sent as a list created from all of the values in that dataframe column. Similarly, if you have multiple list parameters sourced from different columns of your input dataframe, a list will be created for column and assigned to the query parameter. In cases where you have only a single list parameter or all parameters are lists, only a single query is executed.

However, if you have multiple parameters of mixed types (i.e. some lists and some string parameters), the query will be broken into separate queries for each row of the input dataframe. Each sub-query will get its parameter values from a single row of the input dataframe.

You should not need to worry about these details but if a query operation is taking longer than expected, it might be useful to know what is happening under the covers.

Joining query output to input

If the input to your data query pivot function is a DataFrame you can also join it to the output. By default, it uses the index of the input rows to join to the output. This usually works well unless the input index has duplicate values.

Index joining may not work if the query parameter are "list" types (e.g. some queries accept parameters that are a sequence of values). In these cases, you can override the default joining behavior by specifying left_on and right_on column names. The left_on column name must be a column in the input DataFrame and right_on must be a column in the output DataFrame (the query results).

The join operation also supports a join_ignore_case parameter. This lets you join text columns ignoring case differences. This can be helpful with data like hash strings and domain names, which are case insensitive and can be represented differently.


using join_ignore_case does add a performance overhead since normalized case columns need to be created from the data before the join takes place. This might be noticable on larger data sets.

Threat Intelligence lookups

These work in the same way as the functions described earlier. However, there are a few peculiarities of the Threat Intel functions:

Provider-specific pivot functions

Queries for individual providers are broken out into separate functions You will see multiple lookup_ipv4 functions, for example: one with no suffix and one for each individual TI provider with a corresponding suffix. This is a convenience to let you use a specific provider more quickly. You can still use the generic function (lookup_ipv4) and supply a providers parameter to indicate which providers you want to use. See :py:meth:`lookup_iocs<msticpy.sectools.tilookup.TILookup.lookup_iocs>` for more details.

IPv4 and IPv6

Some providers treat these interchangably and use the same endpoint for both. Other providers do not explicitly support IPV6 (for example, the Tor exit nodes provider). Still others (notably OTX) use different endpoints for IPv4 and IPv6.

If you are querying IPv4 you can use either the lookup_ip function or one of the lookup_ipv4 functions. In most cases, you can also use these functions for a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. However, in cases where a provider does not support IPv6 or uses a different endpoint for IPv6 queries you will get no responses for these items.

Entity mapping to IoC Types

This table shows the mapping between and entity type and IoC Types:

Entity IoCType
IpAddress ipv4, ipv6
Dns domain
File filehash (including md5, sha1, sha256)
Url url

You will find all of the TI Lookup functions relating to IpAddresses as pivot functions attached to the IpAddress entity.


Where you are using a File entity as a parameter, there is a complication. A file entity can have multiple hash values (md5, sha1, sha256 and even sha256 authenticode). The file_hash attibute of File is used as the default parameter. In cases where a file has multiple hashes the highest priority hash (in order sha256, sha1, md5, sha256ac) is returned. If you are not using file entities as parameters (and specifying the input values explicitly or via a Dataframe or iterable), you can ignore this.

To show the TI lookup functions available for an entity, run the ti contain function.

lookup_ip function
lookup_ipv4 function
lookup_ipv4_OTX function
lookup_ipv4_Tor function
lookup_ipv4_VirusTotal function
lookup_ipv4_XForce function
lookup_ipv6 function
lookup_ipv6_OTX function

This is showing an example of a simple query of a domain using a Dns entity

from msticpy.datamodel.entities import Url, Dns, File
dns = Dns(DomainName="")

Ioc IocType SafeIoc QuerySubtype Provider Result Severity Reference Status dns   OTX True high 0 dns     OPR True warning[0] 0 dns   VirusTotal True information 0 dns   XForce True information 0

Using a simple string value returns the same result (as expected).


Like other pivot functions, you can provide input from a list.

hashes = [

Ioc IocType SafeIoc QuerySubtype Provider Result Severity Reference Status
02a7977d1faf7bfc93a4b678a049c9495ea663e7065aa5a6caf0f69c5ff25dbd sha256_hash 02a7977d1faf7bfc93a4b678a049c9495ea663e7065aa5a6caf0f69c5ff25dbd   VirusTotal True high 0
06b020a3fd3296bc4c7bf53307fe7b40638e7f445bdd43fac1d04547a429fdaf sha256_hash 06b020a3fd3296bc4c7bf53307fe7b40638e7f445bdd43fac1d04547a429fdaf   VirusTotal True high 0
06c676bf8f5c6af99172c1cf63a84348628ae3f39df9e523c42447e2045e00ff sha256_hash 06c676bf8f5c6af99172c1cf63a84348628ae3f39df9e523c42447e2045e00ff   VirusTotal True high 0

You can use a DataFrame as your input. To specify the source column you can use either “column” or “obs_column”.

