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Connect to all regions using Azure libraries for Python multicloud
How to use the azure_cloud module of msrestazure to connect to Azure in different sovereign regions
devx-track-python, py-fresh-zinc

Multicloud: Connect to all regions with the Azure libraries for Python

You can use the Azure libraries for Python to connect to all regions where Azure is available.

By default, the Azure libraries are configured to connect to the global Azure cloud.

Using pre-defined sovereign cloud constants

Pre-defined sovereign cloud constants are provided by the AzureAuthorityHosts module of the azure.identity library:


To use a definition, import the appropriate constant from azure.identity.AzureAuthorityHosts and apply it when creating client objects.

When using DefaultAzureCredential, as shown in the following example, you can specify the cloud by using the appropriate value from azure.identity.AzureAuthorityHosts.

:::code language="python" source="~/../python-sdk-docs-examples/sovereign_domain/":::

Using your own cloud definition

In the following code, replace the values of the authority, endpoint, and audience variables with values appropriate for your private cloud.

:::code language="python" source="~/../python-sdk-docs-examples/sovereign_domain/":::

For example, for Azure Stack, you can use the az cloud show CLI command to return the details of a registered cloud. The following output shows the values returned for the Azure public cloud, but the output for an Azure Stack private cloud should be similar.

  "endpoints": {
    "activeDirectory": "",
    "activeDirectoryDataLakeResourceId": "",
    "activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
    "activeDirectoryResourceId": "",
    "appInsightsResourceId": "",
    "appInsightsTelemetryChannelResourceId": "",
    "attestationResourceId": "",
    "azmirrorStorageAccountResourceId": null,
    "batchResourceId": "",
    "gallery": "",
    "logAnalyticsResourceId": "",
    "management": "",
    "mediaResourceId": "",
    "microsoftGraphResourceId": "",
    "ossrdbmsResourceId": "",
    "portal": "",
    "resourceManager": "",
    "sqlManagement": "",
    "synapseAnalyticsResourceId": "",
    "vmImageAliasDoc": ""
  "isActive": true,
  "name": "AzureCloud",
  "profile": "latest",
  "suffixes": {
    "acrLoginServerEndpoint": "",
    "attestationEndpoint": "",
    "azureDatalakeAnalyticsCatalogAndJobEndpoint": "",
    "azureDatalakeStoreFileSystemEndpoint": "",
    "keyvaultDns": "",
    "mariadbServerEndpoint": "",
    "mhsmDns": "",
    "mysqlServerEndpoint": "",
    "postgresqlServerEndpoint": "",
    "sqlServerHostname": "",
    "storageEndpoint": "",
    "storageSyncEndpoint": "",
    "synapseAnalyticsEndpoint": ""

In the preceding code, you can set authority to the value of the endpoints.activeDirectory property, endpoint to the value of the endpoints.resourceManager property, and audience to the value of endpoints.activeDirectoryResourceId property + ".default".

For more information, see Use Azure CLI with Azure Stack Hub and Get authentication information for Azure Stack Hub.