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File metadata and controls

763 lines (626 loc) · 25.5 KB

Adding Queries to MSTICPy

See :doc:`../data_acquisition/DataProviders` for more details on use of data queries.

See :doc:`QueryFileEditor` for more details on the notebook Query Editor.

MSTICPy provides a number of pre-defined queries used by the different query providers. You can also add you own queries for use by the built-in providers or custom data providers.

Queries are grouped into query template files that use the YAML format. You can see some examples of these files in the MSTICPy GitHub repo queries folder.

Here is an example of a query definition file:

    version: 1
    description: Kql Sentinel Windows Logon Event Queries
    data_environments: [MSSentinel]
    data_families: [WindowsSecurity]
    tags: ["process", "windows", "processtree", "session"]
            description: Query start time
            type: datetime
            description: Query end time
            type: datetime
            description: Table name
            type: str
            default: "SecurityEvent"
        description: Retrieves the logon event for the session id on the host
            query: '
                | where EventID == 4624
                | where Computer has "{host_name}"
                | where TimeGenerated >= datetime({start})
                | where TimeGenerated <= datetime({end})
                | where TargetLogonId == "{logon_session_id}"
                description: Name of host
                type: str
                description: The logon session ID of the source process
                type: str
        description: Retrieves the logon events on the host
            query: '
                | where EventID == 4624
                | where Computer has "{host_name}"
                | where TimeGenerated >= datetime({start})
                | where TimeGenerated <= datetime({end})
                description: Name of host
                type: str

The required structure of these query definition files is as follows.

At the top level the file has the following keys:

  • metadata - global parameters affecting all queries in the file
  • defaults - default values for parameters used in the queries
  • sources - the individual query definitions

These are described in the following sections.

The metadata section

    version: 1
    description: Kql Sentinel Windows Logon Event Queries
    data_environments: [MSSentinel]
    data_families: [WindowsSecurity]
    tags: ["process", "windows", "processtree", "session"]
  • version: The version number of the definition file
  • description: A description of the purpose of this collection of query definitions
  • data_environments []: A list of the Data Environments that the defined queries can be run against (1 or more). This value defines which QueryProvider instances the queries will be attached to.
  • data_families []: A list of Data Families the defined queries related to. These are just strings that allow you to group related queries in the same subcontainer (e.g. queries with a data family "Logons" will appear as qry_prov.Logons.query_name(). You can you add more than one data_family causing the query to be added to each group (sub-container). A data family can be a dotted string, causing queries to be added to a hierarchy (e.g. "Logons.AAD", "Logons.Linux").
  • tags []: A list of tags to help manage definition files (this is not currently used)


You can override metadata items for individual queries.

The defaults section

            description: Query start time
            type: datetime
            description: Query end time
            type: datetime

This section contains defaults that apply to all queries in the file. The most common use for this section is to define parameters that are common to all or many queries in the file. Child keys of the defaults section are inherited by the individual query definitions in the file.


queries that do not make use parameters defined in defaults will just ignore them. That is, if you have a parameter xyz defined here, it will only be used if the query text contains {xyz}.

  • parameters: parameter defaults for the queries (the format of the parameters section is the same as described in the sources section.)

The sources section

        description: Retrieves the logon event for the session id on the host
            query: '
                | where EventID == 4624
                | where Computer has "{host_name}"
                | where TimeGenerated >= datetime({start})
                | where TimeGenerated <= datetime({end})
                | where TargetLogonId == "{logon_session_id}"
                description: Name of host
                type: str
                description: The logon session ID of the source process
                type: str

Each key in the sources section defines a new query (get_host_logon in the example above). The name of the key is the query name and must be unique and a valid Python identifier.

Each query key has the following structure:

  • description: this is used to display help text for the query.
  • metadata: (optional) - if you want to override the global metadata for this query
  • args: The primary item here is the query text.
    • query: usually a multi-line string that will be passed to the data provider. The string is usually parameterized, the parameters being denoted by surrounding them with single braces ({}). If you need to include literal braces in the query, type two braces. For example:: "this {{literal_string}}" ->> "this {literal_string}" Surround your query string with single quotes.
    • uri: this is currently not used.
  • parameters: The parameters section defines the name, data type and optional default value for each parameter that will be substituted into the query before being passed to the data provider. Each parameter must have a unique name (for each query, not globally). All parameters specified in the query text must have an entry here or in the defaults section. Each parameter entry has the following sub-keys:
    • description: A description of what the parameter is (used for generating documentation strings).
    • type: The data type of the parameter. Valid types include: "str", "int", "float", "list" and "datetime". The list and datetime types cause additional formatting to be applied (such as converting from a date string)
    • default: (optional) the default value for that parameter. Any parameter that does not have a default value (here or in the file defaults section) must be supplied at query time.

Some common parameters used in the queries are:

  • table: making this a substitutable parameter allows you to use the same query with different data sets. More commonly, you can add additional filtering statements here, for example:
    description: The table name
    type: str
    default: SecurityEvent | where EventID == 4624
  • add_query_items: This is a useful way of extending queries by adding ad hoc statements to the end of the query (e.g. additional filtering order summarization).