# Create a dataframe from our hash list and add some extra columns
hashes_df = pd.DataFrame(
    [(fh, f"item_{idx}", "stuff") for idx, fh in enumerate(hashes)],
    columns=["hash", "ref", "desc"],
File.ti.lookup_file_hash_VirusTotal(data=hashes_df, column="hash")

A pandas processing pipeline with pivot functions

In an earlier section What is "Pivoting"?, we gave an example of a typical pivoting pipeline that you might see in a cybersec investigation.

Because pivot functions can take pandas DataFrames as inputs and return them as outputs, you can could imagine implementing this chain of operations as a series of calls to various pivot functions, taking the output from one and feeding it to the next, and so on. However, pandas already supports stacking these kinds of operations in what is known as a fluent interface.

Here is an example that chains three operations but without using any intermediate variables to store the results of each step. Each operation is a method of a dataframe that takes some parameters and its output is another dataframe - the results of whatever transformation that particular operation performed on the data.

    .query("UserCount > 1")

The advantages of the fluent style are conciseness and not having to deal with intermediate results variables. After building and debugging the pipeline, you're never going to be interested in these intermediate variables, so why have them?

To make building these types of pipelines easier with pivot functions we've implemented some pandas helper functions.

These are available in the :py:class:`mp_pivot<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor>` property of pandas DataFrames, once Pivot is imported.

:py:meth:`<>` lets you run a pivot function as a pandas pipeline operation.

Let's take an example of a simple pivot function using a dataframe as input

IpAddress.util.whois(data=my_df, column="Ioc")

This takes a dataframe as the first parameter and returns a dataframe result. However, we want to use this function using a fluent style in the middle of a larger pandas expression. Let's say we have an existing pandas expression like this:

    .query("UserCount > 1")

We want to add a call to the pivot whois function into the middle of this without having to create intermediate dataframes a clutter our code.

We can us to do this:

    .query("UserCount > 1"), column="Ioc")

The pandas extension takes care of the data=my_df parameter. We still have to add any other required parameters (like the column specification in this case. When it runs it returns its output as a DataFrame and the next operation (drop_duplicates()) runs on this output.

Depending on the scenario you might want to preserve the existing dataframe contents (most of the pivot functions only return the results of their specific operation - e.g. whois returns ASN information for an IP address). You can carry the columns of the input dataframe over to the output from the pivot function by adding a join parameter to the call. Use a "left" to keep all of the input rows regardless of whether the pivot function returned a result for that row. Use an "inner" join to return only rows where the input had a positive result in the pivot function., column="Ioc", join="inner") also supports a couple of parameters to help with debugging or simply to have something interesting to watch while your pipeline executes. verbose will print out the number of rows returned from the run function. This is useful to spot which item was responsible for your long and ultimate empty pipeline. debug add a few more details like a list of columns returned in the data and the execution time of the run function.

There are also a few convenience functions.


These second two functions only work in an IPython/Jupyter environment.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.display<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.display>` will display the intermediate results of the dataframe in the middle of a pipeline. It does not change the data at all, but does give you the chance to display a view of the data partway through processing.

This is useful for debugging but its main purpose is to give you a way to show partial results without having to break the pipeline into pieces and create a bunch of throw-away variables that will add bulk and clutter to your memory (the memory on the computer that is - no guarantees that it will clear any clutter in your brain!)

display supports some options that you can use to modify the displayed output:

  • title - displays a title above the data
  • columns - a list of columns to display (others are hidden)
  • query - you can filter the output using a df.query() string. See DataFrame.query for more details
  • head - limits the display to the first head rows

These options do not affect the data being passed through the pipeline - only how the intermediate output is displayed.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.tee<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.tee>` behaves a little like the Linux "tee" command that splits an input stream into two.

mp_pivot.tee allows the input data to pass through unchanged but allows you to create a variable that is a snapshot of the data at that point in the pipeline. It takes a parameter var_name and assigns the current DataFrame instance to that name. So, when your pipeline has run you can access partial results (again, without having to break up your pipeline to do so).

By default, it will not overwrite an existing variable of the same name unless you specify clobber=True in the call to tee.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.tee_exec<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.tee_exec>` behaves similarly to the "tee" function above except that it will try to execute the named DataFrame accessor function on the input DataFrame. The name of the function (as a string) can be passed named as the value of the df_func named parameter, or the first positional parameter.

