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167 lines (123 loc) · 4.73 KB

Code Guidelines

Unit Tests

We use pytest although some of the older tests are in Python unittest format.

Avoid making any calls to internet services in your unit tests. If your feature connects to a live service, make sure that your unit tests mock the sample responses expected. We use httpx for all our http requests - you can use respx to mock http responses (search for "@respx" in our tests to see examples of how this works).

Ensure your contribution has the highest possible of test coverage. You should aim for a least 80% coverage and ideally reach 100%. If you can't reach 80% for what ever reason let us know when you raise a PR and we can work with you on this.

You can map your test coverage using the following command:

pytest --cov=msticpy --cov-report=html

This will create a folder called htmlcov in your current directory. Open the index.html file in this folder to see the coverage report.

You can also execute a subset of tests and check the coverage for the areas of code that you are interesting in testing.

pytest --cov-report=html tests/data/drivers/

Type hints

Use type annotations for parameters and return values in public methods, properties and functions.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union


def build_process_tree(
    procs: pd.DataFrame,
    schema: Union[ProcSchema, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    show_summary: bool = False,
    debug: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Build process trees from the process events.

Python Type Hints documentation


Our documentation is automatically built for Readthedocs using Sphinx. All public modules, functions, classes and methods should be documented using the numpy documenation standard.

def build_process_tree(
    procs: pd.DataFrame,
    schema: Union[ProcSchema, Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    show_summary: bool = False,
    debug: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Build process trees from the process events.

    procs : pd.DataFrame
        Process events (Windows 4688 or Linux Auditd)
    schema : Union[ProcSchema, Dict[str, Any]], optional
        The column schema to use, by default None.
        If supplied as a dict it must include definitions for the
        required fields in the ProcSchema class
        If None, then the schema is inferred
    show_summary : bool
        Shows summary of the built tree, default is False.
    debug : bool
        If True produces extra debugging output,
        by default False

        Process tree dataframe.

    See Also


numpy docstring guide

Code Formatting

We use black everywhere and enforce this in the build.

Black - The Uncompromising Code Formatter

Linters/Code Checkers

We use the following code checkers: - pylint: pylint msticpy - mypy: mypy msticpy - bandit: bandit -r -lll -s B303,B404,B603,B607 msticpy - flake8: flake8 --max-line-length=90 --ignore=E501,W503 --exclude tests - pydocstyle: pydocstyle --convention=numpy msticpy - isort: isort --profile black msticpy


We have a pre-commit configuration in the msticpy repo. This runs the checks above (apart from mypy) when you commit. See Pre-Commit Script for more details.

VSCode support

See this page for task definitions to run linters/checkers in VSCode

Create a branch

Before you submit a PR, create working branch in your fork and put your changes in that. It's going to make it easier for you to re-sync the main branch if this gets updated while you are working on your changes.

See also

A musical guide

The PEP8 Song

Brilliantly written and performed by [@lemonsaurus_rex](