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Azure Pipelines with Slack
Connect and monitor your pipelines with Azure Pipelines app for Slack

Use Azure Pipelines with Slack

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With Azure Pipelines app for Slack, Slack users can easily track the events occurring within their pipelines. The app allows users to establish and oversee subscriptions for various pipeline events, such as builds, releases, pending approvals, and more. Notifications for these events are then delivered directly to users' Slack channels

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  • In Slack, you need to have permission to install an app to your Slack workspace.
  • For Azure DevOps, you need to be in the Project Collection Administrators or Project Administrators group to set up a Slack subscription.

Install Azure Pipelines app

Navigate to Azure Pipelines Slack app to install the Azure Pipelines app to your Slack workspace. Once added, you'll see a welcome message from the app as below. Use the /azpipelines handle to start interacting with the app.

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/welcome-message.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the Azure Pipelines app welcome message.":::

Connect to your pipeline

Once the app has been installed in your Slack workspace, you can connect the app to any pipeline you want to monitor. You'll be asked to authenticate to Azure Pipelines before running any commands.

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/sign-in.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the sign-in prompt message.":::

To start monitoring all pipelines in a project, use the following slash command inside a channel:

/azpipelines subscribe [project url]

The project URL can link to any page within your project (except URLs to pipelines). For example: /azpipelines subscribe

You can also monitor a specific pipeline using the following command:

/azpipelines subscribe [pipeline url]

The pipeline URL can link to any page within your pipeline that has a definitionId or a buildId/releaseId in the URL. For example: /azpipelines subscribe, or: /azpipelines subscribe

The subscribe command gets you started with a few subscriptions by default. Here are the default notifications enabled for the following pipeline type:

Build pipelines Release pipelines YAML pipelines
Build completed notification Release deployment started, Release deployment completed and Release deployment approval pending notifications Run stage state changed and Run stage waiting for approval notifications

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/events-subscription.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing notification example." lightbox="media/integrations-slack/events-subscription.png":::

Manage subscriptions

To manage the subscriptions for a channel, use the following command: /azpipelines subscriptions

This command lists all the current subscriptions for the channel and allows you to add or remove subscriptions.


Team administrators are not able to remove or modify subscriptions created by Project administrators.

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/subscriptions-list.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing a list of subscriptions.":::

Customize subscriptions

By default, when subscribing to a pipeline, several subscriptions are generated that do not have any filters applied. However, it is common for users to want to personalize these subscriptions according to their preferences. For instance, users may wish to receive notifications only for failed builds or when deployments are made to production. The Azure Pipelines app offers the option to apply filters, enabling users to customize the messages they receive in their channel. To customize a subscription:

  1. Run the /azpipelines subscriptions command to list all your subscriptions.

  2. Select Add subscription.

  3. Select the event you want to subscribe to, and then select your desired configuration.

  4. Select Save when you're done.

Example: Get notifications only for failed builds

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/custom-build-completed.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing a list how to add a custom new subscription.":::

Approve deployments

You can approve deployments from within your Slack channel without navigating to the Azure Pipelines portal by subscribing to the Release deployment approval pending notifications (classic releases) or the Run stage waiting for approval notifications (YAML pipelines). Both subscriptions are created by default when you subscribe to a pipeline.

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/approve.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing pipeline approval in Slack.":::

The Azure Pipelines app for Slack enables you to handle all the checks and approval scenarios that are available in the Azure Pipelines portal. These include single approver, multiple approvers, and team-based approval. You have the option to approve requests either individually or on behalf of a team.

:::image type="content" source="media/integrations-slack/approved.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing a predeployment pipeline approved in Slack.":::

Remove all subscriptions

To declutter your channel, you can make use of the following commands to unsubscribe from all pipelines within a project. For example: /azpipelines unsubscribe all

/azpipelines unsubscribe all [project url]


This command can only be executed by project administrators.

Commands reference

Here are all the commands supported by the Azure Pipelines app for Slack:

Slash command Functionality
/azpipelines subscribe [pipeline url/ project url] Subscribe to a pipeline or all pipelines in a project to receive notifications
/azpipelines subscriptions Add or Remove subscriptions for this channel
/azpipelines feedback Report a problem or suggest a feature
/azpipelines help Get help on the slash commands
/azpipelines signin Sign in to your Azure Pipelines account
/azpipelines signout Sign out from your Azure Pipelines account
/azpipelines unsubscribe all [project url] Remove all pipelines (belonging to a project) and their associated subscriptions from a channel

Notifications in Private channels

The Azure Pipelines app can help you monitor the pipelines activity in your private channels as well. You'll need to invite the bot to your private channel by using /invite @azpipelines. Once the bot has been added, you can configure and control your notifications in the same manner as you would for a public channel.


  • You can use the Azure Pipelines app for Slack only with a project hosted on Azure DevOps Services at this time.
  • The user has to be an admin of the project containing the pipeline to set up the subscriptions
  • Notifications are currently not supported inside direct messages
  • Deployment approvals which have 'Revalidate identity of approver before completing the approval' policy applied, are not supported
  • 'Third party application access via OAuth' must be enabled to receive notifications for the organization in Azure DevOps (Organization Settings -> Security -> Policies)


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