The function must be a method of a pandas DataFrame - this includes built-in functions such as .query, .sort_values or a custom function added as a custom pd accessor function (see Extending pandas

mp_pivot.tee_exec allows the input data to pass through unchanged but will also send a snapshot of the data at that point in the pipeline to the named function. You can also pass arbitrary other named arguments to the tee_exec. These will be passed to the df_func function.

The next three methods are simple helper functions that duplicate a subset of the pandas functionality. The syntax is probably more user-friendly than the pandas equivalents but not as powerful and, in some cases, potentially much less performant.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.filter<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.filter>` is a simple text or regular expression filter that matches and returns only rows with the specified patterns. If you know the exact columns that you need to filter on, and particularly if the dataset is large, you should use pandas native query functions like query or boolean filtering. However, the filter accessor can be useful for quick and dirty uses.

The expr parameter can be a string, a regular expression or a number. In the former two cases the expression is matched against all string (or pandas object) columns. The matching is not case-sensitive by default but you can force this by specifying match_case=True.

If expr is a number, it is matched against numeric columns. However, it is matched as a string. The value of the expr parameter is converted to a string and all of the DataFrame columns of type "number" are converted to strings. Any row with a number that partially matches will be returned. For example, expr=462 will match 4624 and 4625 from the numeric EventID columns in Windows Security event data.

You can also specify a regular expression string to match numeric columns by adding the numeric_col=True parameter. Using expr="462[4-7]", numeric_col=True will match numbers in the range 4624-4627.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.filter_cols<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.filter_cols>` lets you filter the columns in the pipeline.

The cols parameter can be a string (single column) or a list of strings (multiple columns). Each item can also be a regular expression to let you match groups of related column names (e.g. "Target.*").

The match_case parameter (False by default) forces case-sensitve matching on exact or regular expression matching of column names.

The sort_columns parameter will sort the columns alphabetically in the output DataFrame - the default is to preserve the input column order.


:py:meth:`mp_pivot.sort<msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pd_accessor.PivotAccessor.sort>` lets you sort the output DataFrame by one or more columns.

The cols parameter specifies which columns to sort by. This can be a single column name, a string containing a comma-separated list of column names, a Python list of column names or a Python dictionary of column_name-boolean pairs.

Column names are matched in the following sequence:

  • exact matches
  • case-insensivitve matches
  • regular expressions

Where a column regular expression matches more than one column, all matched columns will be added to the column sorting order.

In the case of the string and list types you can add a ":desc" or ":asc" suffix to the name (no spaces) to indicated descending or ascending sort order. Ascending is the default so you typically do not need to add the ":asc" suffix except for reasons of clarity.

You can also control the sorting behavior of individual columns by passing a dict as the cols parameter. The keys of the dict are the column names and the value is a boolean: True means ascending, False means descending.

Column sorting priority is controlled by the order in which you specify the column names/expressions in the cols parameter. E.g. cols="colA:desc, colB:asc" will sort by colA descending, then by colB, ascending.

You can also force a single ordering for all columns with the ascending parameter - this will override any column-specific settings.

Example pipeline

The example below shows the use of and mp_pivot.display.

This takes an existing DataFrame - suspcious_ips - and:

  • checks for threat intelligence reports on any of the IP addresses
  • uses pandas query function to filter only the high severity hits
  • calls the whois pivot function to obtain ownership information for these IPs (note that we join the results of the previous step here usine join='left' so our output will be all TI result data plus whois data)
  • displays a sample of the combined output
  • uses tee to save a snapshot to a DF variable ti_whois_df
  • calls a pivot data query (AzureSentinel.list_aad_signins_for_ip) to check for Azure Active Directory logins that have an IP address source that matches any of these addresses.

The final step uses another MSTICPy pandas extension to plot the login attempts on a timeline chart.

    # Lookup IPs at VT, column="IPAddress")
    # Filter on high severity
    .query("Severity == 'high'")
    # lookup whois info for IPs, column="Ioc", join="left")
    # display sample of intermediate results
    .mp_pivot.display(title="TI High Severity IPs", cols=["Ioc", "Provider", "Reference"], head=5)
    # Query IPs that have login attempts, ip_address_list="Ioc")
    # Send the output of this to a plot
        title="High Severity IPs with Logon attempts",
        source_columns=["UserPrincipalName", "IPAddress", "ResultType", "ClientAppUsed", "UserAgent", "Location"],

An sample of the results you would see from this pipeline.