Using known parameter names

Try to use standard names for common entities and other parameter values. This makes things easier for users of the queries and, in some cases, enables functionality such as automatic insertion of times.

Always use these names for common parameters

Query Parameter Description type default
start The start datetime for the query datetime N/A
end The end datetime for the query datetime N/A
table The name of the main table (opt) str the table name
add_query_items Placeholder for additional query str ""

Entity names For entities such as IP address, host name, account name, process, domain, etc., always use one of the standard names - these are used by pivot functions to map queries to the correct entity.

For the current set of names see the following section in the Pivot Functions documentation - :ref:`data_analysis/PivotFunctions:How are queries assigned to specific entities?`

How parameter substitution works

For simple text queries, such as KQL or SQL, parameters are substituted into the query using string replace. Some parameter types may have additional formatting applied (e.g. lists and datetimes) to match the expected format of these types.

You define a replacement parameter token by surrounding it with single braces ("{" and "}").


if you need to include a literal brace in the query use a double brace - "{{" and "}}"

For query providers that use JSON queries, the substitution process is more complex but follows a similar pattern.

Using yaml aliases and macros in your queries

You can use standard yaml aliasing to define substitutable strings in your query definitions. E.g. you might have a parameter default that is a long string expression. Define an alias in the aliases key of the file metadata section. An alias is defined by prefixing the name with "&". The alias is referenced (and inserted) by using the alias name prefixed with "*"

        - &azure_network_project '| project TenantId, TimeGenerated,
            FlowStartTime = FlowStartTime_t,
            FlowEndTime = FlowEndTime_t,
            FlowIntervalEndTime = FlowIntervalEndTime_t,
            FlowType = FlowType_s,
            ResourceGroup = split(VM_s, "/")[0],
            VMName = split(VM_s, "/")[1],
            VMIPAddress = VMIP_s'
        description: Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events.
                description: Column project statement
                type: str
                default: *azure_network_project

You can also use macros, which work like parameters but are substituted into the query before any parameter substitution is carried out. This allows you to, for example, use a single base query but with different filter and summarization clauses defined as macros. The macro text is substituted into the main query.

Macros are added to the query_macros subkey of a query. They have two subkeys: description and value. value defines the text to be inserted. The key name is the name of the macro.

In the query, you denote the substitution point by surrounding the macro name with "$<" and ">$". This is show in the example below.

- query: '
    | where SubType_s == "FlowLog"
    | where FlowStartTime_t >= datetime({start})
    | where FlowEndTime_t <= datetime({end})
    | where (AllowedOutFlows_d > 0 or AllowedInFlows_d > 0)
    | extend AllExtIPs = iif(isempty(PublicIPs), pack_array(ExtIP),
                     iif(isempty(ExtIP), PublicIPs, array_concat(PublicIPs, pack_array(ExtIP)))
    | project-away ExtIP
    | mvexpand AllExtIPs

Macros are particularly useful when combined with yaml aliases. You can, for example, define a base query (using a yaml alias) with a macro reference in the query body. Then in each query definition you can have different macro values for the macro to be substituted. For example:

        - &azure_network_base_query '
            | where SubType_s == "FlowLog"
            | where FlowStartTime_t >= datetime({start})
            | where FlowEndTime_t <= datetime({end})
            | where (AllowedOutFlows_d > 0 or AllowedInFlows_d > 0)
            | extend AllExtIPs = iif(isempty(PublicIPs), pack_array(ExtIP),
                            iif(isempty(ExtIP), PublicIPs, array_concat(PublicIPs, pack_array(ExtIP)))
            | project-away ExtIP
            | mvexpand AllExtIPs
        description: Retrieves Azure network analytics flow events.
        query: *azure_network_base_query
            description: Query end time
            type: datetime
            description: Query-specific where clause
            value: '| where (VMIP_s in ({ip_address_list})
            or SrcIP_s in ({ip_address_list})
            or DestIP_s in ({ip_address_list})

This allows you define a series of related queries that have the same basic logic but have different filter clauses. This is extremely useful where the query is complex and allows you to keep a single copy.


Using aliases and macros complicates the logic for anyone trying to read the query file, so use this sparingly.

Guidelines for creating and debugging queries

It is often helpful to start with a working version of a query without using any parameters. Just paste in a query that you know is working. Once you have verified that this works and returns data as expected you can start to parameterize it.

As you add parameters you can expect to find escaping and quoting issues with the parameter values. To see what the parameterized version of the query (without submitting it to the data provider) run the query with the first parameter "print". This will return the parameterized version of the query as a string:


There are also a number of tools within the package to assist in validating new query definition files once created.


    Return iterable of yaml files found in `source_path`.

    source_path : str
        The source path to search in.
    recursive : bool, optional
        Whether to recurse through subfolders.
        By default False

        File paths of yaml files found.


     Validate content of query definition.

    query_def_dict : dict
        Dictionary of query definition yaml file contents.

        True if validation succeeds.

