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Sign Your Mobile App During CI
How to sign your mobile app during CI with Azure Pipelines
<= azure-devops

Sign your mobile app

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When developing an app for Android or Apple operating systems, you'll eventually need to manage signing certificates, and in the case of Apple apps, provisioning profiles. This article describes how to securely manage them for signing and provisioning your app.


Use a Microsoft-hosted Linux, macOS, or Windows build agent, or set up your own agent. See Build and release agents.

This article covers:

Sign your Android app

Follow these steps to sign your Android app while keeping your signing certificate secure:

  1. First, obtain a keystore file that contains your signing certificate. The Android documentation describes the process of generating a keystore file and its corresponding key.

  2. Create your build pipeline from the Android or Xamarin.Android build template. Or, if you already have a build pipeline, add the Android Signing task after the task that builds your APK.

  3. Find the Android Signing task's Sign the APK checkbox and enable it.

  4. Next to the Keystore file field, select the settings icon and upload your keystore file to the Secure Files library. During upload, your keystore will be encrypted and securely stored.

  5. Once your keystore has been uploaded to the Secure Files library, select it in the Keystore file dropdown.

  6. Go to the Variables tab and add the following variables. In their Value column, enter your Keystore password, Key alias, and Key password.

    • keystore-password: Password to the unencrypted keystore file. Be sure to select the lock icon. This will secure your password and obscure it in logs.

    • key-alias: The key alias for the signing certificate you generated.

    • key-password: The password for the key associated with the specified alias. Again, be sure to select the lock icon.

      Android signing variables

  7. Go back to the Tasks tab and reference the names of your newly created variables in the signing options.

    Android signing input values

Save your build pipeline, and you're all set! Any build agent will now be able to securely sign your app without any certificate management on the build machine itself.

Sign your Apple iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS app

For your Xcode or Xamarin.iOS build to sign and provision your app, it needs access to your P12 signing certificate and one or more provisioning profiles. The following sections explain how to obtain these files.

Obtain your P12 signing certificate

After creating your development or distribution signing certificate, export it to a .p12 file using either Xcode or the Keychain Access app on macOS.

  1. To export using Xcode 8 or lower, go to Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts and select your Apple Developer account.

  2. Select View Details..., right-click on the signing identity you wish to export, and select Export....

  3. Enter a filename and password. Take note of the password as you'll need it later.

    Xcode Export Cert

  4. Alternatively, follow a similar process using the Keychain Access app on macOS or generate a signing certificate on Windows. Use the procedure described in this article if you prefer this method.

Obtain your provisioning profile

You can download your app provisioning profile from the Apple Developer portal, unless your app uses automatic signing. Learn how to download a provisioning profile in the Apple Developer portal.

You can also use Xcode to access those that are installed on your Mac.

  1. Using Xcode 8 or lower, go to Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts and select your Apple Developer account.

  2. Right-click the provisioning profile you want to use and select Show in Finder.

  3. Copy the highlighted file from Finder to another location and give it a descriptive filename.

    Xcode Show in Finder

Configure your build

There are two recommended ways for your build to access signing certificates and provisioning profiles for signing and provisioning your app:

  1. Installing them during the build
  2. Preinstalling them on a macOS build agent

Choose either of the tabs below for details.

Use this method when you don't have enduring access to the build agent, such as the hosted macOS agents. The P12 certificate and provisioning profile are installed at the beginning of the build and removed when the build completes.

Install the P12 certificate during your build

Visual Editor
  1. Add the Install Apple Certificate task to your build before the Xcode or Xamarin.iOS task.
  2. Next to the Certificate (P12) field, select the settings icon and upload your P12 file to the Secure Files library. During upload, your certificate will be encrypted and securely stored.
  3. Once your certificate has been uploaded to the Secure Files library, select it in the Certificate (P12) dropdown.
  4. Go to the Variables tab and add a variable named P12password. Set its value to the password of your certificate. Be sure to select the lock icon. This will secure your password and obscure it in logs.
  5. Go back to the Tasks tab. In the Install Apple Certificate task's settings, reference your newly created variable in the Certificate (P12) password field as: $(P12password)
Sample YAML
  1. Upload your P12 file to the Secure Files library. During upload, your certificate will be encrypted and securely stored.

  2. Go to the Variables tab and add a variable named P12password. Set its value to the password of your certificate. Be sure to select the lock icon. This will secure your password and obscure it in logs.

  3. Add the Install Apple Certificate task to your YAML before the Xcode or Xamarin.iOS task:

    - task: InstallAppleCertificate@2
          certSecureFile: 'my-secure-file.p12' # replace my-secure-file.p12 with the name of your P12 file.
          certPwd: '$(P12password)'

Install the provisioning profile during your build

Visual Editor
  1. Add the Install Apple Provisioning Profile task to your build before the Xcode or Xamarin.iOS task.
  2. For the Provisioning profile location option, choose Secure Files (in YAML, secureFiles).
  3. Next to the Provisioning profile field, select the settings icon and upload your provisioning profile file to the Secure Files library. During upload, your certificate will be encrypted and securely stored.
  4. Once your certificate has been uploaded to the Secure Files library, select it in the Provisioning profile dropdown.
  5. Enable the checkbox labeled Remove profile after build. This will ensure that the provisioning profile isn't left on the agent machine.
Sample YAML
  1. Upload your provisioning profile to the Secure Files library. During upload, your certificate will be encrypted and securely stored.