Output from MSTICPy pivot and pandas pipeline showing timeline of login attempts.

Creating custom pipelines as YAML files

You can define a pipeline as a YAML file, then import and execute it using your chosen input DataFrame.

The format of the pipeline YAML file is shown below, illustrating the definitions for the different pipeline types described earlier.

    description: Pipeline 1 description
      - name: get_logons
        step_type: pivot
        function: util.whois
        entity: IpAddress
        comment: Standard pivot function
          column: IpAddress
          join: inner
      - name: disp_logons
        step_type: pivot_display
        comment: Pivot display
          title: "The title"
            - Computer
            - Account
          query: Computer.str.startswith('MSTICAlerts')
          head: 10
      - name: tee_logons
        step_type: pivot_tee
        comment: Pivot tee
            var_name: var_df
            clobber: True
      - name: tee_logons_disp
        step_type: pivot_tee_exec
        comment: Pivot tee_exec with mp_timeline.plot
        function: mp_timeline.plot
            - Computer
            - Account
      - name: logons_timeline
        step_type: pd_accessor
        comment: Standard accessor with mp_timeline.plot
        function: mp_timeline.plot
          - one
          - 2
            - Computer
            - Account
    description: Pipeline 2
      - ...

You can store multiple pipelines in a file. Each pipeline has one or more steps. The pipeline will be run in the order of the steps in the file.

  • name is the step name
  • step_type is one of:
    • pivot
    • display
    • tee
    • tee_exec
    • pd_accessor
  • comment - optional comment to describe the step
  • function - see discussion below
  • pos_params - a list of positional parameters
  • params - a dictionary of keyword parameters and values

The function parameter

This is the full name of the function to be executed. This is only needed for step types pivot, tee_exec and pd_accessor.

In the pivot case it must be the full path to the pivot function from the entity (e.g. if you want to call IpAddress.util.whois, enter "util.whois" as the function name).

In the case of tee_exec and pd_accessor this must be the name or path of the function as if it was being executed as a method of the DataFrame. For built-in DataFrame methods, such as sort_values or query, this is simply the function name. For custom accessor functions this must be the full dotted path. For example, MSTICPy has a custom accessor mp_timeline.plot() that plots the event timeline of events in a DataFrame. To invoke this use the full path of the function - "mp_timeline.plot".

Reading a saved pipeline

Assuming that you've saved the pipeline in a file "pipelines.yml"

from msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline import Pipeline

with open("pipelines.yml", "r") as pl_fh:
    pl_txt =
pipelines = list(Pipeline.from_yaml(pl_txt))
# Pipeline 1 description
    # Standard pivot function, column='IpAddress', join='inner')
    # Pivot display
    .mp_pivot.display(title='The title', query='Computer.str.startswith('MSTICAlerts')', cols=['Computer', 'Account'], head=10)
    # Pivot tee
    .mp_pivot.tee(var_name='var_df', clobber=True)
    # Pivot tee_exec with mp_timeline.plot
    .mp_pivot.tee_exec('mp_timeline.plot', source_columns=['Computer', 'Account'])
    # Standard accessor with mp_timeline.plot
    .mp_timeline.plot('one', 2, source_columns=['Computer', 'Account'])

Calling the :py:meth:`print_pipeline <msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline.print_pipeline>` method prints out a representation of the pipeline as it would appear in code.

See also :py:meth:`from_yaml <msticpy.datamodel.pivot_pipeline.Pipeline.from_yaml>`

Running a pipeline

To execute the pipeline call :py:meth:`run <>` on the pipeline object. You must supply a parameter data specifying the input DataFrame. Optionally, you can add verbose=True which will cause a progress bar and step details to be displayed as the pipeline is executed.

Customizing and managing Pivots

Adding custom functions to the pivot interface

The pivot library supports adding functions as pivot functions from any importable Python library. Not all functions will be wrappable. Currently Pivot supports functions that take input parameters as either scalar values (I'm including strings in this although that isn't exactly correct) or dataframes with column specifications.

If you have a library function that you want to expose as a pivot function you need to gather a bit of information about it.

This table describes the configuration parameters needed to create a pivot function (most are optional).