        The validation failure reason is returned in the
        exception message (arg[0])

validate_query_defs() does not perform comprehensive checks on the file but does check key elements required in the file are present.

for file in QueryReader.find_yaml_files(source_path="C:\\queries"):
    with open(file) as f_handle:
        yaml_file = yaml.safe_load(f_handle)
        if QueryReader.validate_query_defs(query_def_dict = yaml_file) == True:
            print(f' {file} is a valid query definition')
            print(f'There is an error with {file}')
C:queriesexample.yaml is a valid query definition

Adding a new set of queries and running them

Once you are happy with a query definition file then you import it with:

query_provider.import_query_file(query_file= path_to_query_file)

Where query_provider is your QueryProvider instance.

This will load the query file into the Query Provider's Query Store from where it can be called.


You can also put the file into a folder and load the queries when you create your query provider:


query_paths` is a list of strings, so make sure that you surround a single path with Python list brackets.

Once imported the queries in the files appear in the Query Provider's Query Store alongside the others and can be called in the same manner as pre-defined queries.

If you have created a large number of query definition files and you want to have the automatically imported into a Query Provider's query store at initialization you can specify a directory containing these queries in the msticpyconfig.yaml file under QueryDefinitions: Custom:

For example, if you have two folders with queries in each that you want to load, add entries for each to your msticpyconfig.yaml file.


        - /home/ian/mp_queries
        - /home/ian/mp_queries_common

Having the Custom field populated will mean the Query Provider will automatically enumerate all the YAML files in the directory provided and automatically import he relevant queries into the query store at initialization alongside the default queries. Custom queries with the same name as default queries will overwrite default queries.

queries = qry_prov.list_queries()
for query in queries:
Query:  syslog_example
Data source:  LogAnalytics
Example query

add_query_items: str (optional)
    Additional query clauses
end: datetime
    Query end time
host_name: str
    Hostname to query for
query_project: str (optional)
    Column project statement
    (default value is:  | project TenantId, Computer, Facility, TimeGener...)
start: datetime
    Query start time
subscription_filter: str (optional)
    Optional subscription/tenant filter expression
    (default value is: true)
table: str (optional)
    Table name
    (default value is: Syslog)
 {table} | where {subscription_filter}
 | where TimeGenerated >= datetime({start})
 | where TimeGenerated <= datetime({end})
 | where Computer == "{host_name}" | take 5
    start='2019-07-21 23:43:18.274492',
    end='2019-07-27 23:43:18.274492',
.dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; } .dataframe tbody tr th { vertical-align: top; } .dataframe thead th { text-align: right; }
TenantId SourceSystem TimeGenerated Computer EventTime Facility HostName SeverityLevel SyslogMessage ProcessID HostIP ProcessName MG Type _ResourceId
0 b1315f05-4a7a-45b4-811f-73e715f7c122 Linux 2019-07-25 15:15:37.213 UbuntuDevEnv 2019-07-25 15:15:37 authpriv UbuntuDevEnv notice omsagent : TTY=unknown PWD=/opt/microsoft/om... NaN sudo 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 Syslog /subscriptions/3b701f84-d04b-4479-89b1-fa8827e...
1 b1315f05-4a7a-45b4-811f-73e715f7c122 Linux 2019-07-25 15:15:37.313 UbuntuDevEnv 2019-07-25 15:15:37 authpriv UbuntuDevEnv info pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for use... NaN sudo 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 Syslog /subscriptions/3b701f84-d04b-4479-89b1-fa8827e...
2 b1315f05-4a7a-45b4-811f-73e715f7c122 Linux 2019-07-25 15:15:37.917 UbuntuDevEnv 2019-07-25 15:15:37 authpriv UbuntuDevEnv info pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for use... NaN sudo 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 Syslog /subscriptions/3b701f84-d04b-4479-89b1-fa8827e...
3 b1315f05-4a7a-45b4-811f-73e715f7c122 Linux 2019-07-25 15:15:50.793 UbuntuDevEnv 2019-07-25 15:15:50 authpriv UbuntuDevEnv info pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for use... 29486.0 CRON 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 Syslog /subscriptions/3b701f84-d04b-4479-89b1-fa8827e...
4 b1315f05-4a7a-45b4-811f-73e715f7c122 Linux 2019-07-25 15:16:01.800 UbuntuDevEnv 2019-07-25 15:16:01 authpriv UbuntuDevEnv info pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for use... 29844.0 CRON 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 Syslog /subscriptions/3b701f84-d04b-4479-89b1-fa8827e...

If you are having difficulties with a defined query and it is not producing the expected results it can be useful to see the raw query exactly as it is passed to the Data Environment. If you call a query with "print" and the parameters required by that query it will construct and print out the query string to be run.

    start='2019-07-21 23:43:18.274492',
    end='2019-07-27 23:43:18.274492',
    | where true
    | where TimeGenerated >= datetime(2019-07-21 23:43:18.274492)
    | where TimeGenerated <= datetime(2019-07-27 23:43:18.274492)
    | where Computer == "UbuntuDevEnv"
    | take 5'