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Add status badges for your GitHub repo
Azure Boards
Learn how to add and configure your board badge status so it appears on your GitHub repo.
>= azure-devops-2019

Add status badges for your GitHub repo

[!INCLUDE version-gt-eq-2019]

You can add Markdown syntax to a GitHub repo file to display your board status in that repo. Show the status by adding the syntax you choose from your board settings.

::: moniker range="azure-devops-2019"


Requires Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 or later version. ::: moniker-end

The syntax shown works whether you connected your project to a or your GitHub Enterprise Server repository. For GitHub Enterprise Server, your server must be network accessible to Azure DevOps Services.


  • Your Azure Boards project must be connected to the GitHub repository where the commits and pull requests you want to link to/from exist. For more information, see Azure Boards-GitHub integration.
  • You must have a board you want to configure. When you add a team, you add a board for that team. For more information, see About teams and Agile tools.
  • You must be added to the team administrator role for the team's settings you want to modify, or be a member of the Project Administrators security group. To get added, see Add a team administrator or Change project-level permissions.
  • To add the status badge to the repository, you must be a contributor of the repository.

Add a status badge

  1. Sign into Azure Boards and open your board.

  2. Select the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/icons/blue-gear.png" border="false"::: gear icon to configure the board and set general team settings.

    :::image type="content" source="../../organizations/settings/media/configure-team/open-board-settings.png" alt-text="Screenshot of opening board settings.":::

  3. Select Status badge and then check or uncheck the Allow anonymous users to access the status badge. When it's unchecked, users who aren't signed in can still view the status badge.

    ::: moniker range=">= azure-devops-2020" :::image type="content" source="media/badges/status-badge-s188.png" alt-text="Screenshot of board Settings dialog, Status badge tab."::: ::: moniker-end ::: moniker range="azure-devops-2019" :::image type="content" source="media/badges/status-badge.png" alt-text="Screenshot of board Settings dialog, Status badge tab, Azure DevOps Server 2019."::: ::: moniker-end

  4. Choose the badge type you want and choose the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/icons/copy.png" border="false"::: copy icon to copy the Markdown syntax for the badge.

    • Show "In progress" columns only ignores the first and last columns.
    • Include all columns includes the first and last columns of the board.
    • You can customize the set of columns by specifying 2 for the columnOptions and then a comma-delimited list of the board columns to appear. For example, ?columnOptions=2&columns=Proposed,Committed,In%20Progress,In%20Review, as shown in the following syntax. For column labels that include spaces, you must encode the space with %20. For example, In%20Progress.
    [![Board Status](,Committed,In%20Progress,In%20Review)](

    A badge similar to the following displays.

    :::image type="content" source="media/badges/custom-columns.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing badge rendered.":::

  5. When you're done, select Save.

    The only setting that you can configure is the Allow anonymous users to access the status badge. The badge type under Settings only switches the Markdown syntax for you to copy from the Sample Markdown and Image URL values.

  6. Open the README file in your GitHub repo and paste the syntax you copied to make the badge display.

    You should see the same preview image that you selected with values that correspond to your board.

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