Item Description Required Default
src_module The src_module to containing the class or function Yes
class The class containing function No
src_func_name The name of the function to wrap Yes
func_new_name Rename the function No
input type The input type that the wrapped function expects (dataframe iterable value) Yes
entity_map Mapping of entity and attribute used for function Yes
func_df_param_name The param name that the function uses as input param for DataFrame If DF input
func_df_col_param_name The param name that function uses to identify the input column name If DF input
func_out_column_name Name of the column in the output DF to use as a key to join If DF output
func_static_params dict of static name/value params always sent to the function No
func_input_value_arg Name of the param that the wrapped function uses for its input value If not DF input
can_iterate True if the function supports being called multiple times No Yes
entity_container_name The name of the container in the entity where the func will appear No custom

The entity_map item specifies which entity or entities the pivot function will be added to. Each entry requires an Entity name (see :py:mod:`entities<msticpy.datamodel.entities>`) and an entity attribute name. The attribute name is only used if you want to use an instance of the entity as a parameter to the function. If you don't care about this you can pick any attribute.

For IpAddress in the example below, the pivot function will try to extract the value of the Address attribute when an instance of IpAddress is used as a function parameter.

   IpAddress: Address
   Host: HostName
   Account: Name

This means that you can specify different attributes of the same entity for different functions (or even for two instances of the same function)

The func_df_param_name and func_df_col_param_name are needed only if the source function takes a dataframe and column name as input parameters.

func_out_column_name is relevant if the source function returns a dataframe. In order to join input data with output data this needs to be the column in the output that has the same value as the function input (e.g. if you are processing IP addresses and the column name in the output DF containing the IP is named “ip_addr”, put “ip_addr” here.)

When you have this information, create or add this to a yaml file with the top-level element pivot_providers.

Example from the MSTICPy ip_utils who_is function

   src_module: msticpy.sectools.ip_utils
   src_func_name: get_whois_df
   func_new_name: whois
   input_type: dataframe
     IpAddress: Address
   func_df_param_name: data
   func_df_col_param_name: ip_column
   func_out_column_name: query
     all_columns: True
     show_progress: False
   func_input_value_arg: ip_address


the library also support creating pivots from ad hoc functions created in the current notebook (see below).

You can also put this function into a Python module. If your module is in the current directory and is called my_new_module, the value you specify for src_module will be "my_new_module".

Once you have your yaml definition file you can call :py:meth:`register_pivot_providers<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.register_pivot_providers>`



this registration is not persistent. You will need to call this each time you start a new session.

Adding ad hoc pivot functions

You can also add ad hoc functions as pivot functions. This is probably a less common scenario but may be useful for testing and development.

To do this use the Pivot method :py:meth:`add_pivot_function<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.add_pivot_function>`

You can either create a PivotRegistration object and supply that (along with the func parameter), to this method.

from msticpy.datamodel.pivot_register import PivotRegistration

def my_func(input: str):
    return input.upper()

piv_reg = PivotRegistration(
    entity_map={"Host": "HostName"},

Pivot.add_pivot_function(my_func, piv_reg, container="change_case")

Alernatively, you can supply the pivot registration parameters as keyword arguments:

def my_func(input: str):
    return input.upper()

    entity_map={"Host": "HostName"},

Creating and deleting shortcut pivot functions

If you are adding pivot functions of your own, you can add shortcuts (i.e. direct methods of the entity, rather than methods in sub-containers) to those functions.

Every entity class has the class method :py:meth:`make_pivot_shortcut<msticpy.datamodel.entities.Entity.make_pivot_shortcut>`. You can use this to add a shortcut to an existing pivot function on that entity. Note that you must call this method on the entity class and not on an instance of that Entity.

The parameters that you must supply are func_name and target. The former is the relative path to the pivot function that you want to make the shortcut to, e.g. for IpAddress.util.whois you would use the string "util.whois". target is the string name that you want the shortcut function to be called. This should be a valid Python identifier - a string starting with a letter or underscore, followed by any combination of letters, digits and underscores. If you supply a string that is not a valid identifier, the function will try to transform it into one.

>>> IpAddress.make_pivot_shortcut(func_name="util.whois", target="my_whois")
>>> IpAddress.my_whois("")
ip_column    AsnDescription    whois_result   NA                {'nir': None, 'asn_registry': 'arin', ...

If the shortcut function already exists, you will get an error (AttributeError). You can force overwriting of an existing shortcut by adding overwrite=True.

To delete a shortcut use :py:meth:`del_pivot_shortcut<msticpy.datamodel.entities.Entity.del_pivot_shortcut>`, giving the single parameter func_name with the name of the shortcut function you want to remove.

Removing pivot functions from an entity or all entities

Although not a common operation you can remove all pivot functions from an entity or from all entities.

See :py:meth:`remove_pivot_funcs<msticpy.datamodel.pivot.Pivot.remove_pivot_funcs>` for more details.