  2. Add the Install Apple Provisioning Profile task to your YAML before the Xcode or Xamarin.iOS task:

    - task: InstallAppleProvisioningProfile@1
          provProfileSecureFile: 'my-provisioning-profile.mobileprovision' # replace my-provisioning-profile.mobileprovision with the name of your provisioning profile file.

    [NOTE] Remove profile after build defaults to true.

Reference the files in your Xcode task

Visual Editor
  1. Select the Xcode task.
  2. For the Signing style option, choose Manual signing.
  3. In the Signing identity field, enter $(APPLE_CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_IDENTITY). This variable is automatically set by the Install Apple Certificate task for the certificate you selected.
  4. In the Provisioning profile UUID field, enter $(APPLE_PROV_PROFILE_UUID). This variable is automatically set by the Install Apple Provisioning Profile task for the provisioning profile you selected.
Sample YAML
- task: Xcode@5
    signingOption: 'manual'
    provisioningProfileUuid: '$(APPLE_PROV_PROFILE_UUID)'

Reference the files in your Xamarin.iOS task

Visual Editor
  1. Select the Xamarin.iOS task.
  2. For the Override using option, choose Identifiers.
  3. In the Signing identity field, enter $(APPLE_CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_IDENTITY). This variable is automatically set by the Install Apple Certificate task for the certificate you selected.
  4. In the Provisioning profile UUID field, enter $(APPLE_PROV_PROFILE_UUID). This variable is automatically set by the Install Apple Provisioning Profile task for the provisioning profile you selected.
Sample YAML
- task: XamariniOS@2
      solutionFile: '**/*.iOS.csproj'
      signingProvisioningProfileID: '$(APPLE_PROV_PROFILE_UUID)'

Save your build pipeline, and you're all set! The build agent will now be able to securely sign and provision your app.

Use this method only when you trust the people and processes that have access to the macOS keychain on the agent machine where these files will be installed. They'll be available for continued use by builds.

Install the P12 certificate

Run the following command from a macOS Terminal window of the build agent machine to install the P12 certificate in the default keychain. Replace <certificate.p12> with the path to your P12 file. Replace <password> with your P12 file's encryption password.

sudo security import <certificate.p12> -P <password>

Install the provisioning profile

Follow these steps:

  1. Find the full name of your signing identity by opening the Terminal app and typing the following:

    security find-identity -v -p codesigning

    You'll see a list of signing identities in the form iPhone Developer/Distribution: Developer Name (ID). If the identity is invalid, you'll see something like (CSSMERR_TP_CERT_REVOKED) after the identity.

    Take note of the identity you want to use including the ID.

  2. Find the UUID for the provisioning profile you want to use by following these steps:

    1. Open Xcode and go to Xcode > Preferences... > Accounts and select your Apple Developer account.
    2. Select View Details..., right-click the provisioning profile you want, and select Show in Finder. Xcode Show in Finder
    3. The name of the file that is highlighted in Finder is the UUID of your provisioning profile.
  3. Run the following command from a macOS Terminal window of the build agent machine to install the provisioning profile. Replace <profile> with the path to your provisioning profile file. Replace <UUID> with the UUID of the provisioning profile, obtained above.

sudo cp <profile> ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/<UUID>.mobileprovision

Reference the files in your Xcode task

  1. Select the Xcode task.
  2. For the Signing style option, choose Manual signing.
  3. In the Signing identity field, enter the full signing identity you found using the security command above.
  4. In the Provisioning profile UUID field, enter the UUID of the provisioning profile from the filename above.

Reference the files in your Xamarin.iOS task

  1. Select the Xamarin.iOS task.
  2. For the Override using option, choose Identifiers.
  3. In the Signing identity field, enter the full signing identity you found using the security command above.
  4. In the Provisioning profile UUID field, enter the UUID of the provisioning profile from the filename above.

Authorize the agent to access the keychain

  1. If you're using the Xamarin.iOS task and running the build agent as a launchd service, you'll need to set up the build to unlock the default keychain.

    1. Go to the Variables tab and add a new variable named KEYCHAIN_PWD. Set its value to the password to the default keychain. This is normally the password for the user that is starting the agent. Be sure to select the "lock" icon to secure this password.
    2. For the Xamarin.iOS task, under the Signing & Provisioning section, enable the Unlock default keychain checkbox and set the Default keychain password field to: $(KEYCHAIN_PWD)

Save your build pipeline, and you're all set! The build agent will now be able to securely sign and provision your app.


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